Minutes of the Joint Tinsley Forum / East Community Assembly Meeting
held at Tinsley Methodist Church on Tuesday 7thJune 2011, at 6pm
Chair: Tracy Calvert
Present: 13 residents
Staff & Trustees:8
Councillors/East Assembly: 1
Guests: 6
- Apologies for AbsenceNo apologies for absence were received.
- Minutes of the last TF Open Meeting
The minutes of the Tinsley Forum (TF) Open Forum meeting held on Thursday 10thMarch 2011 were approved as a correct record.
- Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
- Yorkshire Water
Michael Smith from Yorkshire Water introduced himself to the meeting, and conducted a PowerPoint presentation on their 5year investment plans at Blackburn Meadows Waste Water Treatment Works:
Yorkshire Water as like the other water companies in England and Wales are highly regulated and work in 5 yearly cycles. The current cycle is Asset Management Plan 5 (AMP5) which started in 2010 and ends in 2015.
BBM general overview
Blackburn Meadows STW serves a population of around 460,000 and has major pumped discharges into it, these being Don Valley, Blackburn Valley and Tinsley SPS's
The consented pass forward flow for treatment is at least 468,000 m3/d, with flow to full treatment being 368,000 m3/d and flow to storm tanks is at least 100,000 m3/d via the 3x overflow.
Yorkshire Water's investment over Amp 5 at Blackburn Meadows totals £85m and is built up on the three following projects:
Blackburn Meadows WwTW – Fresh Water Fisheries Directive (FFD) Proposed Scope of Works circa £50m and comprises of the following:
• New inlet works - Fine screens, coarse screens and cross flow gritdetritors
• New circular primary tanks (8No)
• New side stream Activated Sludge Plant (ASP)
• Down grading and Refurbishment of the existing ASP (Hybrid andSimplex)
• New diffused air system to the Hybrid ASP
• New circular Final tanks (4No)
• Odour Control through work to the existing storm tanks
Proposed start date for construction is March 2012 and completion bySeptember 2014
Blackburn Meadows WwTW - Sludge Strategy
Proposed Scope of Works - £20.0m
• Sludge storage tanks and thickening.
• Digesters
• Gas holders
• Combined Heat & Power engines (CHP’s)
• Renewable energy generation
• Odour control to sludge storage and process units
• Sludge conditioning area
Proposed start date October 2011 and Completion December 2012.
With regards to the Sludge conditioning area this is where the operation of turning of windrows occurs and the regards to the release of pathogen's into the atmosphere, this isn't an issue and doesn't form apart of the strict Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control permit (IPPC) from the Environment Agency for this operation.
Blackburn Meadows WwTW – Medium Treatment
Proposed Scope of Works - £15m
• Don Valley Sewage Pumping Station Refurbishment
• Unsatisfactory Intermitted Discharge on the 6x Overflow. This beingthe construction and installation of 6mm 2d screening to prevent sewage litter entering the river.
• Holmes Farm Landfill
- One of YW’s key strategic assets.
- Engineered cells which are impermeable and allows leachate collection, which is then treated through the STW process.
- Filled with ash
- AMP3 and 4 saw the development of ‘Phase 1’ of Holmes Farm Tip. Thishas now been filled and will be capped as part of the AMP5 works toprotect the cell and prevent leachate forming.
- This will be capped with topsoil substitute material which will allownatural growth and will eventually look like a hill with grass etc on.
- The end of AMP4 saw the start of ‘Phase 2’ works which involved onecell being constructed. A further two are to be constructed in AMP5.
Currently on site and due for Completion in November 2013
Q.What about airborne pathogens?
A. Pathogensare destroyed in the windrows.
Q.How about fungal spores?
A. I’m not an expert, but have been told no.
Q.What percentage of river water will be treated?
A. We treat 2600litres per second. The rest goes to storm-tanks and overflow. I will quantify the volume of sewage treated through the works and let Tinsley Forum know.
Q.Is the Education Centre open to adults?Also, will open days be held?
A. Yes. Current ones are open to sixth forms and colleges, and open days will be held.
Q.Will there be any employment opportunities?
A. Our contract partners are local contractors, so they may be setting on staff. We are trying to encourage as much local employment as possible, but are not directly involved in this.
Q.Will there be a new water outlet near the river?
A. It is not part of our work, but the Environment Agency are trying to get a fish-pass, so it would be worth contacting them over this.
- Highgate Shopping Centre Update
Alex Shilkoff from SCC Regeneration Team gave an update on progress since the last meeting.
Some legal and financial problems have been encountered, which are now resolved, and it is anticipated that work on site will begin at the end of the year.
Alex will get a timetable of works together for the next Tinsley Forum Meeting, and a newsletter is to be produced and distributed. Updated information will be soon be available in Tinsley Library.
Michael Johnson, the chosen artist is to visit Tinsley Infant School later this month, and is hoping to visit Tinsley Junior School before the end of term. Alex has an ‘artist’s impression’ should any resident wish to view it at the end of the meeting.
Q.Are there any plans for a new surgery, as Tinsley Highgate is an ideal location, and the current surgery is overcrowded?
A. GP’s have not approached the Council with concerns over their current site;therefore this has not been a consideration.
Lyn Brandon of Sheffield PCT informed the meeting that the PCT are aware of issues with the surgery, and some improvements have been made. Lyn will feedback concerns with overcrowding.
Q.How much has consultations and the artist cost?
A. Approx. £10k
Q.The Pike & Heron is an eyesore, and the large fence they have erected prevents access to the rear of the shops. Is there anything that can be done about this?
A. The fence is on the Pike & Heron’s property, therefore there is nothing that SCC can do.
Q.Who does the road at the rear of the shops belong to then?
A. It is split ownership between the Pike & Heron, and the owner of the car-park. It is not public highway.
Q.Can we put in an objection?
A. I will look into this and let Tinsley Forum know.
- The Blue Loop Project
River Steward Hellen Hornby introduced herself to the meeting. Hellen is employed by the River Stewardship Company to deliver the Blue Loop Community Project, a waterways programme, made possible through £100k grant secured by Groundwork Sheffield, from Natural England’s Access to Nature programme, funded by the Big Lottery Fund’s Changing Spaces programme.
The ‘blue loop’ is an 8 mile continuous loop of waterways and riverside walkways, travelling along the River Don from the city centre to Meadowhall, and back down the Tinsley Canal to Victoria Quays. It flows close by the communities of Tinsley, Darnall, Burngreave and Attercliffe. The project aims to get more local people enjoying and caring about local waterways.
Clean up work is continually being carried out, and water quality is improving, and the Blue Loop has become a haven for wildlife, including fish, kingfishers, dragonflies, herons and otters.
Hellen is responsible for delivering a programme of free events and activities for the public and community groups. Eventshave included nature walks, bat walks, wildflower uses, fishing taster days, bike rides and willow weaving sessions.
Regular volunteer days are run at various waterside locations across the city, to encourage residents to join in and to get stuck into practical conservation tasks to help improve the local environment, while learning about the area’s ecology. The project also supports keen volunteers to obtain certified qualifications, free of charge. Other volunteer roles include: admin and research, plant and animal surveying and site feedback, and new volunteers are always welcome.
Riverside clean ups take place, with the cutting back of vegetation, and removal of litter and debris. Volunteers are provided with tools to use, hot drinks and cakes. Activities are provided to keep children occupied.
Public events, visits for schools and outreach sessions are organised, and Hellen will tailor make sessions for interested parties. Please contact Hellen for further information.
A range of information is available, including the Blue Loop’s ecology and heritage, and maps detailing cycle paths and short walks. Blue Loop mapshave previously been distributed with the Tinsley Tribune, and are also available from Tinsley Forum.
For more information, contact Hellen on: 0114 2636420 or email:
See the blue loop website:
- Councillors ‘Question Time’
No questions were raised.
- P.A.C.T. (Partners and Communities Together)
Community Safety OfficerRoger White and PC Andrew Sadler reported on behalf of the Darnall, Attercliffe & Tinsley Safer Neighbourhoods Team:
Reports of speeding and substance misuse have been received, and are being addressed. PCSO’s are providing a uniformed presence in the area, and work continues in the Junior and Infant Schools, Tinsley Advice Service, and at the Mosque. There were no particular incidents to report.
Q.Small bags that appear to have contained illegal substances are continually being found at the rear of the community centre, what can be done about it?
A. Cannabis Advisory Letters can be sent out, informing parents of the situation, and then further action may be taken. Currently the police are concentrating efforts on dealers and cannabis factories.
Q.What is happening regarding parking outside the Junior School, as parents continue to park on the zigzag lines whenever they want?
A. There should be a Traffic Regulation Order outside the schools, but as yet SCC have not applied for one, so it is currently not enforceable.
Q.Scrap metal men are taking what they want, and think nothing of jumping over peoples fences to get it. I have called the number supplied by the school, but noone has got back to me?
A. I will look into this further.
Q.What is being done about speeding and driving without insurance?
A. We are doing what we can, but unfortunately, we just don’t have the resources to address these issues on a daily basis.
Q.What is being done about drivers parking vehicles along Bawtry Road?
A. We have done a lot of work with Tinsley Advice Service around this, but it needs better signage, which requires thousands of pounds that we don’t have at the moment.
- Any Other Business
Street Force
Sheffield hasbeen awarded £674.1 million for a city-wide, 25-year highway maintenance project. The money is granted in the form of PFI(Private Finance Initiative) Credits by the Department for Transport. These credits will be paid as additional grants over 25 years. Along with the current highway maintenance budgets and an additional £10 million a year, a total of £2 billion will be invested into the city’s highway network over the coming 25 years.
The work to improve the city’s highway network will begin inspring 2012 when the private highway maintenance service provider takes over.
In preparation for this Street Force has been split:
1) for those services that will form part of the Highway Maintenance PFI contract come Spring 2012
If you are aware of an issue related to highway maintenance (roads, pavements, lighting, litter removal from the highway, street sweeping, verges etc) you need to gather all the information and share it with Street Force Customer Services by email: or phone the contact centre on (0114) 273 4567.
2) those services that won't form part of the PFI contract ... these have predominately transferred to a newly created section within Parks called Public Realm.
The main areas affected are:
Public toilets - no longer Street Force - all enquiries to Public Realm.
Graffiti - only graffiti on the highway/footpath or on street furniture (litter bins, street nameplates, road signs, lighting columns etc)remains with Street Force. Graffiti on buildings, utility boxes etc. is now classed as Public Realm.
Trees - only trees on highway verges remain with Street Force, this does not include those on Sheffield Homes estates.
Grounds Maintenance - Only grass cutting on highway verges remains with Street Force, this does not include grass cutting on Sheffield Homes estates.
The contact details at Parksfor all Public Realm enquiries are: Telephone:(0114) 2 500 500 & Email:
Forlatest news on the 'Streets Ahead Project' (Sheffield HighwayMaintenance PFI) visit:
Wardens from Sheffield Homes reported that due to cutbacks, there are now only three Neighbourhood Warden for the whole of the East Area, so residents will still see them patrolling the area, but not as often.
General enquiries should be addressed to the North Call Centre on: 0114 293 000
This number should also be used to report anti-social behaviour
Repairs should be reported on: 0114 273 5555
A resident raised that due to cutbacks, the community centre is now expected to run completely on volunteers.
A resident complained that an overgrown hedge on Highgate is causing problems for some pavement users.
Q.How is the funding going at the Forum?
A. Not well at the moment. We are running totally from reserves. We have submitted funding bids, but have not heard the outcome of these as yet. We will update when we have more news.
Q.Can we have the Sterecycle representative back? Smells improved for a while, but have been terrible over the last month?
A. We will ask them to attend at the next meeting.
Q.What is happening with Sheffield Road?
A. Approval for The Tinsley Link has been granted, which will now form part of a National Road Strategy.
Q.What is happening with the Outo Kumpu sports field?
A. We are not sure, but will try to find out and report back.
- Time and Date of the Next Meeting
Tuesday 20th September 2011 @ 6pm
The Chair thanked all guests for attending the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 19.30.
Actions (summary):
- Michael Smith – turning of windrows and the release of pathogens
- Michael Smith – quantify the volume of sewage treated through the works
- Michael Smith – summary of presentation for inclusion in minutes
- Alex Shilkoff - timetable of works for the next Tinsley Forum meeting
- Roger White- further action regarding scrap metal merchants
- Tinsley Forum- to invite Sterecycle to the next meeting
- Tinsley Forum - to make enquiries into the Outo Kumpu site
Tinsley Forum – Working in Partnership with The Local Community and:
This project is part- financed by the European Union
European Regional Development Fund
Registered at Cardiff Company No: 3881700
Charity No: 1131895