FRIDAY, 13 NOVEMBER2015at6.45 p.m.

Present:MGroat, M Thomson, M Webster, G Robertson, R Sinclair and

J Traynor

InAttendance: MrsTAvis,Clerk


RESOLVED to note that apologies for absence had been intimated on behalf of N Mowat, and Councillors M Davidson, J Stockan and R Crichton.


(a)Minute of Meeting held on 28 August 2015

The Minute of the Meeting held on the 28 August 2015 was approved, being proposed by

R Sinclair and seconded by M Thomson.

(b)Minute of Meeting held on 19 June 2015

The Minute of the Meeting held on the 19 June was approved, being proposed by

G Robertson and seconded by M Webster.


(a)Graemsay Community – Graemsay Pier

After consideration of correspondence from members of the Graemsay community regarding proposals for Graemsay Pier members discussed the information provided, and it was:-

RESOLVED to support the community on Graemsay in any decisions they make regarding proposals to Graemsay Pier.

(b)Orkney Islands Council – Ferry Bus Issues

After consideration of correspondence from Orkney Islands Council regarding ferry and bus issues, it was:-

RESOLVEDto note the contents of the correspondence.

(c)Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Orkney Marine Spatial Plan – Consultation

Afterconsiderationofcorrespondence from Orkney Islands Council regarding the Marine Spatial Plan Consultation, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(d)Orkney Islands Council – Orkney LEADER programme

Afterconsiderationofcorrespondence from Orkney Islands Council regarding the LEADER programme, it was:-

RESOLVEDto note the contents of the correspondence.

(e)Longhope War Memorial

The Clerk informed members that the advice from the Historic Officer, Orkney Islands Council, was to proceed with one quote for the work to the War Memorials Trust and find funding for the crane hire etc. from other sources. Members also agreed that the work needed to be completed, if at all possible, by the end of May 2016, when Lyness would be the focus of the commemoration of the Battle of Jutland. Members also discussed outstanding issues regarding the area around Lyness, and it was:-


(i)that the Clerk would prepare the application to the War Memorials Trust;

(ii)that the Clerk would apply to the Community Fund and the Community Development Fund for assistance with the crane hire costs, plus the 25% not covered in the War Memorials application;

(iii)that the Clerk would prepare an article for the Blether to update the local community on the work being proposed;

(iv)that a list would be sent to Orkney Islands Council regarding the work required around Lyness Pier; and

(v)that Orkney Islands Council would be asked for an update to any further redevelopment around the Lyness area.

(f)Joint Meeting with the Island of Hoy Development Trust

The Clerk noted that the Development Trust had suggested Wednesday, 2 December 2015 for a joint meeting, and it was:-

RESOLVED that the date was suitable and that the Clerk would issue items for the agenda which the Development Trust would prepare.


(a)Orkney Health and Care – Health and Social Care Integrated Services Public Consultation

After consideration of correspondence from Orkney Health and Care regarding the Health and Social Care IntegratedServices public consultation, it was:-

RESOLVED to display notices advertising the consultation and advising where forms could be found.

(b)NHS Orkney - Transforming Clinical Services Patient Public Reference

June 2015

After consideration of correspondence from NHS Orkney regarding transforming Clinical Services Patient Public Reference June 2015, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(c)NHS Orkney - Transforming Clinical Services Patient Public Reference September 2015

After consideration of correspondence from NHS Orkney regarding transforming Clinical Services Patient Public Reference September 2015, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(d)Alzheimer Scotland – Dementia Advisor

After consideration of correspondence from Alzheimer Scotland regarding a dementia advisor,it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(e)Orkney Islands Council – Northern Isles Landscape Partnership Scheme

After consideration of correspondence from Orkney Islands Council regarding the Northern Isles Landscape Partnership Scheme,it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.


(a)Winter Service Plan 2015/16

After consideration of correspondence regarding the Winter Service Plan, it was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the Consultation Document.

(b)Community Planning Consultation

After consideration of correspondence regarding the Community Planning Consultationit was:-

RESOLVED to note the contents of the correspondence.

(c)Review of Home based Registrars

After consideration of correspondence regarding the review of home based registrars, members agreed that the service should remain local on the islands, and it was:-

RESOLVED to include the response in the business letter.



AfterconsiderationoftheCommunityCouncil's generalfinancialstatement,itwas:-

RESOLVED tonotethebalanceoffundsavailable,asat 30 October 2015 of £7,008.29.

(b)Community Council Grant Scheme

AfterconsiderationoftheCommunityCouncilGrantSchemestatement, it was:-

RESOLVEDtonote the current balance.

(c)Community Development Fund

AfterconsiderationoftheCommunityDevelopmentFund statement, itwas:-

RESOLVED tonote thebalance remaining for allocation of £1,215.63, as at 30 October 2015.

(d)Seedcorn Fund

Afterconsiderationof the SeedcornFund statement, itwas:-

RESOLVED to note the funds remaining for approval of £3,658.47, as at 30 October 2015.


RESOLVED to note that there were no requests for financial assistance.


The following publications were made available to members at the meeting:-

NHS Orkney – Newsletter August 2015; and

NHS Orkney – Newsletter September 2015.


(a)Car Parking at Graemsay Pier

A member had passed on a request that there should be more parking made available at Graemsay Pier. Members agreed this, and it was:-

RESOLVED to include the request in the business letter.

(b)Graemsay Scrap Cars

A member had passed on a request that there should be assistance to remove scrap cars from Graemsay. Members discussed this, however with the price of scrap metal so low everyone was now paying shipping for removal of scrap cars. Members agreed that assistance was provided for Graemsay, it would also be necessary to provide it on Hoy and Walls, which would cost a considerable sum, therefore it was:-

RESOLVED not to provide financial assistance to individuals removing scrap cars.

(c)Orkney Islands Council – Orkneys Internal Air and Ferry Service STAG Part 2 Study

After consideration of correspondence from Orkney Islands Council regarding Orkney’s Internal air and ferry services STAG Part 2 study, it was:-

RESOLVED that the Transport Representative should be the initial contact for the study.

(d)Orkney Islands Council - Overgrown Vegetation

After consideration of correspondence from Orkney Islands Council regarding overgrown

vegetation, it was:-

RESOLVED that a list of properties was agreed that the Community Council should contact regarding overgrown vegetation.

(e)Recruitment of Emergency Services

A member informed the meeting that currently both the ambulance and fire services were in need of extra recruits, and that not only was this an issue presently but was likely to be a reoccurring problem in years to come. An option of amalgamating services was being trialled in other areas, but it was felt that this needed discussing urgently as the island did not want to lose any of its emergency services, and it was:-

RESOLVED to include this item on the agenda of the joint meeting with the Island of Hoy Development Trust.

(f)Rackwick Road

Members asked the Clerk if there had been any feedback regarding the traffic survey that had been undertaken on the Rackwick Road in the summer. The Clerk confirmed that there had been no correspondence, and it was:-

RESOLVED to include a request for any information in the business letter.

(g)Donation – Everest Marathon

A member asked the meeting if they would consider making a donation to the local person who was currently undertaking the Everest Marathon, as part of the funds raised in sponsorship would come back to local organisations, and it was:-

RESOLVEDunanimously to make a donation of £150.



RESOLVED that the following meeting dates be set for 2016:-

Friday, 15 January 2016, General Meeting, North Walls School;
Friday, 18 March 2016, General Meeting, North Walls School;
Friday, 6 May 2016, General Meeting, North Walls School;
Friday, 17 June 2016, Finance Applications only, North Walls School;
Friday, 26 August 2016, General Meeting, Graemsay Community Centre; and
Friday, 11 November 2016, General Meeting, North Walls School.


Therebeingnofurtherbusiness,theChair thanked everyone for attending anddeclaredthemeetingconcludedat 8:25 p.m.