Minutes of the meeting of the Vocational Group
Rotary Club of Newark Monday 11 June 2012
Present were Rtns: Paul Smith, Barrie Ellis, Peter Pay, Tony Roberts, Denis Power-Neads and David Shannon (Chairman)
Apologies: Peter Hall.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, especially Mr Ellis who had just moved house!
2. Minutes
Minutes of last meeting accepted and signed
3. Matters Arising
No reply from Ryan, who wrote asking for money in case he took a HE course
If we are called the “Youth Committee” in 2012-13, the notion of Rtns using their vocations in the service of others may be lost? Ds would take this up at CC. We suggest “youth and Vocational Services”!
4 Choirs Festival 2012
TR wrote to twenty schools, had eight definites and now 5 were actually participating! This has turned into a festival because the schools have widely differing numbers on roll. Hence some choirs were numerically much stronger. Only Highfields had expressed disappointment at this.
Celia Smallwood and Jeremy Goldsmith would still give advice and present a certificate of participation to each school. Budget had been £ 150 but would probably need to be £190 to cover hire of church, Printing and presentations to judges.
5 Rotaract
PP reported on a meeting with Jeanette Bell at NewarkCollege, run by LincolnCollege. She had been invited to speak with Rotary but had not replied. PP would chase this up and offer her some of the few flexible dates left?
PP would also ask her about interest in Interact (14-18 years) which DS was willing to oversee for two years from Sept 2012, if the college were interested.
6 Children of Courage and Plans for 2012-134
Children of courage was added to our plans for the coming year. We need firm dates from Denis/Dave Strange (Castle Club). We had not been approached again by Magnus re an input into a “Futures Day” to be held at the school in July (for Y10 students). TR was present when Magnus made a presentation to the Town Club and had volunteered our services. A number of initiatives seem to be mooted and then the development is muted (!). TR and Rtn Bob Crowe are running a Treasure Hunt at Magnus on Friday, so will chase up loose threads?
DS gave out a draft of the report for Club Council. Ds will present final version to handover meeting on June 14th. TR will supply (and already has!).
7 AOB and dates of next meeting
The fruitful year ended with refreshments and fellowship
Dates (provisional) for next year,
Agreed Sept 3, Dec 3, March 4, June 3 with other meetings as might be required before major events (i.e. Music Festival).
Signed………………………………… Date ……………
Thursday, 14 June 2012