
Minutes of the Meeting of CLAPHAM PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 17thNovember 2015 at 7.45pm in the VillageHall.

PRESENT:- Parish CouncillorsMr. Hope, (Chair), Mrs. Hurley, Mr. Hurst,Mr. Keech,Mr. Langley,Mrs. Simms,Ms. Simons, Mr. Sparrow, Mr. Tomkins, Borough Councillor Walker, the Clerk, Mrs. Paice, and2 membersof the public

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:-Mrs. Fraser,Ms. Ornithari, Mrs. Palmer,Mr. Prudham
    2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST:- Cllr. Tomkins for item 11b) as a tenant of some of the land.

Residents were concerned that the bottle banks should not be replaced on their previous sites because of the dumping of bottles and fly tipping. Council agreed.

The minutes of the meeting held on 20th October2015,which had been circulated, were approved by those present and signed by the Chairman.
Maintenance – Clerk had reported damage to the kerb on new A6 roundabout & the poor condition of the pavement at the back of nos. 12 – 19 Saddle Close as one lady had fallen over. Clerk had also requested that the grass on the footpath in front of the houses in Saddle Close be cut back as the path is now very narrow. Clerk had chased spraying of weeds in footways & Bedford BC had advised that the final weed spraying programme for this year was due to be carried out in November and the Cody Road area will be sprayed then. Clerk had asked Bedford BC to clear blocked gullies and fallen leaves in Green Lane and the High Street and gullies had been cleared. Anglian Water had advised that branches would be removed from Milton Road verge shortly. EDF had yet to remove their signs from outside the Village Hall.

Tinsley Close bridleway - cut back 20.10.15.
Bus shelters – new bus shelters had been ordered & Clerk had requested quotations to remove old shelters
Traffic Surveys – Mayor had advised that that when designing new road schemes, the Borough uses a Highways Traffic Model to forecast traffic flows. The design of the new A6 roundabout is based on these forecasts. Officers will monitor actual traffic levels once the Bypass has opened. Traffic flows will not generally be available until traffic levels have settled down, usually a year after the Bypass has been opened but when that data is available officers would be happy to share it. Clerk had asked Harpur Trust for measures to mitigate the impact of school traffic. They advised that they encourage students to use buses, have staggered drop-off and pick up times and would support traffic control measures on the roundabouts.

Parking in Highbury Grove – residents had been advised by the Mayor that no parking on the verge signs to be installed at the top of Highbury Grove by the end of the year. Cllr. Walker noted that the signs were being funded from her Ward Fund.

Village Hall car park – potholes to be repaired 18.11.15. Pre-School had asked parents & Clerk had asked residents not to use the car park whilst the work was being carried out.



There were 5reported crimes in Octoberof which1 was an assault, 1 arson endangering life, 1robbery from a business property, 1 theft from a vehicle and 1 dangerous dog incident.

Cllr. Walker reported that Bedford BC was consulting on the Local Plan, the change to 2-tier school system and their 2016 budget. Christmas lights would be switched on 26.11.15. on The Embankment and the Christmas Fair would be held from 11–13.12.15. in Harpur Square. During December parking would be free for 2 hours in Queen Street car park every day and street parking would be free after 6.00pm.


No parking on the verge signs in Highbury Grove and Oakley Road had been funded from her Ward Fund and Bedford BC had assured Cllr. Walker that theywould be enforced. Twinwood Business Park had recently been purchased by Bap Loan Co, a subsidiary of Marcol and the site manager would be meeting with the new owners w/c 21.11.15. The Home Office had insisted that Twinwood Road is re-opened for Yarlswood traffic.

Burial ground was discussed (see item 13). One quotation for £125.00 had been received to remove and dispose of the fence panels adjacent to the High Street parking bays and Committee had accepted it. No quotations had been received for the new flowerbed in Riverside and the Committee had agreed to defer to the Spring. Committee had agreed that a hedge cutting contract to cut the side of the hedges at the burial ground, Tinsley Close bridleway footpath 14 once a year should be set up and Clerk would obtain quotations.

Applications Decided:

Clerk noted that application 15/01178/FUL – change of use from office & storage to children’s nursery at 13A High Street had been withdrawn.

Applications Received:

a) 15/02359/TPO – reduce horse chestnut to 12m & reduce lateral spread by 40% to re-balance at 101 Highbury Grove. No objection
b) 15/02316/FUL – single storey rear extension at 80 Milton Road. No objection

c) 15/02334/MAF – erection of retail unit (Aldi) with parking, servicing, landscaping & associated works at 98 Clapham Road, Bedford. Objection on the grounds that the proposed entrance is too close to the new roundabout, the proposed supermarket is too close to the petrol station and the need for another supermarket had not been shown.
d) 15/02152/FUL – change of use from retail (A1) to restaurant with A3 at 76 High Street (Charlies supermarket). No objection in principle but concern that there should be sufficient parking and that the ventilation system should not adversely affect neighbours.
e)15/02379/FUL - 2 storey front extension at 19 Oakley Road. No objection
15/02130/MAF – erection of health & racquet club with associated infrastructure at land on Clapham Road (opposite Franklin’s Cottages)
Clerk noted that the application had not been sent to Council as it was outside the parish & that CPRE was objecting because of concern about development in the local gap. Council had no objection provided it was not regarded as a precedent for development in the Local Gap.

a) Meeting with Bedford BC 05.11.15.

Bedford BC advised that and drafting of the Local Plan would begin in Spring 2016. The 4,500 figure for new housing would not be reduced and under the duty to co-operate more houses might be needed in future. Decisions on housing had not already been made. Housing had been allocated proportionatelyand the settlement hierarchy had considered existing facilities, the land available to develop and school capacity. Chair commented that Clapham had insufficient infrastructure for the amount of housing proposed & Bedford BC advised that utility companies were being consulted. If it was not possible to upgrade or provide new infrastructure, sites would be removed but at present utility companies had not discounted Clapham. No sites for new settlements had been put forward in the first Call for Sites and if Twinwood Business Park was in administration Bedford BC questioned whether it would be deliverable within the time frame of the Local Plan. The Borough had to ensure that a five year housing supply was always in place. Previously 30% of housing developments were affordable but Government had recently introduced low cost housing i.e. a 20% discount for the first buyer. Therefore in future a proportion of new housing would be discounted but the percentage was not yet known. Bedford BC was thinking in terms of two schools in Clapham, not an extension to the existing school, although they could be under one head teacher.


No decisions had yet been made on Local Green Spaces and the consultation was inviting residents to put forward their suggestions. Bedford BC was not intending to change the protection of green spaces in the 2013 Allocations & Designations Plan and therefore the area behind the church would not be lost. The gap between Bedford and Clapham would also be maintained. Bedford BC advised that if the NDP Group was not thinking in terms of 900 houses it might not be worth continuing. If the NDP Group was allocating housing the NDP would need to be agreed after the Local Plan and if the NDP allocated less development than the Local Plan it would not be in conformity. Bedford BC suggested that NDP Groups should be consulting with developers. Chair commented that Clapham did not want to discuss with developers whilst consultation was ongoing.

b) Local Plan 2032 consultation

Chair noted that the drop-in session on 13.11.15. had been very well attended and Cllr. Simms to thank the COPS site for continually advertising the meeting. NDP Group had drafted a response to the consultation arguing that 800 – 900 houses were too many. They would result in the loss of Clapham’s rural nature and village identity; Bedford already had a very low level of sustainable transport and they would result in a significant increase in the number of car journeys; Bedford Road/Clapham Road was already at capacity during the rush hour and there were long tailbacks on the southbound A6 so they would increase pressure on both these roads; because of the proximity to Bedford they would result in very few new jobs being created in Clapham and would have very little effect on maintaining village services and the site proposed was a green field site which would require significant new infrastructure including a new school and community centre.

Twinwood Business Park was a brown field site which had been put forward in the Call for Sites for development and the infrastructure could be upgraded for 800 – 900 dwellings; the Borough Economy and Land Study noted that Twinwood Business Park was not a good opportunity site for growth and increasing employment capacity and the most appropriate business/employment sites were along the A421. NDP Group therefore recommended that Twinwood business Park be considered as an alternative site for a new residential settlement. Council agreed to send a similar response.
The business Park had recently been sold and Council agreed to approach the new owners about housing development. Chair to contact the site manager to ask for a meeting and Clerk to research the parent company. Cllr. Sparrow suggested a special meeting of full council with the new owners. Cllr. Walker noted that the result of the Local Plan consultation would be reported to the Borough Executive in summer 2016, a further consultation would be undertaken in autumn 2016 and the Local Plan would be sent to the Inspector in 2017.
Christmas Tree event

Bedford BC had confirmedthe road closure & police would operate it. Clerk had requested a donation from Tesco for refreshments and arranged for the tree to be delivered 30.11.15. Cllrs. Simons and Hurley volunteered a table & chairs for refreshments. Cllr. Simms had been unable to find a Santa.


maintenance & signs

Cycle stands had been installed. No quotation had been received from the contractor approached about an electric gate. Clerk had approachedlocal security companiesabout opening and closing the gate and most only provided security equipment. Twoquotations had been received for a person to lock & unlock the gate daily of £35.00 per dayand £19.00 per day plus double on Bank Holidays.

Priory Rangers would be gapping up hedges at Millennium Wood on 09.12.15. and would fill the gap in the Burial Ground hedge too. They would also plant a mulberry tree left over from the WW1 commemoration planting and Council agreed that it should be dedicated to the memory of former councillor Eddy Pearson. Bedford BC Rangers would find out if legal action could be taken against those causing damage to the site by allowing bikes to access the land. Cllr. Tomkins would try and find some fencing to fill the gap whilst the hedge matured and had suggested that photographs were taken once the hedge was planted so if it was damaged evidence could be sent to the police.


Bedford BC had no objection to aheight barrier at the entrance to the site but a 2m high fixed barrier would prevent tractors accessing the site Clerk to obtain quotations for a lockable barrier.

Bedford BC had no objection to the stone on the verge provided it is covered by Council insurance. Clerk had asked the stone mason to advise when the stone will be delivered as Cllr. Tomkins had kindly volunteered to unload it.



Clerk had received quotations for £15,251.30 + VAT to clean out gullies, replace concrete channel and resurface an area 360m² or £9,251.30 + VAT toclean out gullies, replace concrete channel and resurface an area 145m². Council agreed to consider in 2016/17 budget.

Clerk had circulated copies of the Information Publication Scheme and Health & Safety Policy which were unchanged. Council was content with both policies.

Councillors reported that the alleyway between The Close & The Slade needed cleaning and the lights at Clapham end of Bedford road were very dim. Clerk to ask Bedford BC to deal.


a) Accounts to pay

Proposed by Cllr.Sparrow, seconded by Cllr.Keechthat the Novemberaccounts listed below be paid.

PayeeWork Carried Out Amount Paid Inc. VAT

J. BurnageRiverside Security & Allotment
Caretaker 72.32

WarnersGrass cutting – November payment 775.00 129.17

WarnersCutting Tinsley Close bridleway
hedge 168.00 28.00

Glasdon UK LtdPicnic tables x 2 1,338.87 223.14

Mrs. A. E. PaiceBurial ground cycle racks 134.95 22.49

Altodigital Quarterly photocopying charge 57.60 9.60

SpanglefishAnnual website charge 24.95 4.16

Herts CCStationery 9.54 1.59

Anglian WaterAllotment water 440.54

BishopInstallation of burial ground cycle
racks 150.00

Village HallHire of Hall November 38.50

Mrs. A. E. PaiceSalary November 1,680.80

TOTAL 4,891.07 418.15

Accounts already paid

BTBroadband October – December 73.80 12.30

BTTelephone November - January 80.48 13.41 TOTAL 5,045.35 443.86

Statement of Accountat 31.10.15.

Current Account £1,000.00Business Reserve £98,490.44


Balance Brought Forward at 31.03.15.£ 43,047.15
Add Income£ 100,990.76

£ 1,662.00 garage rent
£ 1,678.33 allotment rent
£ 8,482.17 burial ground

Less Expenditure£ 51,366.48
Balance at 31.10.15. £ 92,671.43

Neighbourhood Plan monies held by Parish Council

Statement of Account at 31.10.15.

Balance at 30.09.15.£3,133.92

Income£ NIL
Expenditure£ 14.00
Balance at 31.10.15.£3,119.92

b) request for donation from Oakley Rural Day Care Centre
Oakley Day Centre had requested £450 for the provision of activities for their clients. Total running costs were £93,826 and Centre had a balance of £99,885 at 31.03.15. Three Clapham residents use the Centre (6% of the total)

Proposed by Cllr. Langley, seconded by Cllr. Hurley that £150.00 be donated
Agreed S. 137 donation

c) Bedford BC Council Tax Support Grant 2016/17
The Borough Council was proposing to provide support for a further two years to those councils where the Council Tax Base remained below the 2012/13 level. The funding proposed for 2016/17 would be determined by reference to each council’s tax base in comparison to its 2012/13 tax base. Funding in 2017/18 would be 50% of the funding provided in 2016/17, after which time funding would be phased out entirely. On the basis of the 2015/16 figure Council support grant would reduce by £2,151 to £4,834 for 2016/17. Council was content.

d) Budget 2016/17
Councillors to consider any new items of expenditure for 2016/17 and pass to Clerk for inclusion in draft budget. Clerk noted that Council would need to start contributing to a pension for the Clerk w.e.f. 01.10.16.

e) Clerk’s expenses

Proposed by Chair, seconded by Cllr. Hurstthat expenses of £80.03for the period July – September 2015 be paid


a) Ursula Taylor Lower – consultation on proposed age change
Council continued to support the proposed change to a primary school.

b) Bedford BC – 2016 budget consultation
Proposals included ending funding of speed limit changes and average speed cameras; removal of dog warden; reducing recycling posts; discontinuing separate dog waste collection; reducing events programme & ending summer play schemes and changing the mechanism for grant funding to organisations.

Cllr. Walker noted that budget cuts would be subject to the Government Spending Review on 25.11.15. Council had no comments at present.

c)Bedford BC – proposing Clapham Chase as name of new development in High Street
Council had no other suggestions.


d) Bedford BC – free orange sacks for Christmas recycling
Sacks would be available from Bedford Central Library, Putnoe Library, Wootton Library, Bromham Library, Kempston Town Library, Customer Service Centre (Horne Lane, Bedford), and the Household Waste Recycling Centre (Barkers Lane, Bedford). Sacks would also be provided to Councils for distribution w/c 07.12.15.

e) Bedford BC – Civic Carol Service 13.12.15.

Chair to attend.

19.DATE OF NEXT MEETING:-Tuesday 15thDecember 2015

Thursday 14th January 2016 – precept meeting 7.00pm

