Minutes of the Meeting of Long Whatton & Diseworth Parish Council

held on Thursday 7th July 2011 at 7.30pm at Long Whatton Community Centre

1188 Attendance and apologies

Present: Cllr. A. Cawdell (Vice-Chairman in the Chair),

Cllrs. D Bamford, L Downs, M Downs, S Roberts.

Mr D E Maas, Clerk to the Council.

Also present: PCSO Nicola Stanhope (re minute 1191 only)

Apologies for non-attendance were accepted from Cllrs. T Wilkins, D Wiggins.

1189 Code of Conduct - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest- none

1190 Minutes of the previous meeting of the Council

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 6th June 2011, previously circulated, be taken as a true record, confirmed and signed

1191 Police, crime, safety

(a) PCSO Nicola Stanhope reported on 4 crimes reported in June - thefts and burglary dwelling. There is an ongoing investigation into an incident reported of an attempt to entice a girl into a car; word is being spread to parents and LW school. There is a warning from Kegworth about a con man trying to steal money from households with a story about roof repairs. Nicola also informed the Council that the Kegworth beat was now combined with that covering Castle Donington.

(b) PC Jason Underwood: Invitation to KIN meeting 12.7.11 (fwd: Cllrs.). Cllr. Bamford will try to attend but cannot promise. Points Councillors wish to raise can be sent in before the meeting.

1192 Chairman's Report

Due to work commitments, Chairman Cllr. Wilkins was unable to be present. Cllr. Cawdell reported that, despite reporting them previously, overgrowing hedges had not been attended to. He also reported the meeting at Donington Park which he and Cllr. Wiggins had attended. The Download festival arrangements had been professionally carried out - there had been no problems.

1193 Administration & Finance

Clerk's Report: The report, previously copied to members and a copy filed with these minutes, was considered.

It had been advised that Long Whatton Community Centre would not be available for the meeting on 21st July. The Clerk to make alternative arrangements.

It was noted that the approach made to Long Whatton School about the costs of room hire for Council meetings would be considered by the Governors in September but it had since been advised that although the room hire was “free” the hire charge was required to cover the costs.

Various arrangements were made in connection with the selection process for the recruitment of the new Parish Clerk.

The website ICT team had advised Councils that fees would be introduced from 1.4.12 as the service could no longer be subsidised. It was reluctantly accepted that continuing to use the existing service would remain the best option for the foreseeable future.

The Clerk made suggestions as to the future arrangements for the Council’s email address.


1. the Council’s current website arrangements be continued at a cost of £325 per annum from 1.4.12;

2. the Council acquire a new email address with effect from the handover to the newly appointed

Clerk, to be provided via the current domain provider Cuttlefish;

3. the accounts shown in the Clerk’s Report be approved for payment

1194 Community

(a) ‘Long Whatton News’, including request for financial assistance. In considering the request, it was AGREED that, while the Council was fully supportive of the publication and would wish to continue to provide a grant as previously, some additional time was needed to consider and evaluate the breadth of service being offered to the village. Further consideration to be given at the October meeting.

(b) Local Scouts: quest for land (fwd: Cllrs). Various suggestions were considered, including Ringers Spinney and the possibility of using farm land and/or redundant farm buildings. The Scouts to be advised accordingly.

(c) Cllr. Bamford reported an approach he had received from a Diseworth resident about the future use of some spare land adjacent to The Bowley which had, in the past, been used as an allotment. It was thought likely that this land remained in the ownership of NWLDC and it was agreed that the resident should be advised accordingly, suggesting he approach his District Councillor.

1195 Council property, open spaces, play areas, allotments, safety, maintenance

(a) Allotments: to report on progress and any outstanding matters. Good progress was being made by the tenants and the plots looked mature. The arrangements for access and water were still outstanding.

Cllr. M. Downs reported that he had made arrangements for a notice board to be made locally at a modest cost. Further to previous discussion, it was proposed that gravel boards be purchased locally to be used to define the boundaries between paths and plots.

RESOLVED the purchase of the notice board and gravel boards be approved

(b) RoSPA Annual Inspection Report received and copied to Martyn Lee. There were no serious issues - some minor maintenance would be carried out.

Councillors said the paint job at the Diseworth Play Area was a big improvement.

(c)Leics. & Rutland Playing Fields Association. Playground Inspection Training Course 21.9.11.

RESOLVED that the newly appointed Clerk be asked to attend this course (alternatively a Councillor) and, on that basis, payment of the £25 fee be approved to reserve a place

1196 Highways, traffic, transport - none

1197 Environment, amenities, services, etc.

(a) Environment Agency: Notice of Permit granted for an Energy from Waste Incineration Facility at Newhurst Quarry near Shepshed. Noted - though it was understood that planning consent had yet to be granted.

1198 Local Council affairs

(a) LRALC June Newsletter (fwd: Cllrs.). Noted.

(b) NWLDC: Consultation on Polling District and Polling Station Review. Agreed there were no issues to be raised.

(c) NWLDC: Core Strategy Consultation (posters displayed). Cllrs. would respond individually.

(d) LRALC/NALC: Councillor notifications under the Data Protection Act 1998 (fwd: Cllrs). Noted.

(e) Rural Community Council: Invitation to nominate Trustees. Noted.

1199 Planning:

(a) Planning Group: to ratify the responses made by the Planning Group between meetings as follows:

11/00422/LBC Replacement window and internal alterations including a new gas boiler, removal of internal walls, alterations to floor levels and fireplaces and new doorways and balustrade. Ivy House Farm, 22 Main Street, Long Whatton. No objection

11/00481/ADC Erection of two illuminated advertisements and alterations to two non-illuminated advertisements. Price Waterhouse Donington Court, Herald Way, Castle Donington. No objection

11/00487/TCA Removal of pine tree (works to an unprotected tree located within the conservation area). 4 Main Street, Long Whatton. No objection

(b) Planning Applications: consider and respond to the following and others received prior to the meeting:

11/00495/FUL Erection of a single storey rear extension. 18-20 Turvey Lane, Long Whatton. The Parish Council notes from the application that it is proposed to combine two properties into one. An objection is raised because this would be contra to the principle of maintaining the stock of affordable homes - these houses having been built as social housing

11/00538/FUL Removal of condition 11 (occupancy condition) of planning permission 10/00073/VCI. Gelscoe House Farm, Diseworth. No objection

11/00540/FUL Erection of porch/canopy to front elevation. 2 Piper Drive, Long Whatton. No objection

11/00546/AIR Proposed siting of fuel pump and relocation of existing container. East Midlands Airport. No objection

RESOLVED that the foregoing responses to planning consultations received since the previous meeting be ratified/approved and that the following decisions of the Planning Authorities be noted

(c) Planning Decisions notified since the previous meeting:

11/00252/FUL Erection of two-storey rear extension, a ground floor rear single-storey conservatory and provision of new translucent sheeted lean-to roof to rear of existing car port at 50 Turvey Lane, Long Whatton. Permission

11/00334/TCA Crown reduction to no. Willow tree (works to an unprotected tree located within the conservation area). 12 Lady Gate, Diseworth. Consent

11100 Miscellaneous Correspondence (to note and made available for Councillors' inspection)

CPRE Leicestershire Branch: Notice of AGM and newsletters

Leics. CC: ‘Branchline’

Older Persons’ Month and Community Champions: details of events, etc.

Leics. CC: Recycle Week 20-26.6.11 (posters displayed)

Leics. CC: Valley Community Forum 16.6.11: Agenda

NWLDC: Various notices (displayed)

Lappsett play equipment leaflet

‘Village Voice’

Leics. CC: Portfolio of Highway services (i.e. offering contracting)

Vista: Posters seeking volunteers (displayed)

NWLDC: ‘School’s Out’: launch of summer holiday activity booklet

‘Clerks and Councils Direct’

LOROS Fundraising Walk poster (displayed)Noted.

11101 Other matters/items for future Agendas at the Chairman's discretion

Cllr. M Downs said there were concerns about older children riding bicycles aggressively and dangerously on pavements in Long Whatton. Local approaches were being made to the school and the police would be informed.

Cllr. Bamford reminded Council about the request from Nikki Hening for a formal ‘opening’ of the two affordable housing projects. AGREED the request be formally made.

Cllr. Cawdell expressed regret that his personal circumstances were temporarily making it difficult for him to take on additional duties.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.