Item 1 – Meeting Opened/Welcome
In the absence of the President of the AABC Association, Mr John Franklin the Secretary Mr Kevin Noon opened the meeting at 0900h and welcomed those members who were travelling aboard the P&O ship ‘Pacific Jewel’ on the AABC Association’s three night Reunion Cruise. The Secretary asked for a vote of thanks for Treasurer, Jim Harper, State Committee member Peter Guest and Queanbeyan City Travel for their help and guidance in organising the cruise.
The Secretary expressed his disappointment in the final numbers who committed to travel on this cruise, considering the initial interest shown in 2011 and subsequent years with the time to plan financially. He acknowledged that some serving and reserve members of the association had advised that they would not be attending due to Defence and Government tasks during this time.
The Secretary informed the gathering that because of the small attendance a quorum could not be achieved but the meeting would proceed.
Item 2 – Departed Members
The Secretary requested that all members and their partners stand for a minutes silence for those who had passed away during the year 2013/2014. They included: William Baldwin, Merv Allis, Ken Holcroft, Roy Harbach, Ray ‘Lofty’ Gallagher, Frank Poll, Harry Jenkin and Laurie Lewis. In addition the names of seven soldiers who died on active service since the Second World War were acknowledged. ‘Lest We Forget’.
Item 3 – Apologies
BRIG JJ Shelton, BRIG Mark Bornholt, LTCOL Gordon Lambie, John Franklin, Jim Harper, Sue Baxter, Pat Steer, Dan Hiscock, Peter Cobcroft, Ken Hussell, Kevin Klein, Dawn Wahlin, Rachel-Anne Martin, Fred Gfeller, Norm Harris, Ernie Trotter, Maurie Brown, Vince Pacecca, Barry Rogers, Byron Bootes, Mario Vidal, Tony Buckley, Bruce Munchenberg, Tony Sillcock, Stewart Clark, Peter Tuck, Sean O’Boyle, Dennis Hills, Don Jarrett, Craig Johnson, Peter Gunn, Joe Costello, Danny Buckley, Bob Keatch, Ivan Cocking, Bill Honter, Fred Rooke, Clive Bradley, Geoff Carter, Mark Durieu, Barry Spencer, John Hadlow, Don White, Scotty Laycock, Graeme Johnson, Colleen Harbod, Kevin Furness, John Seagg, Ron Bennett, Norm Austin, Bruce Pinney, Ian Milne, Scott Goulay, Betty McSween (total 54).
Item 4 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting – No previous minutes were available.
Item 5 - President’s Report – No report was available.
Item 6 - Treasurers Report – No report was available.
Item 7 – Election of Office Bearers – Held over until 2015.
Item 8 – 2014 AABC Association Award
The CO Australian Army Band has advised that the recipient of the award for 2014 is CPL David Portakiewicz of 10/27 RSAR Band.
Item 9 – State Reports - No reports were available.
General Business
Item 10 –- 2015 AABC Association Reunion – The 2015 reunion is to be held in Adelaide, South Australia on dates Fri 16 Oct through to Sun 18 Oct 2015. Planning has commenced.
Item 11 – Future Reunions
The subject of future reunions was discussed and it was suggested that reunions be held every two years as per similar associations like RAR reunions, Army Apprentice reunions, Corps reunions, RAN Band reunions, etc... It was recommended that this proposal be taken to the Executive Committee for discussion.
Item 12 – Questionnaire
The meeting recommended that a questionnaire be prepared and forwarded to members via the Newsletter or by return mail requesting members to respond to questions presented. Subjects for discussion that could be included are:
•Future reunions – frequency
•Reunion format
•Future of the Association/Where are we heading - suggestions to improve the awareness amongst serving members of the association with an aim to recruit these members and members who may be considering discharge.
•Suggestions for the increase of association membership
•To have an informal voice with CO Australian Army Band with regard to Corps matters, decision making regarding Corps history, dress and AABC Birthday its recognition/ Corps celebrations?
Item 13 – Closure
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 0945h.
Kevin Noon, CSM
SecretaryAABC Association
Jim Harper, BEM
TreasurerAABC Association
30 November 2014