Minutes of the Meeting of Ightfield Parish Coucil 14th September 2015

Calverhall Village Hall

Acting Chair:Cllr S Cummings

Councillors Present:Cllr J Betteridge; Cllr C Chamley; Cllr L Roberts; Cllr W Heywood-Lonsdale; Cllr D Price

Clerk:Mrs M Joyce

1Welcome and Public Session

The Chair welcomed everyone present to the Meeting and opened proceedings at 7:33pm.One member of the public was present. The resident, from Ightfield, expressed concerns over the proposed plaque for Ightfield. Ideas for plaque presented at the last meeting not in line with the idea presented at a recent talk given by the proposer, author John Martin. The resident expressed strong views that the Cenotaph in Ightfield must be kept for local people – all those recorded are local heroes and any new memorial plaques should not distract from our local heroes. If a new plaque is to be given permission it should be kept in keeping, same wording, font etc as used on the existing plaques. Estimates suggest that in the region of £800 was raised at the talk. The resident suggested that perhaps the money raised could be used for the village link pathway and a plaque near the walkway rather than near the Memorial.

2Present, apologies or absent – Apologies received from Cllr Rushton

3Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests – None

4Disclosable Pecuniary Interest Dispensations - None

5To approve the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Meeting held 27th July 2015 and 10th August 2015

Councillors confirmed that they had received and read the Minutes. Cllr Charmley proposed both sets to be true and accurate copies, seconded by Cllr Betteridge, all agreed. Duly signed by the Chair.

6Matters arising from and action taken from the minutes (not otherwise on the agenda) - None

7UnitaryCouncillor’s Report

Cllr Wynn confirmed more weight to SAMDev. Shropshire Council can now demonstrate a 5.6 years of housing land supply. Cllrs discussed likelihood of deliverability of houses given permission and impact on housing land supply. Many applications which have outstanding section 106 agreements are returning to committee for determination. Permission now given for 12 months, was previously 3 years

8Community Policing Update

No recent bulletin from the police.

9Proposal for a memorial plaque – Discuss

The Council Members considered feedback from the community on the proposal following an evening’s presentation to the community by the proposer. Whilst some positive feedback had been received,Cllr Charmley reported that she had received complaints about the presentation of the material on the evening, which reported a feeling that a hard sell had been given which it was felt was not in keeping with local custom. The evening had been well attended. A letter of complaint which had been forwarded to the Council was circulated for consideration; Feedback was received from a Councillor who had attended the evening which suggested that the proposal put forward on the evening was in contrary to the original proposal which Councillors had understood to be small plaque with minimal wording. Recent material received requesting a plaque on a stone measuring 4ft by 3 ft x 2 ft and costing in the region of £4k was agreed by the Councillors to be inappropriate in the proposed setting adjacent to the War Memorial in Ightfield. .../2

Minutes of Ightfield Parish Council Meeting held on 14th September 2015 pg 2

Councillors discussed the local heroes who fought in the two World Wars and who are remembered on the War Memorial. Councillors were unanimous in agreement that their contribution should not be forgotten or lessened by any new addition. Councillors discussed the type of plaque which they felt might be appropriate should local residents be in favour of commemorating the efforts of the two soldiers and providing a suitable location can be found. The Council is waiting for a view from the Church. Councillors discussed the Memorial in Cholmondeleywhich commemorates all of the soldiers stationed there during the war for training. The Council Members agreed that an approach should be made to Cholmondeley to ask if they had been approached to have the plaque, which might seem to be a more fitting place to remember the soldiers as they had been stationed there.

Councillors agreed that further research should be carried out to find out if permission is needed from outside bodies before a plaque can be erected near the existing Memorial. Clerk to contact the War Memorial Trust and Shropshire Council Conservation Dept.

Councillors further discussed that if in theory a plaque is given permission what format it should take. It was agreed that if permission was given it would need to be a small (possibly brass plate) plaque with limited wording and no reference to any sponsorship company/friends of the book/or any person other than those being commemorated.

Councillors agreed suggested wording for the Plaque should be strictly limited to:

In memory of

Jan Kubis & Josef Gabcik –

WW2 - Operation Anthropoid 1942

Councillor Cummings proposed that the Council put together a flier to be delivered in the villages in order to obtain feedback from local residents on the basis of the suggested proposal for a plaque, with wording as above in the same font used on the existing plaques, and to be of a size no larger than A5. The flier is to stress that no plaque will be permitted which in any way detracts from those on the Memorial in size or wording. In theory it could be positioned on the wall to the right hand side. Cllr Price seconded. Majority in favour.

Flier to include options:

A: against plaque

B: in favour of plaque as proposed by pc.

C: other

All agreed. Responses to be requested by 23rd September. No names to be requested on returns as experience shows better return rate. Clerk to convene another Meeting to discuss responses received, provide an update as to whether any permissions are required and to take a final decision. Clerk to organise fliers. All agreed.



15/03414/FUL: Grounds Maintenance Erection of extension conservatory and alterations and extension of existing conservatory to form garden room: 9 The Townsend, Ightfield: No objections raised. All agreed to support.

ii)Decisions:None to report

11Street Lights/Repairs & or Maintenance

- An opportunity for Councillors to report items requiring attention: Councillors noted that Mr Astley has recently painted the village notice board in Ightfield and expressed thanks. Shropshire Council light in Church Street is day-burning. Clerk to report.

- Playgrounds:Annual inspections/new equipment installation inspection to be carried out this week.

12Highways/Environmental Health

i)Footpaths: Clerk reported that a footpath in Ightfield linking the village with Ightfield Hall Farm has been inaccessible for nearly a decade. Reported to Footpaths Dept. Landowner to investigate.

ii)Baptist cemetery – permission given by Baptist Church to tidy Cllr Cummings to organise quotes.

iii)Planting in verges: Cllr Wynn to investigate attaching planters to name signs. .../3

Minutes of Ightfield Parish Council Meeting held on 14th September 2015 pg 3


- Emailed NALC/SALC info including legal topic notes; Shropshire Council health bulletins; Transparency code funding; Annual Town and Parish Policing Survey: Chair to complete;

- Other correspondence: Letter of thanks from Whitchurch Walkers noted;


a)Balance reconciliation and cash book for information – circulated.

b) Payment/Invoices – see below. Proposed by Cllr Price, seconded by Cllr Cummings, all agreed. Salary proposed by Cllr Betteridge, seconded by Cllr Heywood-Lonsdale, all agreed.

c) Notification of end of external audit from Mazars

Date / Recipient / Reason for Payment / Amount / Cheque No
23/07/15 / M Joyce / Clerk’s Salary / £174.03 / SO
23/08/15 / M Joyce / Clerk’s Salary / £174.03 / SO
02/09/15 / K&S Plantscapes / Grounds Maintenance inv 50 / £170.00 / 100329
02/08/15 / K&S Plantscapes / Works to Ightfield playground inv 42 / £402.00 / 100330
02/08/15 / K&S Plantscapes / Grounds Maintenance inv 40 / £170.00 / 100331
13/08/15 / Mazars / External Audit / £120.00 / 100332


- Update on any upcoming SALC training courses/meetings – circulated by email

- Reports from external committee reps if applicable – no meetings attended.


-Village Crier submission – Chair to complete.

-Place Plans – Review – Clerk to forward link; Councillors to discuss at the next Meeting.

17Parish Matters/Items for Next Agenda

An opportunity for matters of interest or concern to be brought to the attention ofCouncillors for inclusion on the next agenda. There being no other business the Chair thanked everyone for attending and closed the Meeting at 9:03pm.

Date of the next Meeting of the Parish Council:

Monday 9th November 2015 Calverhall Village Hall



Approval of Minutes of the Meetings held on 14th September 2015

The Minutes proposed and accepted to be a true record at this meeting of Ightfield Parish Council held on

9th November 2015

Signed by the Chair …………………………………..