employee directors group
Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2005
Stirling Highland Hotel
Chris McIntosh – NHS Highland (Chair)
Hugh Sweeney – NHS Lanarkshire
Gus Gordon – NHS Grampian NHS Board
John Callaghan – NHS Ayrshire and Arran
Bill Goudie – NHS Greater Glasgow
Mandy Robertson – NHS Argyll & Clyde
Mary Flora Conner – NHS Health
Carole Anderson – GoldenJubileeNationalHospital
Alan Bickerstaff – Scottish Ambulance Service
Simon Fevre – NHS Fife
Aileen Stewart – NHS National Services Scotland
Fiona Dagge-Bell – NHS QIS
Tom Hart – NHSForthValley
Claire Brennan – PSU
In attendance:Susie Watson – PSU (Minutes)
Pat McGlone – The StateHospital
Malcolm Valentine – NHS Education
Kath Pye – NHS Orkney
John Thomson – NHS Tayside
Dougie Lockhart – NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Eddie Egan – NHS Lothian
Robert Bruce – NHS 24
Mandy Thomson – NHS Shetland
Note: Morag Nicolson is unable to attend meetings due to illness. The Chair will send flowers on behalf of the group.
Action: Chris McIntosh
2.Minute of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
The minute was accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
2.1Development days for Employee Directors
It was agreed that elements should be incorporated throughout the year. Members should e-mail requests for items for inclusion, e.g. procurement, to Susie Watson, and Claire Brennan will draw up a plan which includes these items.
Action: Employee Directors/Claire Brennan
2.2Partnership Conference
27 October has now been ruled out as a date for the conference, which will also impact on the date of the scheduled ED meeting. Chris and Claire are on the planning committee and will update the group as necessary.
Action: Chris McIntosh/Claire Brennan
2.3Employee Director election process
General view expressed thatthe paper would be shared locally and endorsed by the HRF. Claire reinforced that the HRF would endorse the paper, not influence it. John Callaghan will speak to the paperat the HRF at their meeting on 11 February.
Action: John Callaghan
2.4Membership of OHSSIG/PABS
Hugh Sweeney and Maryflora Conner had approached the groups but have as yet had no response. PSU will obtain their meeting schedules to address this.
Action: PSU
2.5National Health Service Confederation
The group would like to seek a ruling from the SPF regarding the status of this organisation. Issues concerning members include
- that systems are signed up to this assembly
- whether it has a policy-making agenda – the emphasis appears to be on development
- issuing publications which do not reflect current staff governance legislation or address the situation regarding CHPs, and
- possible diversion of public funds through branding.
It is believed that two seats on the Scottish Assembly of the Confederation (current chair Christine Lenihan) might be available through the Scottish Executive. Claire will take this to the SPF.
Action: Claire Brennan
3.Discussion Items
3.1ED Workplan
It was agreed to spend about an hour at the next meeting looking at HRF/SPF/SG workplans in order to identify development needs surrounding issues which are coming up, e.g. the Knowledge and Skills framework. This would enable the group to become proactive and collate views on these issues. Claire will circulate an example from another group and draft up a framework based on feedback and items suggested for inclusion.
Action: Claire Brennan
3.2ED Development
Members would like to hold a development event between August and December as well as having this as a standing agenda item. Although Dorothy Elsey is happy to update the group on the Joint Future agenda as required, there are no live issues to discuss at present, and Annie Ingram will not be available to attend the next two ED meetings to discuss Workforce Planning. These items are to be held back to a later date.
3.3ED Objectives
The group agreed that a generic framework of collated written objectives would be useful and of interest, with common threads helping to define and give focus to aspects of the Employee director role,illustratingthe differences from the role of Staff Side Chair. When this has been done, PSU will e-mail out a generic version.
Action: All/PSU
3.4Draft Minute to Minister
The group endorsed the minute with the proviso that dates should be included. Claire will e-mail this to the group.
Action: Claire Brennan
3.5Shared Services
Formal documentation from CIG is awaited, validation checks are in progress. EDs will be represented on Project Boards/Teams. SPF will be dealing with this issue in the next two weeks; a Project Director has been newly appointed and other appointments are being finalised. A framework is being prepared for the HRF and it is noted that there issues surrounding recruitment and redeployment. Aileen Stewart will update the group on progress and agreed to be the contact for any queries and for raising issues with the SPF if these arise.
Action: Aileen Stewart
3.6OHSSIG Conference
Members reflected that the conference had provided delegates with a huge amount of useful information. Communicating the outcomes of the conference was important A report from the conference will be issued.
4.Information Items
4.1Regional Meetings
Minutes were not available for these meetings, but matters discussed at these meetings revolved around regional planning and how this affects national planning, and workforce planning issues.
4.2PSU Update
Claire Brennan had prepared an information paper covering relevant national groups / initiatives. This format was welcomed by the group, who could then address queries to PSU if they require further information. Members were asked to note the following:
- Item 2.3 - Please direct queries/responses about the Diversity poster campaign direct to Shazia.
- Item 3.1 - PSU would appreciate those with expertise attending the “Partnership Works” events.
Members were disappointed with the short notice for the events and would like to explore the possibility of holding another event approximately one month after the last scheduled event, either a half or a full day, open to EDs or a wider audience.
5.1In response to a question seeking clarity, members discussed what the process should be if there was “failure to agree “ locally in relation to recognition agreement - should this be taken up with HRF, or would this be an issue for ACAS? The members present agreed that this was not an issue for the HRF.
5.2Bill Goudie raised a point for discussion around the status of PIN Guidelines being key supporting evidence now that Staff Governance legislation was in place. Bill asserted that PIN guidelines should now be considered a contractual issue covered as part of terms and conditions. Claire will raise this with the PIN Board, and Bill Goudie will circulate a letter on the matter, as EDs felt the Scottish Executive need to clarify the situation.
Action: Claire Brennan/Bill Goudie
5.3Chris asked the group to agree, as a priority, to consider interim arrangements to help out NHS Western Isles during the period of Morag’s illness. Systems indicated their willingness to support Western Isles in principle, but reflected on the practicalities involved, e.g. resource issues around the staff governance agenda and SAAT returns. Members hoped that the SE will be sympathetic around the SAAT. Mandy Robertson will pick this up as a priority and Chris will contact PSU in order to communicate priorities for help.
Action: Mandy Robertson/Chris McIntosh
6.Date of next meeting
Susie Watson advised that venues for future meetings had not yet been confirmed as most members’ availability had not been indicated for the dates provided. She will try to match venues to involve the least travel for the majority of attendees. The group determined to use NHS facilities as a policy decision, and members agreed to supply Susie with availability details and information and/or contact details on suitable venues within their areas.
Action: All
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 30 March, St Andrews Bay Hotel. 10.00 a.m. (Note this is the same venue as, and day prior to, HR Conference)
Susie Watson
Partnership Support Unit
7 February 2005