Coolers: Zido, Watson, Rowe
Vans, W/T: Rothrock, Miller, McBride, Fernandez / Meet at Kaufman at 9:15 AM; Travel from Carlisle to western PA; study acid mine drainage and remediation efforts; stay inPittsburgh, PAat Best Western Green Tree: 412-922-7070 / 10 AM: DEP on mining; experience communities affected by long wall mining; travel to Charleston, WV; stay at Residence Inn (Marriott), 304-345-4200 / Mountaintop Removal site tour; meet at Coal River Mountain Watch office in Whitesville at 10 AM for all-day tour; travel toBristol, TN; stay at La Quinta Inn, 276-669-9353 / Travel to Clarksdale, MS; experience Blues music at Ground Zero and Red's Juke Joint; stay at Uptown Motor Inn, 662-627-3251 / 11 AM: group tour of DeltaBluesMuseum; travel Highway 61 thru MS Delta to Vicksburg, MS; stay at Best Western: 601-636-5800 / Drive to New Orleans, R&R in afternoon and evening
stay inNew Orleans at French Quarter Suites Hotel: 504-524-7725 / Darryl Malek Wiley and Ann Yoachim: EJ tour of New Orleans area
stay inNew Orleans
F: Amanda, Andrew
Journal:Ansell / F: Atandi, Ben
Journal:Beckhorn / F: Benson, Doni
Journal:Anyona / F: Liz, Jillian
Journal: Biddle / F: Kalyn, Karen
Journal: Biros / F: Kate, Kristen
Journal: Campbell / F: Lisa, Maunette
Journal: Consroe
30-Oct / 31-Oct / 1-Nov / 2-Nov / 3-Nov / 4-Nov / 5-Nov
Coolers: Martinez, Lee, Krajewski
Vans, W/T: Ansell, Anyona, Beckhorn, Consroe / Service Project in New Orleans guided by Ann Yoachim
Visit with neighborhood groups, reflection
New Orlean’s style dinner at Ann’s, 7 PM
Stay in New Orleans / R&R Day: Suggested activities
4:30 PM: lecture and discussion with Prof. Bob Collins:Rebuilding New Orleans
Stay in New Orleans / Tour with Kerry St. Pe, --Grand Bois toxic site/levee district folks/ Pt. Fourchon/Grand Isle
stay in Lafayette, LA at Blue Moon Hostel: 337-234-2422; 877-766-BLUE
Evening: music, dance / Travel to Baton Rouge; meet with Bob Landry from local oil union; EJ tour of Cancer Alleywith Willie Fontenot
Tour Shintech Plant
Blue Moon
Evening: music, dance / Atchafalaya boat trip with Dean Wilson, Atchafalaya Basinkeeper (2 of 4 groups, 8 AM and 11 AM)
R&R – other 2 groups
Blue Moon
Evening: music, dance / Atchafalaya boat trip with Dean Wilson, Atchafalaya Basinkeeper (2 of 4 groups, 8 AM and 11 AM)
R&R – other 2 groups
Blue Moon / LafayetteNationalWetlandsResearchCenteror Museum
Tour & Lunch at Mr. Charlie oil rig in Morgan City
4:30 PM: Meet with Ed Landgraf, Shell Pipeline at LUMCON
Stay at LUMCONin Cocodrie, LA 985-851-2800, x0
F: Nicole, Philip
Journal: Fernandez / F: Prana, Quinn
Journal: Herschlag / F:Spring, Susannah
Journal: Hoffman / F: Vinca, Amanda
Journal: Kamerosky / F: Andrew, Atandi
Journal: Kirner / F: Ben, Benson
Journal: Krajewski / F: Danielle, Liz
Journal: Lee
6-Nov / 7-Nov / 8-Nov / 9-Nov / 10-Nov / 11-Nov / 12-Nov
Coolers: Kirner, Hoffman
Vans, W/T: Biros, Campbell, Herschlag / AM trip to barrier islands (small boats) with Michael Bitton (LSU)
PM: lecture/discussion with Nancy Rabalais, Director of LUMCON
Culture event with Carl Sevin
Stay at LUMCON / Tour of Motivatit Seafoods, Michael Voisin, 10 AM (oysters)
Lecture/discussion oyster tonging with Prof. Earl Melancon
Stay at LUMCON
(crab boil dinner) / Wetlands Restoration Service Project: LakeBoudreaux
Houma Native American Community Dinner (Pastor Kirby Verret)
Stay at LUMCON / AM: trip on research vessel, RV Acadiana
Lunch/lecture/discussion with Denise Reed
Travel to New Orleans; stay inNew Orleans at French Quarter Suites Hotel: 504-524-772 / Leave 9 AM; travel to Chatanooga, TN: La Qunita Inn, 423-855-0011 / 10AM-2PM - visit Tennessee Aquarium ; travel to Wytheville, VA, Best Western, 276-228-7300 / arrive home before dinner
F: Jillian, Kalyn
Journal: Martinez / F: Karen, Kate
Journal: McBride / F: Kristen, Lisa
Journal: Miller / F: Maunette, Nicole
Journal: Rothrock / F: Philip, Prana
Journal: Rowe / F: Quinn, Spring
Journal: Watson / F: Susannah, Vinca
Journal: Zido
13-Nov / 14-Nov / 15-Nov / 16-Nov / 17-Nov / 18-Nov / 19-Nov
Picture duty: Biddle, Kamerosky