Minutes of the meeting of Bronington Community Council-
Held at Bronington SchoolonWednesday 2nd November 2016 at 7.30 pm
Present / CllrsAngela Partington (chairman);Dave Evans (vice chairman),Mark Watson, Peter Healy, Phil Robinson, Rob Millington, Christine Henderson,Steven Swinden, Annemarie Warren.
The Clerk.
1- Apologies / Cllrs. Vanessa Brodie, Anne Reardon.
2- Declarations of Interest / Cllr Partington declared a pecuniary interest in item 15.2 of the minutes.
3- Police Update / The police sent the following report:-
- Inconsiderate parking outside the school to be monitored when shifts permit. Parents are parking opposite the school entrance and have objected to the police asking them not to park there for safety reasons. Looking to get Enforcement Officers from WCBC to assist with parking problems. Tickets will be issued.
- Theft of tools from farm outbuilding.
- Theft of number plates from a vehicle. Enquiries ongoing.
- Anti-social behaviour with person selling a car.
4- Adoption of the minutes / Resolved:- The minutes of the business meeting that washeld on Wednesday 5thOctober 2016wereproposed by CllrEvansand seconded by Cllr Swinden. The minutes were then adopted and signed as correct.
5-Matters Arising / The following faults remain outstanding unless stated otherwise:-
5.1.1Grids:- The grids on the A525 are full. WCBC have advised that work will be completed / reviewed within the next 12 months.
5.1.2Road Surface:- The road from Lower Wych to Eglwys Cross needs resurfacing especially at the turning for Tallarn Green. WCBC have advised that work will be completed / reviewed within the next 12 months.
5.1.3Road Condition:- Back Lane, off Chapel Lane, Bronington (located on the road opposite Green Dragon Farm on the A495). Is in poor condition as the grass verges are spreading out into the road and grass is growing down the middle of the road. WCBC have advised that work will be completed / reviewed within the next 12 months.
5.1.4Road Grids:- At Rhos Both a road grid is loose and the road surface is broken up around the grid.
5.1.5Footpath:- The footpath on the A525 located outside Little Green Farm to Eglwys Cross is in a poor state of disrepair. This is causing a hazard for pedestrians using the footpath.
5.1.6Blocked grids:- Outside Redbrook House, Redbrook Maelor.
5.1.7Blocked Grids:- At the junction of Whitewell Road and Smokey Lane.
5.1.8Road Surface:-Road is breaking up again on Whitewell Road (this has happened before at this location due to a badgers set).
5.1.9Potholes:- located from Fenns Lane to the junction with Brick Walls Lane.
5.1.10Potholes:- Ty Broughton to Lower Wych (the potholes are causing hazardous driving conditions as drivers are having to drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid large potholes).
5.1.11Potholes:- Road north of Eastwick Farm (this was due to be repaired two years ago) – there are two major potholes / road subsidence.
5.1.12Pothole:- Located at junction at Eglwys Cross.
5.1.13Overgrown Footpath:- From Moss Lane to Chapel Lane the grass is growing across the footpath and is overgrown.
5.1.14Conery Lane, Bronington:- Overgrown Hedges.
5.1.15Conery Lane, Bronington:- Numerous potholes.
The following faults have been reported to Highways:-
5.2.1 Potholes:- located on Bowkers Lane.
5.2.2 Potholes:- located from Broad Oak Farm to Pinfold Farm.
5.2.3 Overgrown footpath:- located half way down Conery Lane – is completely overgrown and needs to be cut back.
5.2.4 Overgrown footpath:- PROW located between the two gates behind Bronington church – is completely overgrown and needs to be cut back. This has now been cleared.
5.2.5 Overgrown Trees:- the Clerk has written to WCBC to request that a letter be sent to Oakfield Farm, New Hall Lane, Bronington to request that two trees that are overhanging onto the Highway are cut back.
5.2.6 Burst water main:- located on Conery Lane. The Clerk has reported.
5.3 Tourism Signage for Whitewell Church:- WCBC has sent an application form. Cllr Robinson has passed the form onto the church to complete.
5.4 Complaint:- the Council discussed the complaint received regarding the alleged conduct of a member of the Council. It was agreed not to pursue the matter.
5.5 Community Room:- the Clerk has obtained plans of the layout of the pipes.
6- Open Forum / Mrs Angie Birkinshawspoke to the meeting regarding the request for financial assistance towards the cost of refurbishing the boy’s toilets at Bronington School.
7- Correspondence / 7.1 List of post received:-
7.2 List of emails forwarded to councillors:-
Council News - September edition out now
Affordable fire and rescue services for North Wales
Wrexham Town and Community Council Forum - Thursday 8th December at 4pm
CONSULTATION - Draft School Organisation Strategy 2017-2025.
Request for training courses.
Update on Local Government Reform
North Wales Community Speed Watch Newsletter
Whitchurch area clustering meeting – feedback
Next meeting 16 November 2016
public spaces protection order community councils
Stakeholder Consultation Event on 12/10/16
North Wales Miners Association Trust
One Voice Wales Annual Report
One Voice Wales Training
AVOW Weekly E-Bulletin Edition 105
Wrexham Town and Community Council Forum
Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting - 5th September 2016:
Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST)
WCBC Difficult Decisions Consultation (re WCBC budget cutbacks)
Boundary Commission for Wales
Local Government Finance Training - Wrexham - Tuesday 4th October –
AVOW Weekly E-Bulletin Edition 103
Letter from Wrexham Public Services Board – consultation
Wrexham Dementia Friendly Community steering group
Bags of Help – The community grant scheme from Tesco
8- Casual Vacancy / There is currently one vacancy on the Council.
A notice to advertise the vacancy is to be sent to the Whitchurch Herald, the Bugle and on the website. / RS
9- Accounts- / 9.1 Financial Report:-
The bank balance as at 1 November2016is as follows:-
Lloyds Current Account £25,863.66
To approve payments / receipts:-
Chq No / Payee / Amount
70 / Running Costs / £ 60.05
71 / Wallgrove Fabrications (powder coat - roundabout) / £ 120.00
72 / DONATION:- Bronington School (boys toilets) / £3,000.00
The Clerk’s salary was paid by standing order.
Resolved:- Councillors agreed to accept the Financial Report. Proposed by Cllr Evans and seconded by Cllr Swinden.
Councillors agreed to pay £50.00 for a counter on the website. Proposed by Cllr Millington and seconded by Cllr Warren.
10. Bronington School / The Council considered the request received to contribute towards the cost to refurbish the boys’ toilets at the Bronington School.
Resolved:- Councillors agreed to contribute £3,000.00 towards the cost to refurbish the boys’ toilets at Bronington School. Proposed by Cllr Henderson and seconded by Cllr Warren.
11- Newsletter / The deadline for the next newsletter is 14th November.
12- Barry Barlow Memorial Play Area Update / Nothing to report.
13- Defibrillator / The offer to purchase the defibrillator at a reduced cost of £400.00 from the British Heart Foundation in no longer available.
Quotes have been obtained from other suppliers. The cheapest quote to supply a defibrillator and heated cabinet is £1,275.00 plus vat.
Barlows have quoted £90.00 plus vat to install each defibrillator.
The Council agreed to defer the purchase of a defibrillator and heated cabinet until the next round of funding from the British Heart Foundation becomes available.
The Clerk is to advise Andy Watts, Bronington School and Whitewell Parish Rooms of this decision. / RS
14- Noticeboards / The noticeboards have been ordered and are due to be delivered shortly.
15-Planning / 15.1Applications Received:-
15.2 New Applications Received:-
P/2016/0980 - Amendment to previous LBC No P/2009/0128 at Iscoyd Park, Hall Green, Iscoyd
Resolved:- The Council made no observations.
P/2016/0986 - Erection of new steel portal frame livestock and fodder buildings on agricultural land andconstruction of new access at Land North of Higher Lanes, Higher Wych, Malpas
Resolved:- The Council made no observations.
15.3 Decisions:-
P/2016/0762 – Glebe Farm, Bronington
P/2016/0770 - Maesllwyn House, Grange Road, Bronington
P/2016/0785 - Befesa Salt Slags Ltd, Mereside Industrial Estate, Fenns Bank
P/2016/0787 – Lodge Cottage, Drury Lane, Ty Broughton
16- Change of Date for Meeting / The Council considered changing the date for the monthly business meeting from the 1st Wednesday to the 3rd Wednesday in the month with no meetings in the months of August and December.
Resolved:- The Council agreed to change the date for the monthly business meeting from the 1st Wednesday to the 3rd Wednesday in the month with no meetings in the months of August and December. Proposed by Cllr Swinden and seconded by Cllr Millington.
17- Venue / Resolved:- The Council agreed to the following venues for 2017 meetings:-
January – Bronington School; February - Bronington School; March - Bronington School; April – Whitewell Parish Rooms; May – Whitewell Parish Rooms; June – Whitewell Parish Rooms; July – Whitewell Parish Rooms; September – Whitewell Parish Rooms; October - Bronington School; November - Bronington School.
The Clerk is to book the meeting room.
18- Christmas / The Rotary Club are due to visit Bronington with Father Christmas on 22nd December.
Christmas Carols round the Tree will take place on this date.
Additional lights for the Christmas Tree have been purchased.
Cllr Reardon has agreed to organise the mulled wine and food. She has asked for volunteers to help at the event.
19- Councillors Questions / 19. The following issues are to be reported to Highways:-
19.1.1 Blocked Grids:- Located on the A495.
19.1.2 Potholes:- Located Smokey Lane and Whitewell Road are getting worse.
19.2 Planning:- There is a permanent static caravan located at Nook Lane. The site was only granted permission for touring caravans. The Council are to report the matter to Planning. / RS
20- Date of next meeting / Wednesday 7th December – Bronington School at 7.30 pm.
Website:- bronington-cc.org