Ms. Sampolesi's First Grade Class 1B
October 26th-October 30th
Peek at the Week
Dr. Seuss week was an amazing week for first grade! The children seemed to really enjoy making the Oobleck. The recipe calls for two cups of cornstarch, one cup of water, and a couple of drops of food coloring. If you are feeling brave, it is a fun experiment that you can attempt at home!
This week, we will be discussing fantasy storiesand focusing on the storyA Cupcake Party.This story can be found in the Thinkcentral website library!
Target Skill:Story Structure
Target Strategy:Visualize
Phonics: Review Words with Short u;final clusters including -mb, -mp, -nt, -nd, -lp, -sk, -st; phonogram -ump
Words to Know for Vocabulary Test:eat, give, one, put, small, take
Grammar: We continueidentifying single and plural nouns and introduce prepositions and prepositional phrases.
Please review the sentences within thefluency folder each week for Fridays! Have your child practice reading these sentences fluently without "chopping' their words.
us, sun, but, fun, bus, run, eat, give, one, putChallenge Word:Halloween
Please complete one square on the Spelling Menu per night and returnall fourpapersto school onFriday.
We will finishingTopic 3 inEnvision. Continue working with your child on the different ways to make 10. This Wednesday, we will have a G1 fact fluency test. Students will be given4 minutesto solve a 25 question basic addition sheet. Our class is doing an awesome job on their fact fluency quizzes so far!
Sharing the Planet
Central Idea:Habitats meet the needs of the plants and animals that live within them. We will continue discussing thegrasslands.
Test Schedule for the Week
Monday: none
Tuesday: none
Wednesday: G1 Adding to 10 Fact Fluency (4 minutes)
Thursday: G1 Phonics, G1 Vocabulary, G2 Math Topic 3 Making 10 test
Friday:G2 Spelling, G2 A Cupcake Party Comprehension Test
Please remember that you must sign in the office before entering the building. Classroom doors will remain locked anytime children are present. Only teachers are allowed to open the doors for any visitors. Reiterate this policy with your child at home. Please do not yank the doors in the hallway.Due to a new security system, you must be buzzed in from the office in order to walk through the building. Thank you for your patience. Your child's safety is our number 1 priority!
Patriot News
Please send Halloween party items for Friday if you volunteered!
Please check the Hayes Cooper Center Calendar for Important Dates.