BR# 346

Bill Number: HB 47/GA

Subject: AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments

Sponsor(s): Rep J. Richards, L. Belcher

Introduction Date:1/4/00 Assignment Date:

Due Date:

Text of Legislation:

Broaden terroristic threatening in first degree to include public buildings as well as schools, reduce terroristic threatening in 1st degree from Class B felony to Class C felony and terroristic threatening in 2nd degree from Class C to Class D felony; provide protection for an innocent person who overhears a treat and reports it; limit threats against school personnel and students in terroristic threatening in 2nd degree to school related situations; add to use of a weapon of mass destruction in the 2nd degree the situation where a school or public building is the facility in which the building is place even though no injury takes place; create the crime of using a weapon of mass destruction in the third degree as a Class C felony when a weapon of mass destruction is placed other than in a school or public building and no injury takes place; amend KRS 500.080 to include weapon of mass destruction in the definition of deadly weapon and exclude fireworks as defined in KRS 227.700 from definition of weapon of mass destruction

Summary Impact -- Indicate affected service levels, workloads, staff and program areas (describe any coordination issues with other state/external agencies or groups):

According to the Department of Education there are approximately 70 bomb threats made per year. The Department estimates this could add 1 new inmate in the first year and 2 in following years for Terroristic Threatening I with a minimum 5 year sentence each year. In addition, the number committed for Terroristic Threatening II with a minimum sentence of 1 year could be as many as 5 per year. This bill also creates 3 classes (A,B,C) of “Use of a weapon of mass destruction”. Passage of this HCS could result in one additional commitment per year with a 10 year sentence.

Fiscal Impact -- Also include increased/decreased administrative cost and whether new fund sources would be required (identify fund sources, and GOPM staff person consulted):

Passage of this HCS could result in 7 additional inmates in FY01 at a cost of $157,000 and 10 additional inmates in FY02 at a cost of $230,000. The increase in the number of inmates would continue to grow until it leveled off at 21 additional inmates in FY08.


Will Administrative Regulations be required or will existing regulations need revision? Yes No

Approved By: Date

Title: Commissioner

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