Swat Aircraft Website Redesign

The SWAT Airframe & Tank Services website has been redesigned to give it a more modern look and feel, make it more concise, easier to navigate, and appear higher in search results. One part of that redesign includes an updated employee timesheets that fixes some functionality from the old site.

The new timesheet appears as:

The fields are as follows:

  • Password = Please contact your manager for this information.
  • Employee Name = Your first and last name
  • Employee Email = Your work email address
  • Date = The date that the work was completed on. Not necessarily today's date.
  • SWAT Crew Chief = Your crew chief.
  • Start Time & End Time = The time to the nearest 15 minutes for your start and end times.
  • Registration = The registration (tail) number of the aircraft you were working on, if applicable.
  • WO# =The work order number the work is being done under.
  • Item # can be any of the following
  • Travel Time
  • Stand-by Time
  • Vacation
  • Sick
  • Holiday
  • Shop/Office
  • Conference Call
  • #'s 1-204
  • Comment = An optional comment about the work done.
  • Total Time = The amount of time you spent on the given item. Cannot be more than your hours worked(stop time – start time) less your lunch.
  • Lunch = Number of hours spent off clock at a meal
  • Mileage = Miles driven for work purposes in your personal vehicle.

An example timesheet would look like:

When you hit Submit, the timesheet is validated to ensure you have hours that add up correctly and have filled in the required fields. If you leave a field blank, it will point to the field you need to fill in.

If your hours do not add up correctly, you will see:

If you accidentally click outside of the box, simply click on Timesheets again and your information should still be filled in. If you need to submit timesheets for two days, you need to reload the page after submitting the first one. When you successfully submit the timesheet, it will be emailed to you, Monica, and Misti. You will see the following screen:

And receive an email that looks similar to:

If you have any issues with the timesheet, you can email Rusty Nejdl <> or contact him at 214-674-8892.