Minutes of the IT Steering Committee (ITSC) Meeting

April 1, 2005 - 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon

PRESENT: Mr. Tahir Amlani,Dr. Bill Baylis, Prof. Richard Householder, Mr. Steve Karamatos,Ms. Anna Kirby, Mr. Roger Lauzon,Prof. Marlene LeBrun,Prof. Brian Mazer (chair), Dr. Mike Salter, Dr. Todd Sandsand Dr. Keith Taylor

GUESTS: Ms. Purita Bristow, Ms. Eryn Campbell (New VP Finance UWSA), Mr.Ed Drouillard, Mr. Nick Keren, and Mr. Sean Moriarty

ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Ms. Diane Dupuis,Ms. Gwen Ebbett,Ms. Lea Janisse, Mr. Mayank Kajaria, Mr. Badar Khuhro,and Dr. Clayton Smith

This is Mr. Tahir Amlani’s last meeting as VP Finance UWSA. Mr. Amlani introduced Ms Eryn Campbell who will be the new rep as of May 1st. The Committee thanked Mr. Amlani for his contributions.

  1. Approval of the Agenda

MOTION: That the Agenda be approved.



  1. Approval of March 11thMeeting Minutes

MOTION: That the committee approve the minutes of March 11th, as circulated.



  1. Business Arising

3.1IT Budget Recommendations and Presentation

Mr. Lauzon, Prof. Mazer and Dr. Sandspresented to the University Budget Committee on March 24th. They were well received. Mr. Lauzon summarized the budget requests into six priorities: Wireless, Learning and Teaching, Research and Graduate Support, Student Services and Support, Maintaining Existing Infrastructure and Essential Items. Discussion ensued regarding the Wireless, LMS and student staffing issues. With regard toWireless it was asked what it wouldtake to complete project for the campus in one year vs. the original plan of three. Mr. Lauzon noted that he believes presenting to the committee is an effective tool for clarifying the IT Steering Committee’s priorities. Wednesday, April 6th the proposed budget will be announced. Dr. Salter requested information to present to the APC regarding which items are required for next year.

Mr. Lauzon will forward to Dr. Salter the budget presentation to summarize.

3.2Blackberry Project

The contract has been finalized in draft awaiting a response from Telus. The final contract should be finalized by mid-May. Global RoadPost Service is an issue which requires clarification, which should be in place by the summer.

3.3Please Hold Canada (PHC)

A miran card is required to plug into the meridian switch at a cost of $25,000. PHC says this card is needed so they are revisiting their offer. Prof. Mazer suggested that the matter be reviewed to determine whether this facility is a priority on the campus and it was agreed that Prof. Mazer would establish a taskforce to review this issue.


Prof. LeBrun noted that there have been presentations by three LMS groups of which there has been little faculty participation.

3.5Software Standardization

The question was asked regarding the review of the software standardization on campus (Word vs. WordPerfect. It was noted that a taskforce has been set up to review these standards, a survey has been completed, and a solution will be offered at the next meeting.

  1. Application Systems Update:

Ms. Bristow presented on Academic & Administrative Application Support. She reviewed the projects currently being worked on by her group in ITS. This group is responsible for the Finance System, HRIS (VIP), Pension Management System, Library System, SIS, One-Card (Cross Campus system) , Place Pro (Coop Education and Career Services), AIMS (Parking Services Application), IRIMS (Campus Police incident reporting), Webwork (Physical Plant application for work order and inventory management), Conference Programmer (conference management for conference services), Resident Management (new housing system), SET (previously SOST), Electronic CV (data entry, student help is available to enter information for faculty),ORS and REB – database in production – revising and updating, Experts Database – faculty canupdate their own expertise data and this information can be synchronized with their electronic CV, SNAP – a collaborative development tool with the special needs group, EDS (LDAP Directory Services), Web Application Development Tool and several pilot projects, (ORS, SNAP, Telephone Directory, UWIN ID).

In Phase 2 of the next budget year Training and SIS Migration will be priorities; in Phase 3 the SIS Migration Project will continue, in addition totraining and integration of new tools.

Great feedback has been received from students regarding updates to the SIS system. “Turn around” time for SET has decreased tremendously. Once documents are scanned they are in production and ready to go live. The process is being streamlined for the future. It was suggested that a governing body be establish and a policy document be created to outline administrative systems as well as the standards on the systems currently being used and how to deal with exceptions to these standards.

  1. Student Issues:

Mr. Moriarty presented on the upgrading of the UCC Lab, noting the PC rotation on a 4 year basis and the addition of 8 Sunrays have been added. He noted student consultants are working from 8 am – 2 a.m. in the fall and winter, two at peak times in the Leddy Library lower library as well as in the west library at peak times from noon – 6 p.m. Monday – Friday.One ITS staff member manages these students. The rate of student to PC is 12.2 students to PC. A print card machine has now been added to the Leddy Library. Centralized support is offered in these labs as well as printing support. He noted that the student to PC ratio is going up as more students bring their computing equipment on campus. A public network with wireless printing options is being researched. Regarding availability of virus protection for students on campus this has been taken care of. Spam was a large issue and was addressed via Pure Message. Disk space was increased to 20 Meg. The ‘software depot’ will provide the infrastructure to offer software to the campus and students.

There are 14,750 accounts set up with 400-500 users logged on simultaneously at peak times. The webmail interface will have to be changed due to legal issues with hotmail. Student dial-up usage has

decreased dramatically. The idea of cutting this service back is being discussed as well as a digital vs. analog system. The Domino & UWin password are now tied together. IT Services is working with CFL to resolve ViCKi issues.

Items requested by students at the ITStrategic Plan Focus Group sessions which have been addressed are:reduced Spam, more communication, integrated access w/ UWinID, increased Wireless, increased access to lab PCs (24 hour access), more print card stations, print card machine in Library, print card machine in Law Library, updated disk space volume and more software deals such as the MCSA and student depot.

Outstanding issues are: receiving official communication from University (mail does not go directly from preferred email account to student email), Student surveys & feedback, and a marketing plan for communication with students.

  1. Directory Services:

Mr. Keren reviewed the Directory Services Project and the reasons for its importance. He discussed the role of EDS as the critical customization of information for people, processes, resources and groups on and off campus. He also reviewed the goals for this project which are: to synchronize data authentication; to provide a trusted, authorized data source for U of W which is robust, and flexible; to move towards an enterprise-wide, general purpose directory not just special purpose; and to reduce the number of passwords by synchronizing the UWin password and Domino. He reviewed the accomplishments within this project in 2004-2005 as well as the future opportunities of this system.

  1. Adjournment:

The meeting adjourned at noon