Minutes of the September 16, 2014VestryMeeting

Attending:Ben Booker, Bill Burdett, Frank Byrd, Meredith Calhoun, Gene Carr, Kim Cathers, Gene Frame, Joel Hafer,David Marshall,Sandra Winecoff

Guests:Jonathan Stepp

Absent:Drew Griffith, Jeremy Lee, Frank McGlashan

The meeting was called to order at 5:30PM with a prayer by Gene Frame.

A period of intentional blessings was shared among the Vestry members.

The minutes of the August Vestry meetings were approved.

Joel gave an update on the activities of the Transition Task Force. Joel has asked Jack Watson to serve as a part-time interim Associate Rector until a new full-time associate is in place. Jack has agreed and Joel asked the Vestry to approve the appointment, with compensation of $1,600 per month. The Vestry unanimously agreed.

David then presented an analysis of the saving resulting from the vacant full-time Associate Rector position. That analysis, which is attached to these minutes, shows that there will be approximately $15,300 less in personnel costs through the end of 2014. He proposed that these savings be set aside in a Vestry Designated Fund to be used to cover interview and relocation expenses for the Associate. The new fund will be reviewed at year-end. The Vestry unanimously agreed to this proposal.

Meredith Calhoun, Senior Warden reminded the Vestry that their 2015 pledges were due before the beginning of the pledge drive. All members present submitted their pledges at the meeting. The September 21st presentation of the Visioning Task Force’s work to the congregation will occur between the services in Stillwell Hall. Vestry members are urged to attend to help as needed.

Meredith then asked for the Vestry’s agreement to put together a Communications Task Force to develop an effective communications plan to reach all aspects of the congregation. The Vestry did so. Meredith has two or three congregants in mind and will proceed with alacrity.

Some congregants have asked if a purse is being collected for Deacon Tim Jones’s sabbatical. It was noted that the church as given him a total of $1,000 for this purpose. If congregants want to show their support and appreciation for the unpaid work Tim does they are most welcome. An announcement to that end will be included in the next two Sunday’s bulletins.

Gene Carr has agreed to head up a steering committee to explore the need for and potential success of a capital campaign. Gene Frame and Frank Byrd have volunteered be part of this committee. The goal of the committee is to have its findings ready to present to the incoming Vestry in 2015. The Vestry approved the formation of the committee and the proposed timetable.

Sandra Winecoff reported that, due to funding cutbacks from DSS in support of childcare, the School for Little Folks’ enrollment is approximately twenty below optimum level. The school has undertaken an advertising program to support non-DSS enrollment and is developing several part-time programs to fill the void.

She then advised the Vestry that the school board, at its September meeting, agreed to provide the funds to install new windows in the two classrooms facing the interior courtyard if the Vestry would request them to do so. The total cost of the installation, including a reserve for potential overruns, is $13,500. A motion to request the school to pay for the installation of these windows was made, seconded and unanimously passed by the Vestry with hearty thank-you for your help in making these improvements.

Gene Frame gave an update on Buildings and Grounds activities. An ancient drainpipe in the basement had developed a sizable hole and was replaced by the Sextons. The church will participate in the annual old paint can cleanup in September, with over thirty cans to be disposed of.

David reported that the church had a very good month in August, primarily because of having five Sunday collections. The school’s below plan results reflect the very low enrollment.

The meeting adjourned with a prayer at 6:45PM.

Submitted by David Marshall