Mrs. Singleton’s 4th Grade Information
General Information
I am looking forward to a productive year working with you and your child. By working together, we can make this a great year for everyone. Classes will begin promptly at 7:45. Please have your child at school on time daily. If you visit the school any time during the day, please sign in at the office and get a visitor’s pass. If you need to sign your child in or out of school, stop by the office and let the office personnel take care of it.
If your child is absent for any reason, you must send a doctor’s note or a parent note to school for the absence to be excused. If the student misses one day he/she will have one day to make up any work; if two days are missed, he/she will have two days to make up the work, etc. If your child is out for a long period of time, we will work with the student to set up a schedule for make-up work. The make-up work will be listed on a form and given to the student on the day he/she returns. If the student is absent on the day of or the day before a test, the student will take the test on the day he/she returns. We cannot give work out in advance of an absence. However, if you call on the day of the absence before 10:00 we can have the work ready and in the office by the end of the day. Make-up work will only be given one time. Extra copies will not be made for work that is lost or not turned in.
All medication needs to be turned into the office with a completed medication form from the doctor.
Snacks and Drinks
Each student may bring a snack from home. This should be something nutritious that can be eaten quickly while working on assignments (within 10 minutes). Only WATER in a leak proof bottle will be allowed in the classroom.
Assignment Books, Binders, Newsletters, and Homework
Assignment books will need to be signed daily by a parent. If the book is not signed, the student will receive one card. Homework assignments will be written in the assignment book each day and will be HIGHLIGHTED. If homework is not completed or returned, the student will receive a homework card and will not receive recess for the day.
Each student will be required to purchase a 1 -1 1/2 inch, clear-view binder.This will be your child’sBinder, and will travel with them to and from school daily. In the Binder you will find their daily planner, newsletters, homework, graded papers, notes, etc. It is imperative that the Binder goes home and RETURNS to school each day.
Communication Expectations
The planner is an important link in the communication between home and school. Please check and sign your child’s planner every night for notes from the teacher or homework assignments. I will check them daily. You may reach me quickly throughout the day by email at or you may call me at 746-5031 extension 1313.
Weekly Information
I will post this on the Classroom Website by Friday afternoon. This will include what your child will be learning during the week. I may also include the dates and times of upcoming events. This is to let you know what is going on here at school during the week.
Graded Work
This will include many daily assignments that your child has completed, and also some of the tests your child will complete. If your child receives a grade of an F, the assignment or test needs to be corrected, signed by you and returned. This lets me know that you have seen the grade and your child understands the skill. I keep all of these papers on file, so it is VERY important that they are returned to me.
When I grade your child’s papers you can expect to see either a letter grade or a check mark. When I give a letter grade that means that it is counted in the grade book. When I give a check mark, that means that I am looking to see that they did their best work.
Grading Scale is as follows
A= 93%-100% + Great work
B=85%-92% Completed work and did best
C=75%-84% -Needs improvement
Homework Policy
A student that does not complete a homework assignment will pull a card. That student will attend study hall for the duration of recess to complete the assignment. Late work will be accepted by the end of the day with a loss of 10 points. No work will be accepted after the day it is due, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Ways to Help With Homework
- Help set up a consistent organized place for homework to be done.
- Help your child establish either a consistent schedule for completing homework or help them create a schedule each Sunday night that reflects that particular week’s activities.
- Encourage, motivate, and prompt your child, but do not sit with them and do the homework with them. The purpose of the homework is for your child to practice and use what they have learned. If your child is consistently not able to do the homework by their self, please contact the teacher.
- If your child is practicing a skill, ask them to tell you which steps are easy for them, which are difficult, or how he is going to improve. If your child is doing a project, ask what knowledge is being applied in the project.