Announcements ~ April 8, 2018
Today we welcome the Pine Haven’s Men’s Chorus to Faith. The mission of the Chorus is “Praising God in Support of Pine Haven Christian Home.” Through the efforts of the Chorus, Pine haven has received annual financial support that through the decades has brought many blessings to the elderly members of God’s family. Many of these seniors that make Pine Haven their home have very limited financial resources and are so appreciative of the Christian love and care they receive due in part to the financial gifts from people like you.
The men of the Chorus are all volunteers that have a heart of gratitude for what God has done for them and in turn are using their gifts to give glory to God and support the mission God has established. The Chorus has practiced diligently and is prepared to lead you in a wonderful time of worship. Be prepared to be blessed and enriched as in your hearts you worship our Heavenly Father as they sing to the LORD. Ron Walvoort, Chief Executive Officer Pine Haven Christian Communities.
Thank you for worshipping with us and opening your hearts with gifts and prayer for the elderly residents of the Pine Haven Christian Communities.
Everyone is welcome. As a community of the people of God, the members of Faith Lutheran Church are called to welcome all people. We affirm that in Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female” (Galatians 3:28). Christ has made us one.
Welcome to our visitors! We are pleased you are worshiping with us today. We invite guests to complete the Yellow “Guest” card found in the pew racks and leave it with an usher or place it in the offering plate. If you would like more information about Faith, please contact us at 920.775.4141 or .
Blank offering envelopes are available in the pews for visitors or if you forgot yours at home.
Children are welcome at all services. Worship bulletins for children and activity bags are available in the Narthex. If your child needs a break from the service, feel free to walk to the narthex/back of the church.
Welcome to the Lord’s Table.Today we will be celebrating communion by intinction. At the table of our Lord Jesus Christ, God nourishes faith, forgives sin, and calls us to be witnesses to the Gospel. The ushers will direct you to come down the center aisle and approach the altar. Please extend your hands in which to receive the bread. Both wine and grape juice are available (Grape juice is in the smaller portion of the chalice). Gluten free elements are available. All are welcome at the table. Those who are not communing may come forward for a blessing. (Please remember when you fill out the yellow card found in the pew, to include your first name as there may be others in the church with similar last names.)
Faith’s Opportunities April 8-15
Sunday10:15 A.M. Sunday School, Confirmation, Pastor’s Class
Monday5:00-7:00 P.M. Jazzercise
6:00 & 7:30 P.M. Televised Worship
6:00 P.M. Board of Youth Ministry
6:30 P.M. Board of Christian Education and Garden Club
Tuesday12:00 P.M. Quilting
4:00 P.M. Hands on Mission
7:00 P.M. Board of Church Property
Wednesday6:45 A.M. Men’s Bible Study
6:15 P.M. Worship
7:15 P.M. Confirmation
Thursday8:00 A.M. Quilting, Secretary’s Meeting
5:00-7:00 P.M. Jazzercise
Saturday8:00 A.M. Jazzercise
9:00 A.M. Church Clean up, Cemetery Clean up (rescheduled), 2nd Saturday Bible Study
Sunday9:00 A.M. Worship
10:15 A.M. Sunday School, Confirmation, Pastor’s Class – Newsletter info due
Last Week - Attendance: Sunday: 664 Offerings to the Lord’s work: $8,625.00 ($7,192.85 needed per week to meet operating budget.) REMINDER: The capital appeal for the building loan will be ending in May. If you have an outstanding pledge, please consider fulfilling it before the end of the appeal.
Known to have been hospitalized or in need of prayer:Gary Exner and family upon Linda’s passing (funeral in Racine), Lee A. and Mary Evenson and family upon Kurt’s passing, DonaldTienor, Bill Borgwardt, Merle “Butch” Graf, (son in-law of Don and Delores Johnson), Sue Bellin (sister of Steve, Jeff and Jim Ahrens), Wayne Allen Huske (son of Wayne and Terry Huske).
We want to thank everyone for your prayers for Butch. He is doing very well. We ask you to please continue praying.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers the following who are serving in the military: Darcie Bauknecht, Daniel Brandl, Corey Evenson, Gary Hildebrandt, Justin Mertzig, Chad Pohl, Steven Schmude, Andy Schnell. If there are others we should be remembering, please inform the church office.
"Rest Easy At Camp"
The Sunday School students will be doing a Spring Service Project beginning April 8-29. Noisy offerings will be collected every Sunday and Wednesday so please bring your coins! Money collected will be used to purchase new mattresses for Imago Dei Village. This Crossways Camp is where our Confirmation students attend and many of our members young and old spend time every year!
Join us and share in a Community Picnic Dinneron Sunday, April 22 at Faith Lutheran Church. Dinner will be servedfrom 11:00am to 1:00pm in the fellowship hall. There will be no cost for the meal – come for fellowship. The Valders Lions Club,St. Nazianz Lions Club, St. Mary'sCatholic Church, St. Gregory's Catholic Church, Faith Lutheran Church and Thrivent Financial are joining together toprovideameal- hamburgers, brats, German potato salad, baked beans and all the fixin’s. Please RSVP on the signup sheet at the Welcome Desk by April 18 but it is NOT required to attend the dinner.
The Community Dinner Committee is looking for volunteers to make a dessert for the meal on April 22. If you are able to help, please sign up at the welcome desk in the Gathering Space. If you have questions, contact Terry Huske (732-4371). Thank you for your help!
The Faith Lutheran Cemetery Association and Faith Lutheran are in need of purchasing a lawn mower this year. Any donations toward its purchase of approximately $4,500-$5,500 would be appreciated and will be split evenly between the Church and the Cemetery Association. Donations can be made in the church office or put in the offering plate.
Our Roof Repair fund could use your help! We have paid $26,809.00 of our $65,300.00 line of credit so far. Can you spare a bucket, drop or drip? A bright lime green envelope is in the pews for your needs. You can place it in the offering plate or bring to the church office. Thank you!
Buckets $1,000 Donation Drops $500 Donation Drips $100 Donation
Serving Us Today
Greeters: Tom and Rae Madson
Head Usher: Mark Zutz
Ushers: Dennis and Bonnie Gordon, Lee W. Evenson
Acolyte: Otis Berge
Lector: not needed today
Sound Operator: Bill Riesterer
Video Operator: Jake Kaderabek
Projection: not needed today
Communion: Malachi Blanke, Kaye & Tiffany Jandrey
Serving Us Next Week
Greeters: Larry and Joy Madson
Head Usher: Mark Zutz
Ushers: Brian and Mary Thomsen Family
Acolyte: Lauren O’Leary
Lector: Lisa Mulhaney
Sound Operator: Erin Lenzner
Video Operator: Peter Larson
Projection: Judy Harris
Communion: Lisa Mulhaney, Larry Madson,
Bobbi Jo Robley
Wednesday: 111 Total: 226