Connel Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting of Connel Community Council
held in Connel Village Hall on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 at 7.30 pm
1. Present
CC Sandy Dunlop (Chair), CC John Anderson, CC Jim Grout, CC Mike Harrison, CC Sam Leddy, CC Harry Powell, K. Ferguson, Steven Flanagan, J. MacInnes, R. MacKay, Murdoch MacKenzie, Mrs C. Wilson, N. Wilson (Area Manager SSE), Robert Wilson. Councillors Louise Glen-Lee, Iain Angus MacDonald, Elaine Robertson (CC = Community Councillor). Acting Minute Secretary Helen Anderson.
Apologies: Councillor Duncan MacIntyre, CC Les Stewart, CC Helen Long andPC Alison Simpson, Strathclyde Police
2. Police Report
The Chairman reported on behalf of Strathclyde Policethat there had been six crime reports in the area. There were 4 motoring offences (not counting speeding); one vandalism and one internet fraud.
3. Minutes of last Meeting on 11 September 2012
The minutes had been circulated and were approved.
4. Matters arising
Traffic control protocols in the event of a serious road accident on the A85.The one way system between Taynuilt and Kilmore and the diversion between Oban and Connel were raised. Cllr Robertson said the police were looking at traffic control as a whole in the event of a serious incident and were communicating with Transerv. There was no further information on Road Advertising Boards.Cllr Robertson reported that the Community Payback Schemeworkers were overstretched at the moment but things should improve as a Sunday supervisor had recently been appointed. Cllr Glen-Lee reported that A&B Council wasworking on a framework for the eradication of Japanese Knotweed and A&B Council’s Biodiversity Officer would continue to give advice. It was anticipated that A&B Council would begin treating knotweed on their land next year.
5. Treasurer’s Report No report.
6. A85 Roads
Agreed that the situation was bad at Achaleven Road and the issue should be taken further.Reported that A&B Council will give a specification for Achaleven Road.Jim Grout reported that a temporary cover over a hole in the westbound pavement of the A85 was collapsing; this hole is approximately 35m east of the junction with Deirdre Road. Another hole was subsequently reported in the same pavement, 40m west of the junction with Deidre Road. Again, a temporary cover is collapsing. The road was still flooding in front of the old police station and all along the A85 to the foot of the hill at the Oban end of the village, including parts of the pavement. The Secretary to take this up. The 20mph school warning lights were operating erratically and it would be safer if they were on for longer, say till 3.30. Cllr Glen-Lee reported that photographs taken on mobile smart phones of such problems could be sent via a new Android Ap called Report-ITand they would be forward to the appropriate authority.
7. Plans and Planning: There were no planning applications affecting the village
8. Community Emergency Planning
The Chairman reported that he had attended a very good meeting in the Corran Halls that morning. He drew attention to the display of many excellent leaflets by a wide variety of organisations that were available to members. Plans were underway to co-ordinate a large number of organisations from the Red Cross to A&B Council to the Scottish Government in the event of an emergency such as a big freeze up. Mr R Wilson, who is a member of the Emergency 4x4 Vehicle Drivers Club,explained how members of this club might assist communities during emergencies egduring severe weather. Amateur radio operators were also willing to help.
9. Connel Community Questionnaire
Agreed that this was a worthwhile project. The secretary was organising an event in the village hall to establish the community’s wants and needs. Cllr Glen-Lee would forward to the secretary a questionnaire containing 3 simple questions which had worked very well in Oban.
10. A.O.C.B
Community Councils were meeting with Sustrans on 5 December to discuss the cycle track north of Connel.
Cllr Glen-Lee reported that the Lorn Arc Project would go ahead and gave the up-to-date position and the added value this would give to projects from Oban to Barcaldine. This would be discussed at the Community Planning Partnership meeting on 12 December in Corran Halls at 6.30.
Mike Harrison drew attention to the proposed changes to the speed limits along the A85. Concern was expressed at the possibility of raising the speed limits through villages in the area. Cllr MacDonald reported that the Ardchattan community was also concerned. It was agreed that the secretary should write to Transport Scotland expressing extreme concern.
Achaleven School will be holding a Holly Tea on 8 December. Details would be emailed to the secretaryfor posting on the CC website.
Sam Leddyreported that there was now an official bus stop at the Pennyfuir Cemetery.
Meeting ended at 20.10
Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 8 January 2013 at 7.30pm