Minutes of the Meeting
Monday 21 November 2016
People who were there today: Sally Eshraghi, Andrew Vatavu, Jenny and Claire Steeples, Andrea de Malpas-Palmer, Alyson Miller, Simone Shears, Sylvia Dickenson, Samantha Davenport, Jen Lake, Emma Ormester, Bernadette Beresford, Ros Davies, Jane Richardson, James Elsworthy, Janet Chierchia, Marta Coates, Simon Cartland, Laura Timms, Lizzie Meager and Florence Garland
Apologies: Peter, Krys Mayer, Lorraine Louth, Cynthia Tibble
Mistakes/corrections/updates from the last minutes:
Matters arising:
Sam will send the list of providers to Flo as soon as possible so that providers can be added to the mailing list.
We have not got to the bottom of the Allied Partnership. Sam will have another look. The LD framework is closed (3 years)
Shared Lives – Claire Hudson will be coming next month to give us a full update. Jenny has heard about Shared Lives Plus (money from the NHS). A very impressive presentation!
Email/notes from Shared Lives – Claire Hudson- 4.11.2016
“We have recruited 3 carers that have now completed their probationary periods and are providing long term and respite placements, in Eastleigh and Aldershot.
We currently have 23 new carers going through our application and recruitment process. The process can take up to 4 months and we are trying to ensure that we have 6 new carers being processed through each month and then there is a flow of carers at differing stages of the recruitment and assessment process.
Each carer has to undertake mandatory training and this includes 8 days of the County’s Stepping Forward Stepping Back induction programme, and then they are assessed by our Recruitment Co-Ordinators and are also allocated a mentor carer from within the scheme.
As from the 22nd November we will be holding monthly approval panels and in November we have 4 applicants being interviewed, by the 2 Scheme Managers, Lynda French and a representative from the Commissioning Team. Each carer then has a three month probationary period.
The areas that we are recruiting to at the moment include:
The New Forest, Basingstoke and Aldershot
Gosport, Havant, Fareham Eastleigh, Andover
This is for carers that can support long term LD service users and respite to carers/ users within the scheme.”
Flo and James will write a letter to Peter, our Fareham & Gosport rep. Peter has not come to the group for some time. Letter has now been sent out – thank you to Sharron too who was there on the day).
Connect to Support – Andrew Vatavu (HCC)
The website has changed a bit since the last presentation. Please have a look at the “village” on the website. We hope it is user friendly.
We need to remember:
· Usable by anyone
· 600+ listings of services near you
· A directory of care homes and home care agencies
· Information and advice regarding care and support
A new online information and advice guide and directory of local services for adults with care and support needs. It provides a one stop shop for adults in Hampshire looking for information, community support and care options
If you would like to feedback on the website, you can email
Or press the feedback button in the corner of the screen.
There is an events page. It is an information page currently. We would like to “plug-in” libraries at some point.
Hello from Simon Cartland – head of learning disabilities (HCC)
Simon said that with less money than last year (another £13.5 million cut), the department had to design a new service and there are some changes in the adults teams in the pipeline.
The service looks after around 3000 people with learning disabilities.
Care managers are spending a lot of time dealing with a whole range of admin work, work around sorting direct payment, invoices, queries from providers and time to answer all kind of queries.
So, Hants Direct will be provided some services (it has never helped with LD before) hence reducing a number queries to care managers.
Development Connect to Support website. Please do give us some feedback. It is important that the website is right for people.
Commission a new service with SAIL (Flo will get someone in as soon as possible)
There will be changes to field boundaries so there will be 2 areas/large teams, North and South.
Hampshire House will be for Eastleigh, Test Valley, Basingstoke, Farnborough and Rushmoor
Dame Mary Fagan office will work with Winchester, Totton, Fareham and Gosport. Fareham (The Potteries) will remain a satellite. Havant and Eastleigh will be a “front door self service”.
Team numbers will be diverted to Hants Direct and all general queries will go through Hants Direct.
But don’t worry, prior to teams moving on, people will be contacted.
Transition adults’ team: people should have a better transition. The team is now called “independent future’s team” and the service is from 14 to 25 years old. Future planning for children services is around the age of 17 or 17.5 years old.
T 17 update on external day services providers – Lizzie Meager
Lizzie works with the independent day services (not HCC day services).
There are about 100 providers in Hampshire and those day services are not regulated.
So, Lizzie and the team have now written a service specification (included for physical disabilities). It is a basic understanding for providers to know what they need to do. Providers will need to sign up to it. It covers enablement, safeguarding, person centred, insurance, DBS checks etc.
If all OK, HCC will agree to work with the provider.
There is currently a review of everyone going to day services. It is a strength based assessment (carers are also able to check the review).
Lizzie said that they are also looking at transport and assistive technology (Brain in hand). There are some good news stories!
Sally said that some parents had their day service changed. Lizzie said that the project has evolved and it must be cost effective and best value for the council as it is public money. The team always looks at different options (assessment, needs, circumstances).
Simon reiterated that it is based on eligible needs.
It needs to be evidenced based – what people did before and what they are doing later.
Laura added that HCC can pay or social care needs only. We have governance responsibility. Some day services include other things and we have to be fair to everyone.
Peer leadership/college qualification and PA network
Where is the training in colleges?
Janet mentioned a charter 15 years ago but nothing was monitored.
Dan Stoneman worked on colleges 5 years ago – nothing has happened. Very frustrating for some members.
Accommodation – Laura Timms/Jenny Dixon (HCC)
Laura is a service manager for HCC responsible for transition and accommodation project (part of the T17 project).
Laura has been working on:
1) Review everyone in residential care to check if the level of support is correct and if the amount of hours assessed is the right amount. De-register from residential care to supported living. 2 million pounds have been saved with new commissioning processes in place. For example providers provided holiday for some people and some others did not, some providers did not know what was in place. Now, systems are in place. On track for Spring 2017
2) New accommodation – extra care and Changes to buildings/remodelling – supported living
The team has secured some capital funding for accommodation. Laura showed us the plans of several future buildings.
- Emsworth: the project is completed with nice flats in a nice area. People moving in.
- Jenny has been working on a “flat” module suitable to as many people as possible.
- - 3 sites have been thought: 2 blocks of 18 flats, 1 block of 10 flats in Basingstoke, to be finished around January 2018 (phase 1) – supported living model
- Phase 2 will be a site in Fareham
- Plan for 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow (could accommodation people with physical disabilities) – Basingstoke area
- Service for a group of people in Winchester (including Prader Willi syndrome)
- Locks Heath and Horndean - shared supported living – looking at potential sites
All flats will have facilities for wet rooms or bath if required.
People who might be able to move:
· People already on the system needing accommodation
· Younger people coming through
There is a central point in Hampshire where HCC manages the way they look at accommodation (reviewed monthly)
Park Croft on the outskirts of Wickham – difficult to do anything with the building due to a very long lease.
The team is working with district councils as well.
Information sharing
Sally: carers strategy meeting – Sally will edit the strategy as and when required.
Sylvia would like wet rooms contact details please (Sam dealing)
Marta: working with surgeries on annual health checks. Meeting also about cancer screening for people with learning disabilities.
Laura: Paying for care – item 2 no longer under consideration (LIGs have done a good job).
Bernadette: carers rights’ day on Friday Wellington care homes in Waterlooville. P07 7TY - Pop in for a cup of tea
Ros has new trainers. Blue Apple theatre is doing a show: It’s a wonderful life.
Jane: GO-LD - AGM on Wednesday at 7 pm. Christmas cards will be on sale.
Next meeting: 19th December 2016 (mince pies)
- 12.30 to 2.30 pm
We usually meet on the 3rd Monday of the month except in August.