PRESENT:Councillor Diane Bratt (Chairman); CouncillorsIan Asbury, Mike Dolamore, David Griffiths,Sue Jelfs, Ann Lyons, Martin Rye and Gareth Stapleton.
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE:Theresa Goss (Clerk) and five members of the public.
APOLOGIES: Councillor Patricia Leeman, Trish Fennell and County Councillor Keith Mitchell.
Personal Interests
The following interests were declared:
All Councillors- Trustees of the Lucy Jane Plackett Charity
Ian Asbury – Trustee of the Parish Institute
Ann Lyons – Member of FOCAL and a resident of Dog Close, near to the Lucy Plackett Playing Field
MartinRye –Resident of Twyford Road, minute number 11/237
Sue Jelfs reported that she had contacted Cherwell District Council (CDC) about potential planning application for the land north of Milton Road, and she had been advised that she did not need to declare an interest.
The minutes of the meeting held on 18 October2011 were taken as read, duly adopted and signed.
i) Annual Parish Meeting – 18.04.12
The Clerk reported that the Annual Parish Meeting would be held in the Methodist Hall and not the Church House, as previously reported. It was agreed to put this item on the agenda for the next meeting for a discussion about potential speakers. Action TG
There were fivemembers of the public in attendance, but theydid not wish to address the Parish Council.
i)Planning Applications
No observations had been made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following applications:
11/01407/FMr Andy Denness
61 St Marys Road, Adderbury
Single storey rear extension
11/01385/FMr G Appleton
Ridgeway Lodge, Manor Road, Adderbury
Proposed installation of solar panels
11/00243/TCAMr S Oldfield
Easton House, Manor Road, Adderbury
T1 x Trim back to a dome, T2 x Lawson Hedge - trim mixed conifer group along boundary wall, following individual line of each tree
T3 x Juniper - Fell to ground level, T4 x Cunninghamia - fell, T5 x Gleditsia - fell
11/00252/TCAMr G Clarke
Oakwood House, Manor Road Adderbury
T1 T2 x crown reduce by 25% and remove ivy and deadwood H1 x beech - reduce by 1.5m in height and trim
11/01533/F Mr & Mrs Davies
15 Dog Close Adderbury
Infill between existing twin dormers to front and rear elevations and insertion of new dormer to both front and rear elevations
Observations had been made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following applications:
Objections had been made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following application:
11/01409/OUTBerkeley Homes (Oxford and Chiltern) Ltd
OS Parcel 4100 Adjoining and South of Milton Road
Erection of 65 dwellings with associated access, open space and landscape works and provision of a sports pitch with changing facilities and car park
The Planning Committee was currently considering the following applications:
11/01661/FMr & Mrs Van Gijn
11/01662/LB1 The Wicketts, High Street, Adderbury
Single storey lean-to extension, new entrance porch canopy, works to existing garden room
11/01656/FMr & Mrs I Reid
6 Parsons Street, Adderbury
First floor extension with provision for front and rear dormers
11/01537/FMr G Appleton
Ridgeway Lodge, Manor Road, Adderbury
Conversion of existing buildings to single storey dwelling
11/00285/TCAMr David Jones
Tryad House, High Street, Adderbury
T1 to T3 x Fir - Crown reduce by 40% T4 x Fir - Fell
ii)Planning Results – these were circulated to all members and noted.
i)The members noted the bank reconciliations for the Barclays bank accounts and the Santander bank accounts.
ii)The following accounts were approved as paid:
T Goss – Salary November & December 2011 / £1032.45T Goss – Expenses November 2011 / £190.86
T Goss – Petty Cash Top-up / £23.44
Kallkwik – Printing of agendas / £45.80
Rascal Horticutural / £201.54
R Bickley – Village Maintenance / £1152.63
Designgro – Lakes Maintenance October 2011 / £47.49
Nick Allen – Picture for Rhoda Woodward / £25
Scouts – Delivery of Housing Needs Survey / £300
Trish Fennell – Catering for Rhoda Woodward Tea Party / £52.50
Jenkins, Plumbing and Heating – Repairs to the toilet at the FMH / £201.85
Thames Water – Allotments / £55.10
Dave Chandler – Various / £430
CPRE Annual Membership Subscription / £29.00
G&S Window Cleaning – LPAC / £45.00
The Parish Council considered four applications for co-option onto the Parish Council.
The Clerk issued ballot papers to all members so that a secret ballot could be held.
The applicant who had the most votes and was co-opted onto the Parish Council was Stuart Phipps.
The Clerk was asked to contact Stuart and advise him of the co-option, and also write to the other applicants thanking them for their applications. Action TG
Mike Dolamore reported that the Library Action Group were still waiting for the Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) Cabinet to meet and make their decision on the future of the libraries.
Mike reported that there had been conflicting advice about how the Parish Council (PC) could support the library, however, it seemed that financial support could be provided in the form of a Section 137 grant to FOCAL.
Mike would provide a further update at the next meeting. Action MD & TG
The Chairman reported that she had attended a meeting on 8 November 2011 and that Parish Council help was required for the insurance, a road closure on 2 June 2012 and a loan of £2000 to fund the purchase of commemorative mugs.
This loan would be paid back to the Parish Council from the sale of the mugs. Mugs would be given to children, up to and including the age of 11 years old, who lived in the village or went to Christopher Rawlins School and the rest would be sold for approximately £4 each.
It was agreed that the PC wouldprovide the insurance, as this was a PC event, and the Organising Committee was working on behalf of the PC. The PC would also provide a loan of £2000 for the mugs and David Griffiths would arrange the road closure. Action TG and DG
The Chairman reported that she and David Griffiths had attended the last meeting and it had been agreed that both Morris Men teams, the Scouts, The Plough and The Bell would all contribute £150 each. The Red Lion and The Coach and Horses were not represented at the meeting and therefore the Clerk was requested to write to them and ask for the contribution of £150 each. Action TG
The PC agreed to fund the road closure and the signage, which would be approximately £600.
The Parish Council considered increasing the 2011/2012 burial feesfor Adderbury Cemetery. However, it was agreed not to the increase the fees for 2012/2013, and they would be reviewed again in November 2012.
The Chairman reported that she had attended the CDC Parish Liaison Meeting along with Sue Jelfs and Ann Lyons.
They all agreed that the variety of information provided at the meeting had been very interesting and there had been a number of CDC officers and Councillors in attendance.
Amy Evans from Community Led Plans also attended and provided useful information about affordable housing. Following this, the Chairman encouraged all members to look at the Parish Plan which was available on the PC web site. Action ALL
Mike Dolamore presented to the PC, figures for section 106 monies which were still held by CDCfor amenity use, andprovided an update on what had been spent, and suggested some spending areas.
Councillors were asked to email the Clerk or Mike with any suggestions identifying where the section 106 monies could be spent in the Parish, and these could then be fed into the budget process, which was currently being undertaken.
Mike reported that the Greenhill House LEAP 106 funds for the maintenance and management had now come through, which amounted to approximately £90,000, and the Clerk was looking into where this money could be invested. This would be reported to the next meeting. Action TG
The Clerk reported that since the publication of the agenda, she had been liaising with an OCC highways officerabout this issue. He was going to look into the possibility of OCC taking over responsibility for the three lighting columns in St Mary’s Road and Norris Close, from Western Power Distribution LTD. Therefore, this item would come back to the PC at a later date, if necessary. Action TG
The PC considered a proposal for the speed limits to be reduced from 40mph to 30mph, on Twyford Road, Berry Hill Road and the A4260, south of Berry Hill Road. These proposals were supported.
The Clerk reported that a meeting had been arranged for 7 December 2011, between OCC and Sue Jelfs to discuss the proposed projects in Chapel Lane and Berry Hill Road. An update would be provided at the next meeting. Action TG and SJ
The Chairman reported that the draft Adderbury Conservation Area Appraisal had been circulated and the PC’s comments had been incorporated into the second draft, which had been presented to the public meeting on 22 November 2011.
The appraisal was also now available on-line.
Within the appraisal, page 21 showed an area marked in black which it was proposed for de-designation. Members highlighted that this area contained two historic paddocks and a wall, and felt that these should be kept in the conservation area because the paddocks were part of the historic nature of this area of Adderbury and clearly showed the agricultural history.
The members also felt that the conservation area around the west of the village could be spread out further, at the back of Berry Hill Road.
It was agreed that the above concerns be raised with CDC, and also English Heritage be contacted about protecting the wall. Action TG
The Clerk reported that OCC and the distribution company were now pressing her for suitable locations for storage of the two, one ton bags of salt. She also reported that Mr and Mrs Wherry from Nell Bridge Acres had offered to store the salt at their farm.
It was suggested that Robert Cook in Croft Lane could be approached to store the salt as he was more centrally located than Nell Bridge Acres. David Griffiths agreed to contact Robert and advise the Clerk by Friday so arrangements could be made.
If Robert Cook was not able to store the salt, then it was agreed that it be stored at Nell Bridge Acres and Mr and Mrs Wherry be thanked for their offer. Action DG and TG
The Chairman also agreed to contact Justin James about moving and spreading the salt when the need arose. Action DB
The Chairman of CDC had emailed the PC to ask for nomination for an Oxfordshire Blue Plaque. The criteria was that the person:
- must have been dead for at least 20 years;
- must be demonstrably eminent in a public sphere and/or otherwise had an impact or done work worthy of lasting recognition; and
- must have lived or worked in the building on which the plaque would be erected for at least five years.
The PC felt that there were three people which fitted the criteria and could be nominated from Adderbury. There were the novelist Anthony Burgess, George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends and Anthony Crossland, who was Foreign Secretary in the 1970’s.
It was agreed that all these people should be nominated for the Blue Plaque Award and David Griffiths and Ian Asbury agreed to co-ordinate the response. Action IA and DG
The Chairman reminded members that the PC budget would be put together shortly so if they had any items for inclusion, they should email them to the Clerk as soon as possible.
It was agreed that the provision of extra salt bins be added into the budget, as well as additional dog bins and also a bench or a tree to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Action MD
It was also agreed that Gareth Stapleton be a member of the Finance Sub-Committee.
The Chairman reported that CDC had delegated its power to the PC, to enable the PC to apply for Nature Reserve status for the Lakes. She would now make contact with Sue Marchand from CDC to discuss how to proceed. Action DB
The Chairman also reported that calendars were now for sale, priced at £7.50 and would be available at various locations in the village, including the shop and some pubs.
Martin Rye agreed to contact the school to see if they would have some on their reception desk. Action MR
Mike Dolamore reported that the PC had been given a grant of £2500 from Natural England which would be used to pay for the iron fencing.
He also reported that he had met with Rebecca Horley from CDC with regard to whether planning permission was needed for the temporary storage of silt at the Lakes. This seemed to be a grey area and Rebecca had advised that the PC should get a certificate of legality at a cost of approximately £150.
The PC agreed that this should go ahead. Action MD
Patricia Leeman had submitted a weekly inspection sheet and there were no urgent items to report.
Ian Asbury reported that there were a lot of leaves on the MUGA and he agreed to sweep these away. Action IA
David Griffiths reported that the play area at The Rise was fine, apart from a little bit of litter.
He reported that the roof on the hut was still in need of repair, but it was agreed to leave this until after the winter.
The Clerk circulated the following items of correspondence:
a)ORCC Annual Review
b)The Playing Field Association Newsletter
c)CPRE – Oxfordshire Bulletin
d)CPRE – Countryside Voice
It was agreed that in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for item numbered 11/247, 11/248, 11/249 & 11/250 on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of private and confidential information.
The Chairman and Ian Asbury reported that they had attended a meeting with a representative from the Society of Friends on Sunday 20 November 2011, to discuss the lease between the PC and the Friends, which gives the PC access to the cemetery.
Ian reported that the Friends were fairly willing to discuss and understood that the lease was drawn up in the 1950’s and since that time, the use of the Meeting House by the Friends, had increased insignificantly.
This was now going to be discussed at Friends House in London and they would get back to the PC sometime in the new year with a response.
This item was deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council.
The PC considered three quotes for works to the ramp outside the LPAC. It was agreed that the works should be carried out by Martin Corbett. Action TG
Mike Dolamore also updated the members with regard to the electrical works at the Centre, being carried out by Weatherhead Electrical Ltd.
Unfortunately, there had been number of delays with this work and there was still no date for completion. Therefore, a meeting had been arranged between Vicky Weatherhead, Mike Dolamore and Joyce Cox on Wednesday 30 November 2011 at 9am to discuss the project.
It was agreed that if the works were not completed within 28 days, then the contract with Weatherhead should be terminated. Then the other two contractors who submitted quotes originally, should be contacted to quote for the outstanding works. Action MD
The PC considered a letter from Burgess Salmon, which outlined the current position with the proposed transfer of the land at Adderbury Court.
The letter stated that since the last correspondence between the PC and themselves, there had been a significant rise in the costs, and the cost of the purchase of the land from The Crown, plus legal fees was going to be in the region of at least £10,000.
The members agreed that the PC could not meet thesecosts from its budget, therefore the Clerk was asked to contact the residents affected by this, and establish if they would be willing to contribute financially. Action TG
i)Highways Grass Cutting Contract
Martin Rye reported that he had completed the re-measuring of the highway grass verges in the village, with an officer from OCC, and that the area compared to the last measure, had increased by 4%. The PC would now need to wait for OCC to get in touch with regard to the revised grass grant.