Minutes of the Meeting of HMC London Division

Held at WestminsterSchool on Wednesday 7 November 2007


Colin Diggory (Alleyns); Stephen Smith (Bedford Modern); Julian Thomas (Caterham School); David Levin (City of London) Secretary; Graham Able (Dulwich); Paul Henderson (Eltham); Mark Hanley-Browne (Emanuel School); Andrew Boggis (Forest); Elizabeth Sidwell (Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation); Peter Hamilton (Haberdashers’ Aske’s School); Barry Martin (Hampton); Adam Pettitt (Highgate); Anthony Evans (KCS Wimbledon); Kevin Riley (John Lyon School); Stephen Wright (Merchant Taylor’s); John Jennings (Royal Russell) Chairman; Andrew Grant (St Albans); Jane Davies (St Dunstans); Joe Peake (St George’s); Kenneth Durham (University College); Stephen Spurr (Westminster); Bernard Trafford (Wolverhampton Grammar School ) National Chairman of HMC.

The Chairman expressed special thanks to Stephen Spurr for hosting he meeting in such splendid surroundings especially as this was to be followed by dinner in the famous Jerusalem Room.

The Chairman welcomed Bernard Trafford (Chairman of HMC) and Julian Thomas (Caterham) joining the Division for his first meeting.

The Chairman then mentioned Chris Long (St. Edmunds) to whom he had sent a message on the Division’s behalf wishing him a speedy recovery from his recent operation.

1. Apologies for Absence received from Heads of:

Abbotts Hill, Aldenham; Bancrofts; Bedford School; Berkhamstead; Brentwood, Chigwell; Colfe’s; Greenford; Haileybury, Harrow; Highgate; Kingston Grammar School; Latymer Upper; London Oratory; Mill Hill; Reed’s; St Benedict’s; St Columba’s; St Edmund’s; St Olave’s; St Paul’s; Surbiton; Trinity; Whitgift.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2007


(1)Headhunter will pay £150k for Chairman (not the Treasurer!).

(2)Kenneth Durham was present.

3. Matters Arising

There were none.

4. Chair’s Business

Following on from the HMC Committee meeting of 12 September, members should have received a summary of key decisions and action points for discussion:

-Media Publications Strategy Group

The proposed research in connection with the HMC PR and Communications strategy was approved by the Committee in September. The focus of this project is to be the collation and analysis of quantifiable data which supports the thesis that the Independent Sector is an invaluable and indispensable national resource. Discussions are due to take place with Professor Alan Smithers of BuckinghamUniversity about carrying out this research in the Spring Term, in time for a launch in the summer. The list of headings of data for analysis had been included for this meeting as an opportunity to confirm that the project was heading in the right direction.

The Chairman then posed the question:

-do we wish to question the inclusion of any items? Or do we feel that any areas have been omitted?

Graham Able asked if the project was for HMC or the Independent Sector as a whole? Bernard Trafford’s aim was to promote HMC but there will be collaboration with Andy Cole of ISC who also wants Mori opinion poll but this would be expensive.

-ISC Update

The meeting was reminded that at the Conference, the resolution initially proposed by the HMC Committee was amended at the AGM. The amended version has now been passed to Angela Rumbold. According to Geoff Lucas she has welcomed the resolution and has accepted it as a positive contribution towards improving ISC. She will now discuss it at the next ISC Governing Council meeting. The hope is that we will now be in a position to draw a line under this and look forward in a positive fashion. At the AGM it was questioned whether Jonathan Shepherd should have a ‘right to reply’ and, as the result of existing arrangements, Jonathan is due to attend the November HMC Committee meeting. It is intended that he will have the opportunity to tell us how ISC is responding to our concerns along with his other reports on charitable status and so on.

Graham Able considered difficulty would arise if ISC wanted more money because at present it would consist of voluntary contributions.

Joe Peake felt the decision should be based on whether the payment represents value for money; Bernard Trafford confirmed he had been instructed to send a persuasive request but ISC had decided not to make it compulsory.

Although the amount would be based on the size of school, Barry Martin queried why schools weren’t receiving more already for subscriptions and Peter Hamilton added he couldn’t see a circumstance in which he would pay more. Andrew Grant said that if a school is already paying it makes sense to continue for one more year and he has done so through solidarity. There then followed a discussion of the history of regional contributions. The meeting agreed to wait for exact wording of Bernard Trafford’s letter!

-Central and Eastern European Project

This was included by way of a reminder that the project offered a service to recruit both students and assistant staff and attention was drawn to the front page of the HMC Website where there is a direct link to their Website. To access it members should contact Patrick Tobin and Roger Wicks.

-Professional Development

Andrew Trotman is still in the process of discussing the proposal that the Deputies course should come under the auspices of IPD and Geoff Lucas would be grateful if colleagues would offer a view on this or any recent experience of deputies attending the course by contacting Andrew Trotman.


Recent concerns about Academies were discussed in Bournemouth and another Conference is in place for February. Stephen Smith added two further points regarding rugby, namely that:

(1)there is no requirement to have coaching qualifications in place by 2012 but colleagues should heed the advice to do so;

(2)playing across/out of age group. All Parents and Opponents must agree plus the Head Teacher of Opponents;U16s would still be part of open age group.

The meeting was encouraged to go to RFU? Website where all would be explained

Finally, Women in cricket:

Stephen Smith said ECB encouraged mixed teams and not worried about strength or speed differences.

After some discussion, majority of the meeting seemed to agree that mixed teams should continue.

5. Reports from Sub Committees

These were taken as part of the joint meeting with GSA that followed.

Inspection Committee: Third Cycle of ISI Inspections

A discussion paper was circulated but unfortunately Chris Cleugh, who is London Division representative on the Inspection sub Committee was not at the meeting. The Chairman hoped that everyone had received the e.mail from Roger Peel last week about the Third Cycle of ISI Inspections.

The Chairman reminded the meeting of Andrew Adonis’s reassurances regarding Inspection.

Associations are invited to make a response by the end of December and Roger Peel was keen that members should not miss this opportunity for discussion so that Divisional Representatives could report back to him at the next HMC Committee Meeting on 21 November. Five basic possibilities were put forward to guide the discussions. The following comments and suggestions were then made:

Andrew Grant maintained we should take the document at its word and respond ‘literally’to it. He was opposed to both the three year cycle and the format. Furthermore, if imposed, it should then be as light a regulatory touch as possible. Bernard Trafford agreed it was too strictly regulatory with no possibility of comment upon spirit or ethos included. He added that Ofsted was not predictable and schools had to give too much information with no control of what use was made of it. Colleagues should be very careful about regulations and filling in the SEFF was time consuming requiring a big data base to be maintained.

Julian Thomas enquired about what happened to second cycle and why it had been abandoned. Kevin Riley said HMC was being driven back to an OFSTED framework and must retain its independence. HMC should not get sucked in. There was widespread agreement with this view. Andrew Boggis added there was also a difficulty with the content of the regulatory framework and Stephen Smith stated it was expensive for what they say and all three inspection systems had been different.

The following Motion was then passed:

  1. to avoid three year inspections timetable;
  2. to favour the second cycle approach and
  3. to review the regulatory requirements of system.
  1. Members’ Issues

1) Examinations

Stephen Wright outlined three concerns;

i.lack of communication with exam board (too often only get a call centre);

ii.time taken to process re-marks was longer than UCAS deadline;

iii.problems of online marking as a result of dearth of examiners. Issue was carried forward to next meeting and members invited to inform Stephen Wright about any experiences with Exam Board.

2)Withdrawal from League Tables

In the absence of Martin Stephen this was carried over to the next meeting.

  1. AOB

There was none.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 21 February 2008 at HighgateSchool, 4 p.m. The Chairman expressed gratitude to Adam Pettitt for agreeing to host the meeting.