Maglorzata Szadkowska, Tomasz Tomczak, Albert Daros, Eliza Walczak, Klaudia Zieba, Agnieszka Nyczaj, Matyna Lozowska, mgr Radoslaw Dziuba
University of Lodz,

Students' Scientific Association EKOBIZNES,

Lodz, Poland

Poland is a country, which use natural Earths sources in way by implement renewable energy sources and abort of behaviour which devastating natural riches of the Earth. Poland in 2020, must get 15 percent. share of energy from renewable sources. Achieving this goal is the obligation arising from the findings of the European Union. Today our country is at the beginning of the exploration of energy from its natural sources. Nowadays we need to implement some rules connected with cooperating with a Nature and saving all kind of life, not only human life. Ecological education could be a great combination of these activities. This kind of teaching involve modern system of education, which should gradually put into changes in the social lifestyle. Not only important are knowledge and experience, but also promoting sensitive bearings and values. Examples of inspiration for ecological education might be : national, cultural and religious tradition or daily experiences. The most important aims of ecological education are: developing interests connected with economical, social and ecological policies, get a knowledge and experience necessary for improvement in environment, popularization new behaviours and creation new way of green lifestyle[1].

Creation of this basic bases should start from a primary school to college. What is more parents must show a right choice for a children for example use some ecological gadgets in a house or save a paper in a work. This abstract present how people can change a youthful outlook on life.

First of all in this case important is a analysis of polish documents about ecological education. The main document that describes the targets of ecological education In Poland nowadays is National Strategy of Ecological Education which was developed in 2001[2]. Strategy was an answer on Agenda 21 standings which was signed in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, called also Earth Summit where countries matched that ecological education is a main source of sustainable development achievement.
The basic targets of National Strategy of Ecological education are to[3]:

1. Popularize the idea of eco- development in all spheres of peoples living,

2. Implement ecological education in all levels formal and informal education,

3. Create regional and local Programm of Ecological Education which would be complacement of National Strategy of Ecological Education,

4. Promote good practices in ecological education.

Since 1989 when National and sixteen Woievodian Founds of Environmental Protection and Water Economy were raised, they are financing ecological education actions. Only in 2009 National Found has spend 48,3 million PLN for grants on ecological education[4].

This program was implemented to all types of schools in Poland. The most extreme approach to the ecological education present a primary school and high school.

In primary schools a ecological education is used during lessons about the nature. Children learn about certain species of plants, animals, which are rather rare. They know that this kind of specimens should have a special protect.New idea on the implementation of ecological content are educational paths. In these paths students have the opportunity to the overall perception of the contemporary world, including a complicated system of relations nature - man. Children learn to care about the nature by cleaning up the world. Every year also are organized eco-games and rallies, which stimulates children's awareness.

In the high schools there are educational blocks, one of which is a block of environmental education. The primary objective of ecological education in secondary schools is to raise awareness and consolidate for students some kind of the need to live with the ideas of sustainable development. This can be achieved through the actions, which are constituting the man who knows where is his place in the environment. It is also important to develop skills of a nature observation and the collection of information about it, to know the laws which are in the nature, encourage sensitivity to the beauty of nature or implementation of active forms of education, such as "green schools"[5].

This is a way of ecological education in a school. Probably, not only teachers could educated children about environment. Parents also should show them a right alternative to live according to nature. This type of appropriate behaviour should be taken by parents for example from a work. An important challenge for ecological education is to raise awareness about the sustainable development in the workplace. It is important to see the implementation of these principles as an opportunity rather than cost. Reducing the negative environmental impact in the workplace is not limited to reducing the consumption of raw materials, but also a number of other activities.

Any form of support of the environment and reducing our negative impact on nature, is the key to success. Not only national, but also international. An integrated approach to sustainable development: a environmental protection, promote clean energy and above all increasing public awareness offer greater chances of improving the surrounding environment and its usability. It is worth noting that from year to year energy generation from renewable energy is becoming more common. "Nature don't know what is reward or punishment, knows only to the consequences"-RobertIngersoll.

[1]Narodowa Strategia Edukacji Ekologicznej „Przez edukację do zrównoważonego rozwoju”, Ministerstwo Środowiska, Warszawa 2001, p. 7-8.

[2]Ibidem, p. 10

[3] Ibidem, p. 10-11

[4]„Sprawozdanie z działalności Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w 2009 roku”, opracowane przez NFOŚiGW, Warszawa 2010, p. 8-10.

[5] Narodowa Strategia Edukacji Ekologicznej „Przez edukację ... op. cit., p. 13.