PRESENT: - Councillors R. Kelly (Chairman), Mrs S. Anthony, Mrs M. Bye, Mrs E. McNeil-Watson,Mrs. J. Stone, V. Hanson, D. Jones, A. Prosper and J. Rees.


In attendance: Mrs G. Lawson (Clerk).

Councillor R. Kelly in the Chair

Min No. 154/08 Public Representation

There was no public representation.

Min No. 155/08 Declaration of Interests

There were no declarations of Interests.
Min No. 156/08 Apologies

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Gough.

Min No. 157/08 Minutes

The Minutes of the meetings held on 8th September 2008 and the Special meeting held on 6th October 2008 were received and signed as a true record by the Chairman.

Arising from the Special Meeting the Clerk had circulated a report setting out the various accounts and the interest rates applicable. Following discussion it was resolved that a sum of £50,000.00 be transferred to Barclays Bank (Bond Account).

Min No. 158/08 Matters Arising

a) Maintenance of the Alexander Garden (Min No.120/08a refers)

The stone has been ordered and arrangements have been made to have the

garden tidied.

b) A Shared Community – Proposed Meeting with Community Councils in the

Cardiff Area (Min No 120/08b refers)

At the Code of Conduct training session the legal Officer for Cardiff indicated that she would be contacting Community Councils for discussions on the provision of a Charter. The Clerk had written to One Voice Wales seeking information on whether they had produced a draft Charter or guidelines. A reply had been receivedindicating they were aware through discussions with Authorities that Cardiff was working on a proposal. A meeting of the Clerks from St Fagans, Radyr, Pentyrch and Lisvane was held on 9th October 2008. The general consensus was that initially contact should be made with Cardiff County Council seeking details of their proposal for a Charter. The minimum the Charter should provide is the appointment of a Contact Officer and also a Contact Officer in Planning with a view of working with the Authority to develop further links and services.

During the discussions it was established that Radyr and Pentyrch have a dedicated road sweeper/litter picker who works in the village once a week. The advantages are that they can direct the person to problem areas and because it is the same person every week they also became aware of problems in the village and report these to the Clerk. It was agreed that the Clerk would make inquiries regarding the provision of a similar service in Lisvane.

c) One Voice Wales – National Training Programme for Community and Town

Councils in Wales.

One Voice Wales has confirmed that they will be starting the training programme in the near future and it is anticipated that the courses will all be held at local venues.

d) Training for the New Wales Code of Conduct – Cardiff County Council (Min No. 147/08a refers) - Councillor Prosper and the Clerk attended the training session on17th September2008. The Legal Officer who presented the training session did give an undertaking to provide an electronic copy of the training package which could be circulated to Members who were unable to attend. The information had not yet been received and the Clerk would contact the Legal Officer.

Min No. 159/08 LisvaneCommunityBuilding Project (Min No 138/08 refers)

The Chairman of the Building Working Party reported on the local consultation which had been undertaken with the neighbours to the site, Regular Users of the Old School and Key Groups in the Village.The Design Drawings had been well received with a few minor amendments being proposed. An Exhibition had been held in the Memorial Hall on the 11th October 2008 which had been well attended. The consultation period would continue until the 1st December 2008 and there would be further publicity regarding the project at the LCA AGM, an article and photographs in the November Link, a display on the Community Web Site and the designs boards would be on display at the Cabin Library. It was also agreed that a questionnaire would be included in the November Link. The next meeting of the Working Party would be held on Thursday 16th October 2008.

Min No. 160/08 Cardiff Local Development Plan (Min No. 139/08 refers) –

There is to be a briefing meeting at County Hall on Wednesday 22nd October 2008 at 10 a.m. for all consultees on the LDP process. The purpose of the briefing is to update stakeholders on the revised timescale and process for preparation of the plan. There will also be feedback on decisions made at the Council’s Executive Business Meeting on 2nd October 2008 in relation to the strategic direction of the LDP. It was agreed that Councillor Kelly would represent Lisvane at the briefing meeting.

Min No. 161/08 Police Matters

a)Crime Statistics

There were 14 recorded instances of reported crime in August 2008 compared with 9 in the same period last year. There were 10 recorded instances of reported crime in September 2008 compared with 9 in the same period last year.

A report had been received from a local business regarding the lack of Police response following an incident in the village. There was also concern regarding the increase in the number of large groups of youngsters in the village on a Friday and Saturday evening. It was agreed that these issues be raised with the Community Constable.

There was also concern that cars were being driven erratically on the playingfield car park late in the evening. Residents had indicated they would be prepared to volunteer to lock the gates in the evening and open them up again in the morning. The Clerk was asked to discuss this issue with the Parks Department, Councillor Walker and Community Constable Dave Rogers.

Min No. 162/08 Highways/Footpath

a)Sign at Ty Mawr Car Park (Min No 141/08a refers) –

The Clerk had met with the representative of SAFE to agree the location of the warning sign at the entrance to the Ty Mawr. Inquiries were going to be made with the Highways Department regarding the cost of providing a plastic sign. If the price and quality was of the right standard a plastic sign would be considered. If this was not acceptable a metal sign would be ordered with SAFE contributing half of the cost.

b) Footpath between Mill Road and Millwood (Min No 141/08c)

The Clerk had received a number of evidence forms from residents to support the registration of the footpath. A meeting of the Footpaths Working Party was to be held on the 20th October 2008 and the application would be discussed with the Footpaths Officer.

c) RhymneyValley and NantFawrRiver Corridors Action Plan (Min No. 141/08

refers) – The Clerk requested Members comments on the above proposals

as soon as possible to enable her to respond to the consultation document.

d)Local Access Forum – Letters of thanks had been received from Mr Dean, Graig Protecyion Society and Cardiff County Council Footpaths Officers thanking the Community Council for hosting the meeting on 30th September 2008.

e)Heol Hir – Blocked Gully – The blocked gully in Heol Hir and St Mellons Road

had been reported to Cardiff Council.

f)Bridleway –Graig Road – Cardiff County Council Parks Department have arranged a meeting on the 17th October 2008 with the tenant of the land on which it is hoped a new bridleway may be provided. Representatives of SAFE, Lisvane Graig Protection Society and Lisvane Community Council would also attend.

g)Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) – The finalised Cardiff Rights of Way Plan has been published. This provides for a strategic management plan for the next 10 years. There are 16 key aims which have been divided in to three time periods to allow for a programme review. This review will ensure that progress can be evaluated and priority tasks reassessed.

h)Mini roundabout at the Junction of Mill Road and Heol-y-Delyn - It was reported that Cardiff County Council were due to commence work on providing a mini roundabout at the junction with Mill Road and Heol-y-Delyn.

Concern was expressed that the Community Council had not been informed of the proposals and that the information which had been sent to a limited number of residents did not have information on the revised lighting scheme.

The Clerk was requested to obtain details as to the revised lighting scheme for this area, as it was assumed that the lighting column which was currently located in the centre of the road would have to be removed.

Min No. 163/08 Parks

a)Development of Sporting Facilities (Min No 142/08a refers)

The Cricket Club have received planning permission to join the two existing buildings into one Pavilion. They have applied for a grant from their governing body to undertake the work.

Min No 164/08Lisvane Community Council Policy Documents (Min No 143/08

a)Lisvane Community Plan – The Community Council recorded their thanks to Councillor Hanson for undertaking the work on the Community Plan. Councillors were requested to forward any comments on the Community Plan to Councillor Hanson as soon as possible to ensure any amendments could be integrated and considered at the November meeting.

b)Child Protection Policy – Advice had been received from One Voice Wales that unless the Council has direct contact with children there is no need for a child protection policy. Following discussion it was agreed to refer the matter to the LCA Old School Management Committeewith a recommendation that hirers of the Old School where sessions are attended by children (without parental supervision) should have a Child Protection Policy. It was also agreed that the Council’s Clerk should also hold a current CRB certificate. It was noted that the Clerk does hold a current CRB certificate.

Min No. 165/08 Welsh Assembly Government

a)Guidance for Community and Town Councils in Wales on Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act – Guidance has been received from the National Assembly on the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environmental Act

Min No.166/08 Planning

a)Weekly Planning Schedules

11thSeptember 2008 –34, Heol St Denys – First floor extension above

garage with dormer windows to front and rear

Land to side and rear of Cefn Llys, Cefn Mably –

Three new dwellings.

18th September 2008 – Channel View Cottage, Graig Road – Partial

extension at first floor.

116, Mill Road – Single storey extension to rear to

enlarge kitchen.

25th September 2008 – Nil

2nd October 2008 - Nil

9th October 2008 - 23, Ivydale – Two storey side extension.

39 Millrace Close – 2 storey and first floor side


It was agreed to submit an objection to the planning application for Channel View Cottage, Graig Road as this was north of the M4 and the impact caused by increasing the height of the building would impinge on the visual appearance of the Graig.

b) Planning permission for temporary signage

The Clerk had obtained guidance from the Planning Department regarding the increase in temporary signs being erected in the village. It appears that some of the signage has been erected without planning permission. It was agreed to refer these issues to Building Control for investigation.

c) White Willows, Heol Hir – The non-compliance with the conditions of the planning permission had been referred to Building Control.

Min No. 167/08 Reports

a)Friends of Coed-y-Felin –The minutes of the meeting held on 1st October 2008 had not been received. The Chairman of the Friends of Coed-y-Felin reported that Jonathan Morgan A.M. had presented the Green Pennant Award to the Friends on the 29th September 2008.

b) Lisvane Web Working Party – A meeting of the Web Working Party was held on 7th October 2008. It was agreed that there was a need to continue providing this service. Councillor Stone has handed over the control of the site to Councillor Hanson. A number of amendments to the site were considered and these are being investigated by Councillor Hanson who will also check if the hosting company has made any upgrades to the service provided. The Council recorded their thanks to Councillor Stone for undertaking the initial development of the site and maintaining the site to a high standard for the past two years.

Min No.167/08 Correspondence

a) Cardiff Civic Society – The future Development of Cardiff

Cardiff Civic Society Conference is to be held on 18th October 2008 on the future development of Cardiff following which a conference report will be submitted to Cardiff County Council as part of the consultation on the LDP. The speakers are Stuart Williams Strategic Planning Group Leader Cardiff County Council, Professor John Punter Professor of Urban Design at Cardiff University and Sue Essex planner, former Minister in the Welsh Assembly. It was agreed that Councillor Kelly would represent Lisvane Community Council at the conference.

b) Local Health Board - The next meeting of the Local Health Board was to be

held on 26th November 2008 at County Hall. Members wishing to attend

should inform the Clerk.

c) One Voice Wales – To note that the next Area Meeting will be held on the

27th October 2008 at Cowbridge. The motions to be considered at this year’s Conference were circulated for information.

d)Consumer Focus Wales – This organisation had been created through the merger of the Welsh Consumer Council, Postwatch Wales and Energywatch Wales. Having a single, cross-section organisation will help ensure a more coherent and consistent approach to consumer advocacy and campaigning.The Clerk would put the contact details for Consumer Focus Wales in the November Link.

e)Changes to Zurich Financial Services Group Structure – With effect from the 1st January 2009 Zurich will transfer accounts to the UK Branch of Zurich Insurance Ireland Limited. Full details of the changes can be viewed on Zurich’s web site 2009

Min No. 168/08 Finance

a)Application for Grants –A grant of £100.00 was made to Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre.

b) Internal Auditor’s Report – The Councils Insurance Policy has been amended in accordance with the Internal Auditor’s recommendation. The amendments are for increased cover for the contents of the Old School and the Employees’ Insurance cover amended to five times salary to £40,000. There is no additional premium required.

c) Clerk’s Contract of Employment – (The Clerk left the meeting for the duration of this item) Councillor McNeil-Watson on behalf of the Service Conditions Sub-Committee presented a report on the Clerk’s Terms and Conditions of Service. The Contract details were agreed and in lieu of a pension it was:-

Resolved that a gratuity will be paid on termination of employment subject to the completion of five continuous years of satisfactory service prior to the termination date, or upon death to the nominated next-of- kin. The gratuity will be calculated in accordance with the approved Local Government (Discretionary Payment) Regulations 1996.

d) Cheque Signing

Cheque Number Payee Amount £

301090 BrookviewGarden Services 54.05

301091 G. Lawson (Reclaimed Expenditure) 149.72

301092 G. Lawson (Salary) 594.24

e) Half Yearly Accounts – The Half Yearly Accounts (previously circulated)

were agreed as a true record.

f) Change of bank account signatories – It was resolved to remove WG Drury

andB Wallace as signatories to the Community Councils Bank Accounts

followingtheir retirement from the Council. Councillors M Bye and V Hanson

nameswould be added as signatories to the Accounts.

Min No. 169/08 Date of Next Meeting –

The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on Monday 10thNovember 2008 at the Cabin, Old School, Lisvane commencing at 7.30 p.m.

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