Instructions to Authors for the
Proceedings of the 55th Western Poultry Disease Conference
Dear Authors: November 2005
Again this year we are pleased to provide the Proceedings of the Western Poultry Disease Conference and make them available at the time of registration. It is important that papers be submitted by December 19, 2005. Early submission of papers will be very helpful.
Method of manuscript submission: All manuscripts are to be sent by E-mail to Dr. David Frame, Proceedings Editor at . Please virus-check your computer and manuscript file before sending. Papers will be acknowledged by return E-mail as soon as they are received.
Format and Style: Manuscripts should only be prepared using Microsoft® Office Word-compatible programs. It is imperative that all papers be of uniform style, and must include title, author(s), and address(es), and subtitles (if any). Clearly identify authors to appropriate address using superscript upper case letters. Please do not submit your files in column format. The style used in Avian Diseases is to serve as a guide.
• Titles, authors and addresses, and text should be in Times New Roman font size 10.
• A tab setting of 0.30 inches should be used.
• Use only the metric system throughout the manuscript.
• Do not embed footnotes into the manuscript. Footnotes should not be used unless absolutely necessary. If a footnote is imperative, simply add it following the main text within the body of the manuscript itself.
Length of manuscripts: We are trying to arrive at a balance where we have enough contents in the printed papers to make them useful, but limit their length to keep the Proceedings at a manageable size. However, short abstracts that state only that the results will be presented at the conference (and no data given in the abstract) are worthless and will not be printed. Please adhere to the following guidelines for number of pages of submitted text including tables and/or figures:
• For invited oral presentations, send a manuscript that will fill from 3 to 6 pages.
• For regular oral and poster presentations, send a manuscript that will fill 1 to 3 pages.
• For short oral clinical reports, send a manuscript that will fill 1 to 2 pages.
Exceptions to the above guidelines will occur if you are submitting this same material as a full-length article to a refereed journal. In such cases, it would be best (as most refereed journals will not publish the same full-length article that has first been published in these Proceedings) to have just an abstract published in the Proceedings. And even then, make sure the title and abstract you send us is not the same as the one used for the refereed article. The abstract should include a note stating, “The full-length article will be published in (name of journal).”
Tables and Figures: Keep tables or figures simple. Use a table only when absolutely necessary. Tables should follow the style used in Avian Diseases. (See the following example).
Table 1. The table description is printed in the normal text font.
This is the General Heading
Heading No. 2 Heading No. 3
Sub-heading 0.00 0.00
Place table or figure at the end of your manuscript, not in the text. Submit figures only in black & white using defined dots, stripes, or checks (i.e., no color graphs or figures). Pictures or photomicrographs should not be submitted, as the planned method of printing will not result in good quality reproduction.
ONLY ONE FIGURE OR TABLE PER MANUSCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED BECAUSE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SPACE LIMITATION IN THE PROCEEDINGS. Please adhere to this request or your manuscript may be returned or excess tables/figures eliminated.
Abbreviations: Follow the style used in Avian Diseases. That is, for microorganisms use the complete name on first use (e.g., Escherichia coli). Thereafter, the generic name should be abbreviated to the initial capital letter (e.g., E. coli). For viruses, diseases, procedures, etc. use the complete name with the first reference and introduce an abbreviation in parenthesis [e.g., Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), Marek’s disease (MD), hemagglutination inhibition (HI), etc.]. Use only the abbreviation thereafter. Abbreviations of standard units of measurement and chemical symbols, etc. should be used without definition (e.g., DNA, RNA, mg, mL, etc.).
References: Please use exactly the same style as is used in Avian Diseases, making sure that initials, punctuation, and all information are formatted properly. The following example illustrates style for a journal article, book, conference, and thesis citation.
• Use only cited references.
• Authors are responsible to make sure all references are correct.
1. Gretzky, W. Variation in puck speed according to ice temperature. J. Hockey Sci. 10:200-203. 1980.
2. Leeson, S., and J. D. Summers. Feeding programs for laying hens. In: Commercial poultry nutrition, 3rd ed. University Books, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. pp. 163-227. 2005.
3. Riddell, C. Inflammation of the bronchi in broiler chicken associated with barn dust and influenced by barn temperature. Proc. 44th West. Poult. Dis. Conf., Davis, California. pp. 23-24. 1995.
4. Marshall, M. S. Development of an attenuated fowl cholera vaccine. M.S. thesis. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. 1981.
Thank you for helping to make the Proceedings publication go smoothly. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail or phone me directly.
Dr. David D. Frame Work phone: (435) 283-7586
USU Turkey Research Center Home phone: (435) 283-4828
375 West 100 North Fax: (435) 283-5648
Ephraim, Utah 84627 E-Mail: