Minutes of the meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7:30pm
on 16th February 2015, in the Millennium Hall.
Present: Cllrs Andrews, Beattie, Blackwell, Brylewski, Gulliver, Scott, Trevor, Welburn, Mrs M Vail (clerk), Mr MJ Tomlinson (RFO), 2 police officers and 1 resident
Absent: Cllrs Bloomfield, Mellor
The resident spoke about the proposed land purchase, urging the council to reconsider its decision based on 48 votes in support, or to make further efforts to determine the opinion of the majority of the residents. Cllr Welburn explained that the council had taken the public mandate given at the last parish meeting to explore the purchase, which had been undertaken by means of the village survey, and noted that the council could only go back to the village once it was in possession of the final cost. She noted that there was much speculation on this matter in the village. Cllr Trevor acknowledged the public alarm caused by the incorrect reporting of costs in the village magazine which had altered public support of the land purchase, and that the council were looking to use the land to raise income but were bound by confidentiality so could not divulge details at this stage.
Meeting started at 7.40pm
2014/97 Apologies:
Apologies were received from Cllr Booth (ill), Cllr Bridgwood (work), Cllr Houghton, (away), Cllr Parrott (away), Cllr Robinson (family matters). It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons for absence
2014/98 Members’ declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality: There were none
It was RESOLVED to take item 5 next.
Item 5: To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required:
Police: The police reported that there had been 16 incidents in January compared to 41 in December. They noted that a Community Protection Notice letter had been issued to the pig owner by WLDC which would make it easier for the police to take further action if required in the future. Cllr Scott noted that there were fewer pigs on site.
District Cllr: Cllr Welburn reported that the Police and Crime Commissioner, Alan Hardwick, had been invited to attend the next Challenge and Improvement Committee. The next invitee would be a Highways representative.
County Cllr: There was no report.
i. To note correspondence regarding new style of police report:
Noted. The correspondence noted that the new statistics based format allowed for comparison of the parish with the whole sector, and also illustrated the low crime level in this area.
ii. To note letter from the Force about police attendance at meetings:
Noted. The letter explained matters around attendance at meetings.
iii. To note any update regarding pigs on Waterford Lane: Update given above.
2014/99 Chairman’s remarks:
Cllr Trevor reported that his recent Westminster trip, where he had met with the Minister of Transport and Department of Transport officials in connection with the bypass, had been invaluable. He noted that he, Cllr Scott and Cllr Welburn had recently attended the ACIS opening ceremony at the Waterford Lane housing development. Cllr Welburn noted that she had recently attended a Transport Seminar during which the Bypass/Hawthorn Road matter had been discussed. The chairman then reminded members to make an appointment if they needed to see the clerk, and not to swear around or at her, this followed an incident involving a CWPC councillor. He then read out Section 10 of the Standing Orders as follows:
Disorderly conduct
a No person shall obstruct the transaction of business at a meeting or behave offensively or improperly.
b If, in the opinion of the Chairman, there has been a breach of standing order 10(a) above, the Chairman shall express that opinion and thereafter any councillor including the Chairman may move that the person be silenced or excluded from the meeting, and the motion, if seconded, shall be put forthwith and without discussion.
c If a resolution made in accordance with standing order 10(b) above, is disobeyed, the Chairman may take such further steps as may reasonably be necessary to enforce it and/or he may adjourn the meeting.
2014/100 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 15th December 2014, and agree for them to be signed as a true record:
Item 2014/93a – this was amended to read 16th December instead of 16th November.
It was noted that Cllr Welburn had also been present at the Highways meeting referred to in the Chairman’s remarks. It was RESOLVED to accept the amended minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.
2014/101 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required: Items dealt with above.
2014/102 To receive the schedule of receipts and payments since the last meeting:
It was noted that the January Receipts & Payments had been issued with the agenda, and that the December schedule was being circulated at the meeting. The RFO reported that interest of an average of £31 per month was being received from the new Nationwide account. He was thanked for securing this income.2014/103 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly:
a) Finance & General Purposes:
i. To receive information about recent electricity bill:
The RFO noted a probability that the budget would be overspent based on the most recently received electricity bill, and that the new heaters were the biggest factor. Steps had already been taken to reduce consumption. The RFO further noted that there were arrears of £326 on the account. It was RESOLVED to pay the arrears by cheque. Action: VIC, clerk
ii. To consider a request from the Community Partnership that the parish council takes official ownership of their gazebo and covers it under council insurance, and that management/bookings of the gazebo is delegated to the Community Partnership
The clerk reported that the request was due to the Community Partnership not having their own insurance. It was confirmed that the gazebo could be loaned out to any village organisation. It was noted that there was a £250 insurance excess; and that the insurance premium would increase on the next renewal from 1st Oct 2015 by £2.85. It was RESOLVED, with three against, that the request be approved.
iii. To approve a request from the Community Partnership that their member purchasing the gazebo be reimbursed £625.00 by the parish council for this purchase
It was noted that the gazebo was 3 x 6 metres and would now be costing £796.81 inc. VAT ie an additional £39.00 was now required. An award of £625 would be reimbursed to the council from the Councillor Initiative Fund once WLDC had seen proof of purchase as supplied by the Community Partnership. The RFO explained that if the council paid the supplier’s proforma invoice then the council could reclaim the VAT. The bank had confirmed that the bank transfer would be free of charge. It was RESOLVED to approve the request and to authorise payment of the additional £39.00. Action: RFO
iv. To consider WVAPG application received for a £100 grant towards a Village Walking and Cycling Event in April to cover costs of printing flyers and route maps:
Cllr Welburn declared an interest, being a member of the Vikings Walking Club which was supporting this event. She reported that the insurance and registration fees were being funded by the LVWC. The RFO confirmed that funds were available under the A12 budget head. After consideration, Members felt it not appropriate to award a £100 grant but instead it was RESOLVED, with one abstention, to offer free of charge the reverse of the council flyer advertising the Annual Meeting. Action: clerk
v. To approve bypass related expenditure of £434.27 on banners and travel costs to Westminster:
It was noted that £ 353.18 would be reimbursed from Reepham Parish Council from their grant of £500 from LCC, with the remainder being Cllr Trevor’s travel expenses to be paid for by Cherry Willingham Parish Council. The Vice Chairman led the proposal and it was RESOLVED, with one abstention, to approve the expenditure.
b) Planning matters:
i. To receive a report on recent planning applications, approvals and refusals:
36 Hawthorn Avenue: 1st floor extension to side, St Peter & St Pauls Church: erect standalone eco toilet, 1A New Crescent: to erect uPVC and brick, 2 Waterford Lane: erect two storey rear extension,
Long Meadows, Green Lane: erect one dwelling
ii. To approve the actions of the Planning Committee:
It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the Planning Committee.
iii. To note correspondence from Dep’t of Transport in respect of the bypass advising that inquiries into the Orders will be held at a date yet to be set: Noted.
iv. To receive a report on progress made regarding Neighbourhood Plan:
It was reported that the results of the 100 questionnaire responses received to date had been collated and that the results had confirmed the range of issues and had given a fairly clear indication on priorities. A drop in session was planned at the Library on 21st February to answer residents’ questions and to encourage more questionnaire responses. The Steering Group was now working on the appropriate responses to the issues raised, and had also agreed a general structure for the Neighbourhood Plan document so that work could start on the draft policies.
It was noted that Nettleham Parish Council had had a planning application recently refused where their Neighbourhood Plan had been quoted even though it wasn’t fully completed.
c) Employment Committee:
i. To receive the notes, for information only, of the meeting held on 8th January 2015:
It was RESOLVED to receive the notes for information only.
ii. To approve expenditure of £250 to register the clerk on the CILCA course:
It was RESOLVED to approve this expenditure.
iii. To approve clerk’s request for, and associated costs of, training courses for 2015:
It was RESOLVED to approve the clerk’s request for six training courses and associated costs of £29.50 for course costs and £77.00 for mileage.
d) Village Improvement Committee (VIC):
i. To receive the notes, for information only, of the meeting held on 6th January 2014:
It was RESOLVED to receive the notes for information only.
ii. To consider the siting of the proposed bench for Minster Drive:
Cllr Welburn gave an update on her conversations with one resident on this matter, before noting the advantages and disadvantages of this location. She further noted the petition that had been received was against installation of the bench but that the council hadalso receivedrequests from older residents wantingmore benches to rest on, as well as the mandate given atthe APM for more seating around the village. A letter received just before the meeting was circulated for all to read.Following discussion and comment, it wasRESOLVEDto continue with installing the bench at this location and to relocate it if necessary.Action: clerk
iii. To approve the VIC taking over responsibility for the pond area from the L&A Committee for a one year period: It was RESOLVED to approve the VIC taking over responsibility for the pond area from the L&A Committee for a one year period.
e) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A):
i. To receive the notes, for information only, of the meeting of the L&A Committee held on 19th January 2015: It was RESOLVED, with one abstention, to receive the notes for information only.
ii. To receive an update on the two poplar trees at St Pauls Play Area
Cllr Welburn gave an update on her conversations with one resident on this matter, before noting the advantages and disadvantages of this location. She further noted the petition that had been received was against installation of the bench but that the council hadalso receivedrequests from older residents wantingmore benches to rest on, as well as the mandate given atthe APM for more seating around the village. A letter received just before the meeting was circulated for all to read.Following discussion and comment, it wasRESOLVEDto continue with installing the bench at this location and to relocate it if necessary.Action: clerk
iii. To receive an update on the two poplar trees at St Pauls Play Area
Cllr Trevor reported that he had spoken to the tenant and that the landlord as owner had agreed to cut the trees down and dispose of the wood at no cost to the council; and that the owner had been very concerned that the matter had been blown out of all proportion.Cllr Beattie noted that a second tree report costing £100 had been received after an initial tree report in which the trees had been identified as not belonging to the council, and as such this had cost the council an unnecessary £100. Cllr Brylewski noted that she considered the £100 to be money well spent as the reports had highlighted potential issues which could have influenced the owner.Cllr Beattie then read out the first report; asking why the council should get a quote from elsewhere when the first report clearly stated that the trees were not on council land.Cllr Trevor then expanded on the content of the first report, noting that itsuggested, notstated, that the trees stood within the boundary of the neighbouring property and that, despite the uncertainty of ownership, the council had been playing safe in case the trees fell down. It was noted that four of theseven members of the L&A committee had visited the trees and a copy of the land registry record had been obtained but it was too difficult to be absolutely sure of ownership from the evidence presented at that time. Cllr Trevor further noted that two professional reports had been sought simultaneously to obtain two professional opinions. The second report was noted as taking a very safety conscious approach.Cllr Trevor noted that the £100 had given the council a way forward and the reports had allowed for the owner to be made aware of any liabilities; and he had subsequently taken responsibility. It was noted that at the time the reports were requested that this information had not been known.