Minutes of the Meeting of Osmotherley Area

Parish Council held at Osmotherley Village Hall

On Thursday 21st September 2017

Present Mr M Stafford (Vice Chairman), Mr T Wood, Mr N Coward,Mr M Laverick,HDC/NYCC ward Member Cllr D Hugill, Mr N Ward, Mr Bob Manners and Mr R Harker

  1. Apologies Mr T Swales, Mr D Manging and Mrs A Atkinson
  1. Minutes of the meeting of 20th July 2017 were approved and signed by the Vice Chairman
  1. Public Forum– None
  1. Matters arising:

4.1 Items not on the agenda

All other items taken in the allotted section:

4.2Police matters

A written report wasprovided by Stokesley Police and since our last meeting in July there had been 1 incident of anti-social behaviour,2 auto crimes, 2 burglaries of dwellings and 1 incident of theft. The report also raised the issue of distraction burglary, whereby bogus callers pose as possible utility company representatives to gain access to a residents’home.

4.3 Highways

NC reported that the bus stop at the foot of Clack Lane was being used to park cars and this might cause issues with the bus stop. The clerk was asked to report this to NYCC.

4.4 NYCC

Nothing to report


Nothing to report

TW reported that water was flowing down the footpath along West End/Clack Lane at telegraph pole 36 between Westfields and Belle Vue Cottages. The clerk was asked to report to Yorkshire Water asap.

The Gents toilets, in particular are beginning to look in need of some attention, particularly along the corridor. It was determined to consult with the Chairman upon his return.

The village green seat replacement had been purchased and the Chairman will be replacing shortly. Other seats need power-washing, which MS agreed to undertake.

The defibrillator is intermittently causing an issue which BM has been liasing with the experts to rectify. BM was asked to report the fault officially to the First Responder in case of any issues arising from potential users.

4.7 Village Hall

NC raised the issue of fixing an antenna to the side of the Village Hall to allow signals to be sent from smart meters to utility providers, which still had not progressed further.

4.8Osmotherley Games Invoice

A proposal, presented by NC on behalf of the Games Committee, for a contribution to be made by the PC towards the cost of traffic management on the day of the event. NC presented a cheque in full payment from the Summer Games Committee, less VAT, which was gratefully received.

5. Correspondence

Most correspondence is now electronic and is forwardedwhen received so Members can therefore raise concerns or comments by email to the Clerk should it need to be an agenda item. These items will only be minuted if they are discussed at a meeting.

6. Planning.

a) Applications.

6.1 2 Piper Lodge, Ellerbeck – Replacement of existing Stable block – No objection reported to HDC

6.2 Ellerbeck Cottage, Ellerbeck – Conversion of outbuilding & extension to existing dwelling & new fencing – No objection reported to HDC

6.3 Oaktree Farm, Bullamoor Rd, Northallerton – Siting of 6 camping pods & amenities & car parking – Objection lodged with HDC as development unsuitable for the area

6.4 4 & 8 South End, Osmotherley - raising of roof height, construction of sections of external wall and conversion of outbuilding to form 1 no. local occupancy letting dwelling together with removal of covered access roof and formation of opening in boundary wall and associated listed building consent – No objection reported to NYM

6.5 46 West End, Osmotherley - installation of replacement timber Yorkshire sliding sash windows, removal of shutters and replacement timber door to front elevation – No objection reported to NYM

6.6 West Farm, Thimbleby – Certificate of Lawfulness (existing) for dog breeding business – No objections received at the meeting

6.7 50 West End, Osmotherley - installation of replacement Yorkshire sliding sash windows and door to front elevation together with construction of replacement stone chimney, inc .listed building approval – No objections and the application was fully supported.

b) Decisions.

6.8 Oaktree Farm – Construction of general purpose building – Withdrawn

6.9Land Adj Village Hall Kirby Sigston – Removal of hedgerow – Granted

7a,b c.Accounts

Theclerk presented the accounts for this financial year:

Income reported at last meeting / £10,169.98
Receipts in the period:
Honesty Box / £300.62
NYCC Grasscutting / £84.41
Newsletter Adverts / £450.00
Northern Electric Rebate / £12.21
Skipton BS Interest / £175.22
Cemetery Income / £145.00
Total income for the period / £1,167.46
Revised 2017/18 income to 5th Sept 2017 / £11,337.44
Expenditure reported to last meeting / £6,946.63
Payments in the period:
Yorkshire Water / £3.50
Yorkshire Water / £139.50
Yorkshire Water / £3.50
Yorkshire Water / £139.50
J.Robinson - Expenses / £48.20
Sam Turner - Toilet Consumables / £40.76
Osmotherley Village Hall - Cleaning & Hire / £556.00
Printroom / £50.00
Smiths of Derby / £360.00
Northdale - Village Flowers / £133.00
K Henderson May - July 175.5 hrs / £2,808.00
Community TM Ltd - Summer Games / £540.00
NYM - Sheepwash Bridge NYCC Locality Fund / £1,500.00
Total Expenditure in the period / £6,321.96
Revised 2017/18 expenditure to 5th Sept 2017 / £13,268.59
Surplus/(Deficit) for Period (Income less Exp) / -£5,154.50
Funds B/Fwd From last meeting / £35,461.60
Funds C/Fwd to next meeting / £30,307.10
Represented by:
Balance of HSBC a/c / £8,459.89
Skipton Bond, / £21,847.21
Total Funds as at 5th Sept 2017 / £30,307.10
Items Presented for Payment at Meeting:
J.Robinson - Expenses / 53.20
J.Robinson - Salary / 574.62
HMRC - Tax / 86.80
PKF Littlejohn - External Audit / 240.00
Pearson Groundcare - Bollard / 80.00
Printroom - Messenger / 50.00
Osmotherley VH - Room / 8.00
Cardiac Science - Battery / 198.00
Total as at 18.09.17 / 1,290.62

8.Any Other Business

MR reported a skip, which had been in situation for at least 3 months, should be emptied and removed. MS agreed to discuss with the owners.

MR reported that a resident in Back Lane had piles of rubbish and scrap metal which had a detrimental impression of the village to other residents and visitors. The Chairman would be asked to comment before further action.

A resident of South End reported issues with the cobbles and it was agreed that MR ask the resident to officially write to the council to enable the damage to be assessed.

MR reported that the footpath behind the football pitch was overgrown and in need of attention. MS agreed to look into this further and report.

NC raised concerns about the future of Thompsons shop and the lack of progress from the owners. It was agreed to put this on the next agenda for further discussion.

The clerk reported that Osmotherley School were looking into a number of contracts and the work done by the Caretaker on maintenance of the grounds was deemed a value for money issue. The council discussed this issue and agreed to wait for the school to contact schools maintenance shared service to determine an alternative cost for the work undertaken by the council since 2009. It would also be an agenda item at the next meeting.

The clerk confirmed that the External auditor had returned the accounts and these would be published on the website and be available for residents to view if required.

The clerk updated the council on the issues surrounding the lack of progress made by the solicitors regarding the Playground lease. It was agreed that the clerk and NC look to bring this protracted issue to a satisfactory conclusion.

Finally, the clerk reported that the Council Precept for 2018/19 should be discussed by the finance sub- committee and reported to the next meeting.

9. Press Items

It was agreed that the minutes be included on the website and a summary of the discussions at this meeting be included in the next Messenger newsletter.

10.Date of next meeting;Thursday 19th October 2017 in the Supper Room, Village Hall, Osmotherleyat 7.30pm prompt.