Minutes of the Meeting of Ringsfield & Weston Parish Council held on Friday 18 September 2015 at 7.30pm at Ringsfield Village Hall

Councillors Present : Cllr L Rees, Cllr M Arnold, Cllr D Cannell, Cllr D Francis, Cllr L Newton and Cllr S Saunders.

Also Present : Mrs T Hazell (Clerk)

1.  Welcome, Apologies and Signing of Declaration of Acceptance forms

The Chairman welcomed Mrs L Newton as a new councillor and asked if there were any apologies.

The clerk reported that Mr P Johnson, Cllr D Ritchie and Cllr K Springall had sent apologies.

The clerk handed out Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms to Mrs Newton for completion.

The clerk further reported that she had received a letter of resignation from Reverend Simister for reasons of hearing difficulties in meetings. His resignation was accepted with regret.

2.  Declarations of Interest regarding the agenda - none.

3.  To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 17 July 2015.

On the motion of Cllr Francis, seconded by Cllr Cannell, it was unanimously agreed by those members present, that these minutes be signed as a true and correct record.

The meeting adjourned for public participation.

a) Report from the Police : There was no Police presence.

b) Report from Suffolk County Council : Cllr Ritchie was not present and no report had been received.

c) Report from Waveney District Councillor : Cllr Springall was not present but had sent an email stating that he will get a case together for a speed limit/flashing sign outside the school and for the resurfacing of the road to bring it to the correct level for drainage.

The Chairman opened the meeting for public consultation.

d) Residents’ Questions :

Mr Christopher Scott from Beccles reported on the Friends of Beccles Hospital saying that they are nearly up to their full quota of doctors. Beccles is now the main base as patients are having to go there from Halesworth and Southwold where the hospitals have closed.

Mr Scott was thanked for his report.

The Chairman closed the meeting for public consultation.

e. Community Council News

The Chairman reported that she, the clerk, Mrs Lanchester and Mr Foster had met Robert Horn of Community Action Suffolk the previous week. It had been advised that a lease need not be prepared to transfer the Trustees but the Chairman felt we should have a technical document signed by both parties.

Mr Horn agreed to send the Chairman a template for such a document which is an agreement of responsibilities i.e. grass cutting etc. Once a draft is prepared this will be circulated to present Trustees and the Community Council for discussion. Mrs Lanchester had asked if any Parish Councillors would like to be Trustees?

f. WW1 Commemoration : Nothing to report.

g. Beccles Relief Road : Mr Sayer had confirmed with the clerk that there will be a meeting of interested persons on Friday 23rd October at 12 noon in Ringsfield Village Hall and asked if members of the Parish Council would attend.

7. Clerks Report

The clerk had circulated a report and correspondence was discussed as follows:

a.  Cavendish PC had asked for advice about running an electricity supply on the village green for various events. After discussion it was ascertained that the supply on Ringsfield Village Green for the Christmas tree was laid about 25 years ago as a private job by a mole burrowing an armoured cable 2 feet underground from the cricket pavilion. The clerk to reply accordingly.

b.  A letter had been received about possible premises for the Three Rivers Talking Newspaper – the clerk was asked to forward this to Mrs Lanchester.

c.  Cllr Francis had send an email about his meeting with Peter Aldous MP regarding the quality of Broadband and he will keep him informed of progress he makes with BT on this matter, and did say he may be able to attend one of our meetings. Cllr Ritchie had also had a meeting with Peter Aldous about this.

d.  Suffolk Constabulary had sent notification of the web link for an online survey they are doing on the perceptions of crime, anti-social behaviour and local policing services. Cllr Francis stated that he has completed this survey.

e.  Notice had been received about an Annual Town and Parish Liaison/Budget Review Meeting to take place at Riverside Centre, Lowestoft on 12 November at 6.30pm. It was agreed to defer this to the next meeting.

f.  Babergh and Mid Suffolk Public Rights of Way Services had sent through notice of making an order on the Parish Council for the Stopping up of Footpath No.7, Ringsfield and asking for the notice to be displayed until 2nd October. The Parish Council had no objection to this.

g.  Regarding the Neighbourhood Plan, correspondence was handed to the Chairman and Cllr Arnold to look at. The clerk was asked to forward minutes etc to all councillors as they are received.

8. Reports of meetings/training attended by councillors

The Chairman reported that she had attended a “one to one” workshop at WDC Riverside

Centre the previous evening. She circulated key points and a map to councillors but it was basically about a vision for Ringsfield and Weston to 2036. She felt a newsletter should go out shortly asking parishioners for their views. The Chairman felt that this had been a very worthwhile meeting.

The Chairman agreed to start preparing a draft newsletter and she and the clerk will work together on this.

9. Planning Application

DC/15/3618/FUL – Construction of single storey rear extension at The Old Forge by Mr and Mrs G Brown.

On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Saunders, it was unanimously agreed to give no objection to this application.

10. Finances

a. On the motion of Cllr Saunders, seconded by the Chairman, it was unanimously agreed to sign the following cheques :

Mrs P Hazell (Clerk’s salary) £144.88

HMRC (PAYE for clerk) £36.20

EASTERN FACILITIES LTD (Grass Cutting) £525.72

BUSINESS SERVICES AT CAS (Insurance) £189.30

b. A new mandate form for signatories had been received as the last one had not been completed correctly. The Chairman agreed to sort this out and return.

11. Matters Arising/Questions not dealt with in the agenda

a. The clerk was asked to write to Mr M Kerridge, SCC about the footpaths sings which have been knocked down at Kings Lane, one is down completely and the other listing.

b. The clerk stated that we need an annual Trustees’ Meeting and asked for a date to be considered.

12. Date of Next Meeting : Friday 16th October at 7.30 pm.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.

Chairman …………………………………. Dated ………………………………..