English Conversation Classes – Summer Term 2013
Led By Angelica Rusu and supported by Mrs Sehmi and Mrs Ubha
A pilot scheme to start English Conversation Classes was initiated by Mr Ahmed, Inclusion Manager, Farnham Green Primary, with support from Angelica Rusu of Children’s Centre, Thackeray Drive, Chadwell Heath. Some parents were identified and selected by Mrs Sehmi and Mrs Ubha, members of EMA Team which then resulted in further requests made by parents in the playground and by word of mouth. The aim of these classes was to speak competently and confidently for different purposes and audiences.
Mr Ahmad,oversaw the whole project from start to end. We were given the opportunity to watch a demo lesson at All Saints Children’s Centre followed by then supporting Ms Rusufor the 10 week programme of English Conversation Classes held at Farnham Green.On three occasions, Ms Rusu was unable to attenddue to other commitments and Mrs Sehmi and Mrs Ubha both stepped in to cover the classes.
The aim of this project was to improve the parent’s conversation skills and hence boost their confidence in speaking with staff and/or applying these skills on a day to day basis when out and about in the community and more importantly supporting their children with their daily learning. This would enhance both the working relationship with the school community and build a good relationship with their children.
The project started on 8 May 2013 and ended on 17 July 2013. We had places for 17 parents with a crèche being run by Mrs K Sagoo.However, we found there were a lot more parents interested which resulted in their names being placed on a waiting list should the pilot scheme became a more regular session. One parent dropped out for family reasons. The 10 week programme included topics such as Routines, making appointments, Health and Safety, filling application formsetc.
It was a positive outcome for these parents as some of these parents went and arranged appointments without assistance from members of their families or friends. A couple of the parents were able to attend meetings in school without interpreters. Most parents felt a bit more positive about helping their children with their learning. Some of the parents felt they did not get an opportunity to practise English at home as there was more emphasis on the home language but they felt at ease in speaking English within the group; hence extending their friendship circles. The classes also gave some of them confidence enabling them to talk to their children’s teachers without support. Having the crèche was a bonus because it gave some parents with little children an opportunity to take advantage of this programme.
The group bonded right from the start and worked well together throughout the 10 week programme. One of the highlights was when they talked about instructions on how to cook a traditional dish they brought to the class to share with everyone. The parents also dressed up in and talked about their traditional clothes.
These classes were a success and the outcome was a very positive one with the following success stories:-
- One parent enrolling for ESOL classes.
- 3 parents successfully enrolling for Community English Entry 1 classes at Christchurch Children’s Centre.
- 1 parent started a Business Management course
- 2 parents enrolled for Computer classes starting in January 2014.
- 1 parent expressed an interest in enrolling for a Cake decorating course.
- 1 parent has become a volunteer helper in our school library and hoping to support in class too.
In addition, some of these parents were very resourceful and responsible and offered to manage a stall at the Cake Sale and help with the Balloon Race in July.
The parents were awarded with Certificates of Achievement and Attendance by Mrs Quirk and Mr Ahmed on 17 July 2013 for their commitment and dedication. They were extremely honoured in getting this acknowledgement. The parents also completed an evaluation and below are some of their comments:-
- “Now I am more confident than before.”
- “After the lesson, I would like to continue other course. I felt I am confident after the lesson.”
- “My kids are more confident and now I speak with them.”
- “It’s a useful course. I really appreciate this and want more levels in Farnham Green.”
- “I help my child with homework.”
- “I am very enjoying the class. I am very happy. My class student is very friendly.”
- “Friendly Group”
- “I learn this session, improved my confidence. I talk to my child.”
- “I can help my child with homework.”
- “I feel more comfortable confidence. I’m happy to do other courses.”
- “This session is very good for me. Now I am going outside without any help. Now I am full confidence.”
- “I like this course because I start speak more English.”
Some of these parents did say they would have preferred more role playing activities which would give them more practise in their acquisition of the English Language and we hope to incorporate this in future sessions. They also requested if follow up courses could be held at Farnham Green (which some of them are attending at Christchurch Primary School).
We are very grateful to Ms Rusu for showing us the ropes and now feel confident to run similar classes in the future. There is already a very avid interest shown by new parents for these classes. Our Autumn Term Group is full (16 parents) with more names on the waiting list for the Spring Term 2014 group.
Report by Mrs Sehmi and Mrs Ubha
11 October 2013