Minutes of the Meeting of Seagrave Parish Council on Monday
16th January 2017 at 7.00 pm in The Memorial Hall, Green Lane, Seagrave. / Action By
Page No. 281
Present: Chairman: Cllr C Walker
Councillors: P Hardy, M Hill, M Gisborne and R Brown
In Attendance:
Borough Councillor James Poland and S Norledge - Clerk
Members of the Public:
Public Participation:
Members of the Wolds Challenge Committee attended the meeting. They have put forward a proposal for Christmas lights in the village to be funded by the Wolds Challenge. They proposed lights on the War Memorial on a removable frame, lights on the trees around the War Memorial and lights on the chestnut tree on the village green.
After discussion it was agreed to put the proposals for the lights around the War Memorial into the village magazine to seek any comments from residents. Subject to any comments received the Parish Council agreed in principle to the request to put the lights on a frame around the War Memorial and on the trees. The Wolds Challenge Committee would investigate the costs of the power supply and lights further and report back to the March meeting of the Parish Council.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence had been received from County Councillor Shepherd.
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest on Items on the Agenda
No declarations were made.
To confirm the Minutes of the November 16 Parish Council meeting:
It was proposed by Cllr Brown and seconded by Cllr Gisborne that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st November 2016 be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. The Chairman signed the minutes.
Police report:
PC Loydell had provided a written report. There had been no reported instances of crime during December.
County Councillors Report:
County Councillor Shepherd had provided a written report:-
·  He had supplied the Parish council with copies of the ‘no parking on pavements’ leaflet.
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·  He had forwarded details of the Emergency Flood Advice leaflet.
Borough Councillor’s Report:
Councillor Poland reported that;-
·  The first Neighbourhood Plan had been approved by CBC. He wanted to ensure that Seagrave were aware of the benefits to the Parish of producing a Neighbourhood Plan.
·  He confirmed that developers do need permission to erect their signposts in neighbouring villages. This is all covered in their original planning approvals. There is a requirement that they remove them after the last house has been sold.
There were no new applications for Seagrave. The Council was aware of the application for the change of use for the Six Hills Hotel to be a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre. As long as the residents are properly cared for there did not appear to be any issues.
It was noted that Councillor Walker had attended the appeal hearing for P/15/2491/2 Land off Swan Street on 3rd January 2017.
Financial Reports:
Payments & Receipts November/December 2016
Payments issued November/December
D D Talk Talk £ 37.25
B P S. Norledge £ 372.20
DD Talk Talk £ 36.19
BP S Norledge £ 371.10
Chq 101128 British Legion £ 29.00
Chq 101130 Burnt Oak £ 648.00
BP Roma Landscapes £4,417.20
Interest £ 0.55
Cemetery £ 332.11
LCC grass mowing £ 907.93
Bank reconciliation to 31st December 2016
The reconciled bank balance as at 31st December was £20,581.81. , This was unanimously approved as a true record and countersigned by the Chairman.
Trees and hedges:
The Clerk had met with Dave Carter from CBC. It was agreed that a planning application would be submitted for works to the three trees in the cemetery, the small ash tree on the banks and some minor works to the 2 young oaks on the banks. The felling of the tree stump towards the back of the banks did not require planning permission.
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War Memorial:
The Clerk had written to the village hall committee to request a contribution towards the cost of cleaning the War Memorial. It was looking like a favourable response could be expected. The Clerk had also approached James Toon for a further quote.
Traffic Calming:
A meeting had been held with Clive Hodges and the location for the proposed speed table and Gates on Big Lane had been agreed. Also discussed had been the removal of the cushions and surrounding carriageway resurfacing. The works will involve a short road closure. This closure will be advertised in the village magazine.
Neighbourhood Plan:
A villager had expressed an interest in the Neighbourhood Plan process and had met with the Clerk. As yet there had been no further feedback.
Grass Verge opposite school:
The staff were now parking their cars in the Village Hall car park and the damage to the grass verge did appear to have stabilised. An email had been received from a concerned villager giving details of an accident that had taken place outside the school in November. They felt that the area needed yellow lines. It was felt that the issue of yellow lines around the area of the school had been discussed many times and had to be instigated by LCC and was a very long and complicated legal process. It was not felt that yellow lines were appropriate in this area as they often just re site any problems to a different location. It was suggested that the concerns regarding parking were passed onto to the school.
Request for the installation of Christmas lights:
This had been discussed under Public Participation.
Precept 17/18:
It was agreed to submit a request for a precept of £18,080 which keeps the precept at 16/17 levels.
Clerks report:
There was nothing further to report.
Meetings and training attended:
As previously reported, Cllr Walker had attended the planning appeal hearing for P15/2491/2 Land off Swan Street on 3rd January. Cllr Brown had
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attended the Village Hall Committee on 5th January – the boiler had now been replaced and it was intended to leaflet the village concerning first aid training to be held in early May.
Documentation/emails/ - any issues raised will go to the Agenda for the next meeting:
The issue of the possibility of putting bollards on the village green near number 47 Green Lane to stop parking needed to be considered.
Items for Next Month’s Agenda:
Installation of bollards on village green to prevent parking.
Date of Next Meeting:
Monday 20th February 2017, Parish Council Meeting in the Memorial Hall, Green Lane, Seagrave
The meeting closed at 20.00 pm
Seagrave Parish Council
Date: ______