230 Washington Avenue Extension, Suite 101l Albany, NY 12203l l 800.694.8320

Chapter Annual Report for 2016-17New Streamlined Format!

Date:July 8, 2017

To:Chapter Leaders

From:Dr. Mark Nelson, Executive Director
& Fran Trees, Chapter Liaison

Wehopethismessage findsyourChapterthriving,andpreparingforanactive,successfulyearahead in2017-2018.

As part of our Chapter Revitalization process, we want all Chapter leaders to know that we have heard the feedback about the past requirements of submitting the Annual Report, which was always a labor-intensive and tedious effort.

The Annual Report is required by law because the Chapters are affiliated with CSTA—and we want to make sure that all Chapters are in compliance. To assist all of you with this required reporting, we have streamlined the reporting process, creating an “Annual Report – Form EZ,” if you will.

The new Annual Report format is enclosed—and to make filing it even easier—we have made the report an online form available through the CSTA website.

The information you provide to CSTA through the Annual Report helps us ensure that Chapters are achieving their missions, operating under best practices, providing promised services, and providing protection to the volunteers who serve these organizations. The information also helps CSTA determine what resources it needs to make available to the Chapters in order to make sure that we an effective and efficient partnership for growth and success with all of you.


Afterreviewingthenew Annual Report format, please:

1.Ask any questions you may have at either the Chapter Leadership Summit in Baltimore or, if you are unable to be in Baltimore, by contacting CSTA Director of Resources, Sara-Becca Smith at r 800-694-8320.

2.The preferred method of submitting the new Annual Report is through an online form, accessible via the CSTA website.

Please make every effort to complete and submit this new version of the Annual Report by
August 1, 2017

Thank you.

Annual Report Submission Deadline: August 1, 2017



2)2016-17ChapterFinancialStatementForm -attached.

3)Chapter Questionnaire –attached.

4)ChapterInformation(Optional)- AnyadditionalinformationaboutyourChapter
you wouldliketoinclude,especiallyanybestpractices or creative ideastosharewith


Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcomments,pleasecalltheCSTAOffice:800-694-8320, Monday-Fridaybetween9:00a.m. –4:30p.m.(EST). WevalueourrelationshipwithyourChapterandwanttoassist you with your growth and success.Togetherwearebetteratfulfillingourmission!Thankyou!

ChapterFinancialInformation–for Fiscal Year 2016-17

Please complete A, B & C if your Chapter has a bank account and/or treasury set-up.
If you do not have a bank account or no income/expenses, please complete A & C.



Chapter Name
Chapter Location
Treasurer Name
Treasurer PhoneNumber
Treasurer EmailAddress


What was your Chapter’s total income for 2016? / $
What were your Chapter’s total expenses for 2016? / $
TotalNet Profit / (TotalIncomeminusTotalExpenses)


How would you rate the financial health of your Chapter?

_____ Very secure; have net profits and/or healthy reserve.

_____ Secure

_____ Acceptable; Chapter has liquidity.

_____ Concerned about financial trends.

_____ Insecure

_____ Non-Existent; no bank account or income/expenses.


Please provide answers for the following questions:

Membership – How many members did your Chapter have on its rolls for 2016-17?

Chapter Website

Does your Chapter have a website?YesNo

If yes, what is the URL? ______

Name of person who oversees website: ______

How often is the website updated (approximately)? ______

Chapter Policies & Procedures – Besides your by-laws, does your Chapter have in place any policies and/or procedures to guide leadership? If so, please list below the policies that have been adopted.

Chapter Leadership Activity – How many leadership or boardmeetings (face-to-face, conference calls, etc.) did you hold in 2016-17?


What do you feel has been your Chapter leadership’s greatest accomplishment in 2016-17?


What has been your Chapter leadership’s greatest challenge in 2016-17? How have you taken on the challenge?

Finally—and most importantly:
What can CSTA do to further assist your Chapter?