Present: Chair Mr P Allingham, Mr I Gardener, Mr D King, Mr M Tyler, Mr D Hart and Mrs G Findlay.
7.30pm -7.45pm OPEN FORUM
Mr James Snell and Mrs Shirley Menczer were in attendance.
Mr Snell gave the following report to the Parish Council:
- Four break-ins to cars at the caravan park have been reported within a three-week period. The owners of the park are to install CCTV
- Disturbance and nuisance in the playground has been reported to the Parish Council. The Council’s response was to place temporary notices in the affected area to remind people that the area is unsuitable for ball games and that the playground is intended for use by the under-12s. The notices appear to be having the desired effect, but must be replaced by permanent signs.
- An incident concerning solvent abuse was reported by a person who wished to remain anonymous. The matter has been reported to the police who cannot now discuss the matter with Neighbourhood Watch as it is now part of an ongoing investigation.
- An incident involving alcohol and fast driving in the car park at Grafham Water was brought to the attention of the Neighbourhood Watch. The owners of the cycle hire shop have offered an apology and are confident that there will not be any further incidents of this kind.
- On 30th August a distraction burglary was attempted in the early afternoon at a house in the village.
- Mr Snell is seeking the support of the council in ensuring that villagers are made aware of the telephone numbers they need in order to report suspected crime and other incidents. These incidents represent a huge increase in crime levels about which all villagers need to be aware. Information will be included in the next issue of the Gossip. It is possible that talks on crime prevention and awareness can be given at local group meetings and coffee mornings.
- APOLOGIES – No apologies were received. The Chair brought to the attention of the Council a letter he had received from Cllr Malt in which he offered his resignation, effective from 8th September 2006. Sam Malt’s resignation was accepted and Chair asked for recognition of Sam’s valuable contribution to the village over the past four years to be minuted. The Council thanks him and will surely miss him as he has worked very hard for Council and village. The Council wishes him well with the Conservation and History groups to which he is devoting more of his time.
The Parish Council voted to fill the resulting vacancy by co-option and to advertise on the village notice board and through the Grafham Gossip.
2.MINUTES OF MEETINGS- the minutes of the meetings held on 11th July and 15th August 2006 were approved and signed.
3.1 The Council has submitted its bid for funds from the next round of Jointly –funded minor improvements bids 2007-08
There were no interests declared.
Mr James Snell has submitted his report in the Open Forum prior to the Council meeting. The following decisions were carried:
- Permanent signs for the playground will be purchased to replace the temporary signs currently in place.
- Clerk will ensure that the Council’s responses to issues raised by Mr Snell are reported in the Grafham Gossip.
- The Council fully support Mr. Snell as Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator and will provide assistance to him wherever possible.
A request for information, in accordance with the Act has been received. Most costs incurred in providing information are unrecoverable, unless they exceed £450. The recoverable costs of photocopying information are limited to 10p. per copy.
Costs incurred and unrecovered are to be separately reported in the accounts.
7.1The following accounts were approved for payment
1. DJ and JM Green
Grass-cutting£ 102.22
2. DMH Solutions – software for
Health & Safety risk assessment£ 27.25
3. CCTP – training£ 320.00
4. SuffolkACRE – Annual insurance renewal£ 580.89
5. Moore Stephens – Annual Audit fee£ 164.50
6. Mrs M Life
Clerk’s fee for July/August
-net of income tax £ 167.04
4. Grafham Village Hall
Re-imburse cost of replacing damaged
doors £ 490.00
7.2Clerk presented the current financial position. Note should be taken of the following:
- A bursary in respect of the training fees above has been received in the value of £187.50.
- The Council’s accounts for 2005-06 have received an unqualified audit opinion. Notice of closure will be posted on the village notice board.
- The current available funds amount to £15,010.10
7.3 The Health and Safety report is deferred until a future meeting.
8.1.RAF Alconbury Liaison Committee – minutes of meeting.
Previously distributed to the members of the Council
8.2.NALC – Clerk’s Training Bursary Fund
As reported at 7.2 above
8.3HDC – current enforcement cases within the Parish
Circulated for information
8.4Cambs CC – Notice of removal of traffic thumps
Public notices have been place in the village to the effect that the thumps will be removed in October.
8.5Cambridgeshire ACRE – Request for electronic form of Parish Plan
Clerk to supply.
8.6Zurich Municipal – Insurance renewal.
Accepted and paid as shown at 7.1 above.
8.7CALC – invitation to AGM
Clerk to attend.
Mrs Menczer brought the following issues and matters to the Council:
- Members of the public are encouraged to attend the exhibition of “Huntingdon Town Centre Vision” at All Saint’s Church, Huntingdon on any of the following dates
Sept 14th 4 -8pmSept 16th 10am – 3pm
Sept 20th 10am – 8 pmSept 23rd 10am – 3pm.
- Neighbourhood Policing – the first Safe Neighbourhood Panel meeting will be held on 2nd October at 7.30pm at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Godmanchester. It is anticipated that Mr Snell and/or a member of the Parish Council will attend.
- Mrs Menczer added her thanks to Sam Malt for the contribution he has made to the community during his time on the Parish Council.
Following an earlier decision, Cllr Tyler will organise the planting of daffodil bulbs in verges within the Parish boundaries.
No response has been received concerning the design of the Village sign. Further discussion will take place at the next meeting.
Tuesday 10 October 2006 at 7.30pm
Tuesday 14 November 2006 at 7.30pm
Tuesday 12 December 2006 at 7.30pm
Margaret Life
Clerk to Grafham Parish Council