Guidelines & Nomination Form

Distinguished Alumni Award

Foundation Graduate Award


Recognising the distinguished achievements & outstanding talent of our UTAS graduates

Nominations close Friday 27 February 2015



The prestigious Distinguished Alumni and Foundation Graduate awards are offered annually under the auspices of the UTAS Alumni Committee and the UTAS Foundation.

The awards seek to honour the achievements of UTAS graduates who have made or are making a significant difference in both local and/or wider international communities.

In no more than 500 words please describe/document the achievements and qualities of your nominee by carefully addressing the selection criteria of the award for which you are proposing for your nominee, Additional supporting documentation may be provided but this is limited to 5 pages.

Previous Recipients


The Distinguished Alumni Award was first made in 1997. Since that time the award has been made to a number of distinguished UTAS graduates.

1997:Dr Patrick Quilty PhD Tas

Dr Paul Hanson MBBS Tas

1998:Dr Glen KileAgricSc Hons PhD Tas

The Hon Peter Heerey QC, LLB Hons BA Tas

1999:Dr Paul Gatenby MBBS Hons Tas Sir Max Bingham LLB Hons HonDLawsTas

2000:Lady Loyal Burley BSc Tas

Professor William Jackson BSc PhD Tas

2001:Mrs Margaret Eldridge AM, BAGradDipEd.Studies MA Tas

Mr Peter Cranswick QC, LLB Hons BA Tas

IbuKoesmarihatiSugondo BE Tas

Pak Jonathan ParapakMEngSc Hon DEng Tas

DatukVerusAnman Sham BA Tas

2002:Ms Ann Hopkins BA Dip Ed Tas

2003: Sir Guy Green AC, KBE CVO LLB Hons Hon LLD Tas

2004:Ms Kim Boyer BA Hons MHumTasGradDipMan

GradCert Health Econ Monash

The Rev Dr Christopher Newell AM, BA Tas BD Murdoch

MA W’gong PhD Deakin MACE

2005:Dr Peter Smith DipAppChem BSc Tas PhD London FRACI


The Hon Peter Rae AO, BA/LLB Tas FAICD ADDM

2006:Dr Michael Vertigan AC, BEc Hons Tas PhD Berkley

Professor Geoffrey Lancaster AM, BA ANU MMusicTas


2007:Professor James Reid BSc Hons PhD DScTas

2008:No award

2009:Mr John Cruickshank BE Tas MIE AUST FAIM

2010:Professor Edward Byrne AO, MBBS Hons Tas DScMelb

MBA UQ/MtEliza FRCP Edinburgh FRCP London

2011:Professor Ross Large BSc Hons Tas PhD N.E. HonDEng Lulea

Professor Michael Tate AO, LLB Hons Tas MA Oxen Hon LLD Tas

2012:Professor Rupert Maclean AO, PhD TasBCom Melbourne DipEd BEd Monash


2013:Mr Don ChallenBEc Hons, MEcTas
Professor Nicholas Hope BSc Tas, BA BPhil Oxford, PhD Princeton

2014:Mrs ChristobelMattingley BA Hons Tas

A full list of awardees and their achievements can be viewed on line at:


The Foundation Graduate Award was first made in 1999. Since that time the awardees have continued to shape the world.

1999:Dr Jeremy Austin BSc Hons PhD Tas

Dr Michele Sale BSc Hons PhD Tas

2000:Mr John McCann BA Tas

Dr Fiona Stennard BSc Hons PhD Tas

2001:Dr Anthony Fist AgricSc Hons Tas

Ms Gwynn MacCarrick BA/LLB PhD Tas

Dr Scott Ragg BSc Hons PhD Tas

2002:Mr Saul EslakeBEc Hons Tas

Dr Anne-Louise Ponsonby MBBS Tas

2003:Professor Timothy McCormack LLB Hons Tas

Ms Elizabeth Thomas BA Tas

2004:Dr Sarah PethybridgeAgriSc Hons PhD Tas

Ms Brenda Richardson BSc Hons Tas

2005:Mr Patrick Hall BFA Tas

Dr Robert Mensah PhD Tas

2006:Dr Robert Banks AgriSc Hons PhD Tas

Dr Roger Chung BSc Hons PhD Tas

2007:Professor Nicholas AshboltAgriSc Hons PhD Tas

2008:Mr Malcolm Wilson BSc Hons BComTas

2009:Professor David Mackey MBBS Tas

2010:Dr Emily Hilder BSc Hons PhD Tas

2011:The Hon.Larissa (Lara) Giddings BA/LLB Tas

2012:Mr Simon Hollingsworth BCom/LLB Hons Tas

Mr Brodie Neill BFA Hons Tas, MFA Rhode Island

2013: Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington BEd Hons Tas DPhil Oxford

2014:Mr Andrew Macleod BA/LLB Tas

A full list of awardees and their achievements can be viewed at:

Distinguished Alumni Award

This award has been established to recognise distinguished community and or professional service and achievement by University of Tasmania Alumni. The award highlights the diversity and quality of the contributions our alumni make to the enrichment of our society, and is typically made to senior alumni at or near the peak of their careers.


Nominees must be Alumni of the University of Tasmania or its antecedent institutions (Tasmanian College of Advanced Education, Tasmanian State Institute of Technology, former University of Tasmania and the Australian Maritime College).


Nominees need to satisfy at least one of the criteria:

(i)given outstanding service to the community and or the University of Tasmania; and/or

(ii)have made an outstanding contribution to their chosen field.


The proposer must be an Alumnus of the University of Tasmania and at least one nominator to be external to UTAS. Self-nomination is not permitted. Nominations must be made online, with any supporting material attached.

Supporting materials must include a statement of no more than 500 words that describe/document the achievements and qualities of the nominee by systematically addressing the selection criteria of the award. This is a requirement of the application process.

Additional supporting documentation may be provided but this is limited to 5 pages.

The proposer is encouraged to include referee’s reports in the nomination.

Foundation Graduate Award

This award has been established to recognise high achieving University of Tasmania graduates (or its antecedent institutions - Tasmanian College of Advanced Education, Tasmanian State Institute of Technology, former University of Tasmania and the Australian Maritime College) in their early to mid-career pathways who demonstrate the potential to shape the world through their vision, leadership and professionalism. The recipient is expected to be an inspiration to the next generation of graduates and the community at large.


The award is open to any graduate or diplomate of the University of Tasmania whose first graduation from the University has occurred within the past 25 years.


Nominators are asked to ensure that the selection criteria are addressed separately to assist the selection process.

Nominees will be assessed on:

(i)academic qualifications;

(ii)outstanding professional achievements;

(iii)demonstrated inspirational leadership

(iv)outstanding personal qualities and

(v)broader service to and involvement in the community.


Nominations may be made by any members of the wider community who feel that a University of Tasmania graduate is deserving of this award in accordance with the selection criteria above (this includes the seconder). Self-nomination is not permitted. Nominations must be made on the official nomination form, with any supporting materials attached.

Supporting materials must include a statement of no more than 500 words that describe/document the achievements and qualities of the nominee by systematically addressing the selection criteria of the relevant award. This is a requirement of the application process.

Additional supporting documentation may be provided but this is limited to 5 pages.

The proposer is encouraged to include referee’s reports in the nomination.

Award presentations
  • The Awards will be presented at a University Foundation Dinner in Hobart, Launceston or Burnie. The committee will rotate which award is presented at which Dinner once the selections have been confirmed;
  • The Award recipients will be presented with a citation, certificate and a gift to mark the occasion;
  • The Award recipients will be invited to participate in some form of public lecture or seminar, master class or an event, as part of the Award.

Closing date and submitting nominations

The closing date for receipt of nominations is 5.00pm (AEST) on Friday 27 February 2015.

The Selection Committee may accept late nominations at the discretion of the Chair, Young Dawkins, Executive Director, Advancement Office, on (03) 6226 2130 to discuss potential nominations prior to the closing date.

Nominations can be made online at:

Further information

Further information can be obtained from Ms Rhonda Ewart: telephone (03) 6226 2653 or