
Board Meeting


Louisburg, NC 27549

Meeting Number: 9 Date: September 18, 2014

Supervisors Present: Tom Gulley, Chairman

Ricky May, Vice-Chairman

Carvel Cheves, Treasurer

Shirley Pendergrass, Member

Charles Mitchell, Member

Staff Present: William Byrum, NRCS District Conservationist

Cindy Phelps, District Administrative Specialist

Charles Bass, NC Ag Cost Share Specialist

Louise Hart, Tar Pam Technician

Guests: Brian Champion, NC Forest Service

Joe Loudermilk, NC Forest Service

Call to Order – Tom Gulley, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.

Minutes and Agenda

§  Action: Shirley Pendergrass motioned to approve August 2014 minutes and September 2014 meeting agenda. Ricky May seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – Cindy Phelps

Ø  District checking account balance as of today is $11,995.98. Interest earned last month was $2.57. The following transactions were made since August meeting

o  #1844 – 8-27-14 - $35.88 – Strickland Auto – Pin, hitch & ball for Soils Trailer (Reimbursement check received from NCASWCD but not yet been deposited)

o  #1845 – 9-16-14 –$ 22.42 – Creative Acoustics – wind reduction covers for PA systems

Ø  County Budget expenditures for period ending Aug. 31, 2014 total $42,480.97

o  Unencumbered balance is $209,654.03

o  16.85% of county budget spent for FY14-15

§  Action: Ricky May motioned to approve Treasurer’s Report. Charles Mitchell seconded. Motion carried.

NRCS Report – William Byrum


o  Certified payment for prescribed grazing contract; waiting on signatures before request for payment can be submitted


o  No report


o  No report


o  Field visits next Thursday & Friday

o  Sixty plans still need to be written

o  Ten Spot Checks for compliance completed; two are out of compliance and one received a variance

o  Plans to meet with contractor and engineers to start on waterways for one producer

o  Compliance review spot check list was available for Board review


o  Working on reporting acres for Performance

o  Angela Little to be here on Sept. 23 for End of Year Performance Review

o  Local Work Group meeting will be held here today at 1:00

NC Ag Cost Share Report – Charles Bass

Ø  Presented the following for Board approval:


-  Application - Sediment removal from pond- $5,000

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to approve application. Ricky May seconded. Motion carried.


Contract #35-2015-001 – 17 mo. sod based rotation - $2780

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to approve contract. Charles Mitchell seconded. Motion carried

Application – cropland conversion to trees – 21.81 acres - $4661

§  Action: Shirley Pendergrass motioned to approve application. Ricky May seconded. Motion carried.

Contract #35-2015-002 – cropland conversion to trees - $4661

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to approve contract. Ricky May seconded. Motion carried.

Application – 17 mo. sod based rotation – 330 acres - $25,000

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to approve application. Ricky May seconded. Motion carried.

Contract #35-2015-003 – 17 mo. sod based rotation - $25,000

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to approve contract. Shirley Pendergrass seconded. Motion carried.

-  Board discussed possibly establishing ‘cap’ for sod based rotation contracts for next year. Staff reported practice will result in yearly soil savings of 829 tons and 10,236 lbs. of nitrogen saved. Staff to research guidelines on District’s establishing caps and report to Board at October meeting.

Contract #35-2015-004 – cropland conversion to grass - $3130

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to approve contract. Ricky May seconded. Motion carried.

Ø  $33,335 remaining in Ag Cost Share allocation


-  Contract for sediment removal approved by Foundation for $4219; needs Board signature

Ø  Reported on the Ag Cost Share Committee meeting on Sept. 16

o  Much discussion on how funding will be allocated to Districts in future

o  Cost Share allocations, including salaries, will be ‘performance based’ on criteria below:

1.  Did District spend Ag Cost Share funds from previous year?

2.  Job Approval Authority held by Cost Share staff

Ø  State Fair coming soon

o  Bass to work on Oct. 22 from 1:15 to 6:15 – asked Board to join him if desired

Resource Conservationist Report – Quinton Cooper

Ø  Helped several producers change rotations on conservation plans

Ø  Assisting with NCACSP contracts

Ø  Received 1026 for TNT Farms – still working with plan

Ø  Worked on surveying and designs for 12 grassed waterways for Jon Pearce

o  Expect contract to be ready by October meeting and planting done by November

Ø  Performed site visits to landowners with storm water related problems

Tar Pam Report – Louise Hart

Ø  Working with Mike Hicks to get contracts completed

o  Entered cost share data in new CS² contracting system

Ø  Assisted Quinton with CS² system

Ø  Assisted Charles with surveying - Brian Pernell pond sites

NC Forest Service Report – Brian Champion

Ø  Introduced Joe Loudermilk, new Franklin County Forest Service ranger

Ø  One other new hire – Mike Brown – new Equipment Operator

Ø  Explained change for writing Forest Management Plans

o  Plans to cost a $45 flat fee plus a $2 per acre charge for practice plans; $3 per acre for management plans

o  Most landowners positive about change

Old Business

Market Based Conservation Initiative (MBCI)

Ø  One application being reviewed by Foundation

o  Tom Potter will arrange site visits and District staff asked to assist

o  District staff still the primary source of contact for landowners

o  MBCI is still performing due diligence work on contract

Ø  Quinton presented three bids for 7x16 enclosed trailer

o  ProLine Trailers in Spring Hope was low bid at $3750

o  Board and staff discussed insurance and licensing; Cindy will research and report back to Board

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to purchase trailer from ProLine Trailers pending resolution of title and insurance issues. Shirley Pendergrass seconded. Motion carried.

Ø  As requested at August meeting, Cindy checked with Franklin County Schools to discuss feasibility of taking trailer for on-site field visits to schools

o  School administration advised District to schedule ‘ON SITE FIELD TRIP’ with individual school principals

Conservation Farm Family sign – Charles Bass

Ø  Sign for Foster Vineyards is complete

o  Still working with Greg Foster to arrange time to erect sign

o  Charles asked Board to join staff at Mr. Fosters when sign is erected

Updated District Agreement w/ NCDA&CS

Ø  Updated Agreement not received from Division – it should be available for the October meeting

Ø  Cindy presented new FSWCD Secondary Employment Policy for Board review and approval

o  Policy was drafted to conform with NCDA&CS regulations covering State cost shared positions (NCACSP & Tar Pam positions)

§  Action: Carvel Cheves motioned to adopt FSWCD Secondary Employment Policy. Shirley Pendergrass seconded. Motion carried.

New Business

Area IV Envirothon Donation

Ø  Presented a request for 2015 Area IV Envirothon Donation

§  Action: Shirley Pendergrass motioned to donate $200 to Area IV Envirothon. Carvel Cheves seconded. Motion carried.

Area IV Fall Meeting

Ø  Area IV Fall Meeting on Nov. 20 in Warren County

o  Registration fee is $25 in advance; $35 at door

o  Districts are requested to bring two silent auction items and two door prizes

§  Action: Shirley Pendergrass motioned to donate two $15 cash door prizes and two silent auction items @ $20 each. Carvel Cheves seconded. Motion carried.

Ø  Due to conflict with regular board meeting day, the November District Board meeting will be held on November 19 at 9:00 am.

Local Work Group Meeting

Ø  Meeting scheduled today for 1:00 pm in this office

o  Purpose is to set priorities for EQIP and other Cost shared programs

o  Ranking sheets from last year are to be reviewed and updated for PY 2015

Supervisor Appointment

Ø  Board required to appoint or reappointment Supervisor at October meeting

o  Shirley Pendergrass’ term ends in Dec. 2014

o  Nominations need to be submitted to Division by November 3

Other New Business

Ø  Tom reminded everyone of Farm City Luncheon at Vollmer Farm on October 10

o  Hopes all of Board can attend

Ø  District received request to assist with Franklin County Dept. of Aging “Senior Day in the Park”

o  Staff can’t assist this year but asked Board to consider a $50 donation

§  Action: Ricky May motioned to donate $50 to Senior Day. Carvel Cheves seconded. Motion carried.

Being no further business, Carvel Cheves motioned to adjourn meeting at 10:18 a.m. Ricky May seconded. Motion carried.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2014October 16, 2014 in the District Conference room.


Carvel Cheves,
