Morse PTO Board Meeting - Minutes

Friday, April 28, 2017 8:45am

Morse Elementary School - Library


Theresa KorteCo-President

Amy StinerCo-President

Steve FrazellPrincipal

SuzeeVinyardiTeacher Representative

Kristi O’NealTeacher Representative

Kristen KuhlenCo-Treasurer


Jennifer StumpffCo-VP Fundraising

Anne GeislerCo-VP Fundraising

I.Call to Order: Co-President Korte

Theresa called the meeting to order at 8:50am.

II.Minutes Approved:

Tabled for June.

III.Principal’s Report: Principal Frazell

Mr. Frazell shared playground updates including that a color scheme has been chosen and he expects work to begin on the playground in June. Mr. Frazell updated the group on staff shifting for next year. Kindergarten will have 1 full day and 1 half day classroom. Staff from Kindergarten will need to shift to fill empty position in 2nd grade. Mr. Frazell also asked if the PTO would work with the school to coordinate a return of the “Chat N’Chew” book program. Theresa asked that the staff consider working with PTO to add 15 minutes to the lunch schedule those days to accommodate more meaningful book discussions. It was suggested by Kristi O’Neal we provide pizza and another member suggested even revising the name.

IV.Treasurer’s Report: Co-Treasurer Kuhlen

Kristen shared the current finances and explained that after having a meeting with Tenessa and reviewing the finances and budget, we absolutely have $40,000 to commit to the playground as well as an additional $10,000 overage. Amy Stiner suggested using some of that overage to do a match campaign for Take Stock this year. Later in the meeting, when the group voted to allocate funds to the flexible seating projects going on within the school, Anne Geisler suggested that we use the $10,000 as seed money to fund that initiative. Theresa encouraged the group to table that specific discussion until we talked more about next year’s budget, allocations for event funds and Take Stock.


No new information to pass on.

VI.Room parents:

There was brief discussion about Staff appreciation and if Room Parents were required to do anything specific. This is not the case for this year.

VII.Fundraising:VP FundraisingStumpff and Geisler

Jennifer discussed the Take Stock campaign and what we hope to accomplish this spring/summer/fall. Jennifer said that we were looking for a catchy way to get parent’s attention. Amy suggested a “Would you rather….” Campaign. The whole group thought this would be fun and also communicate our message. There was also a suggestion that we do the would you rather in a series of weeks to really drive the point home.

VIII.President’s Report: Co-President Korte

VOTE: The group discussed at length, then voted on the question: Should PTO make flexible seating our primary event fundraising goal? 6 voted in favor, 1 voted against

We then reviewed the budget from the current year to designate changes for next year. Changes are as followed:

The carnival budget was raised from $3,200 to $4,000

The family night supper was raised from $500 to $700

The mother son event was raised from $3,000 to $3,500 to match daddy daughter, and the expected profit was also raised from $5,500 to $6,500

The expected profit for school supply sales was raised to $500

The expected profit for skating parties was lowered to $100

The back to school staff lunch was raised from $600-$700

We eliminated the budget for Author Visit but kept in the line item for Susan Clymer

We eliminated the line item for Get Fit Night

We eliminated the line item for Landscaping

The OWL garden budget was raised from $150 to $400

The title of PTO appreciation Luncheon was changed to Volunteer Appreciation

We eliminated the line item for Running Club

Staff Appreciation week was raised from $400 to $600

The line item for sales tax was raised to and expense of $2,000

The group decided not to have a May meeting, but plan to have meetings in June and July.

The board set the following dates for meetings and events. More will be determined in the coming months after discussions with event chairs and the school.

Summer Meetings:

Thursday, June 15 7pm Theresa's house

July (TBD) Anne's House

PTO Board Meetings: (mostly 3rd Friday of each month)

Friday, August 25, 8:45-10:30am

Friday, September 15, 8:45-10:30am

Friday, November 17, 8:45-10:45am

Friday, January 19, 8:45-10:30am

Friday, February 16, 8:45-10:30am

Friday, March 23, 8:45-10:30am

Friday, April 20, 8:45-10:130am

PTO General Membership Meetings

Thursday, October 12, 7:30-9pm

Sometime the Week of December 11-15 in the morning w/ choir?

Thursday, February 22, 7:30-9pm

Tuesday, April 10, 7:30-9pm (ELECTIONS)

Events: (PTO)

Mother/Son (TBD- 9/29 or 10/6)

Daddy/Daughter Friday, November 3 (location TBD)

Book Fair November 13-17

Family Supper, Thursday, November 16, 6-8pm

Trivia Night, Friday, April 6 (Tentatively at St. Andrews)

Carnival/Fun Run, Friday, May 4, 5-8pm

X.Meeting Adjourned:Co-President Korte

The meeting was adjourned by Theresa at 10:50am