The meeting was called to order at the home of Ax & Marie Kramer in Kirkwood, Mo. at 7:30 PM
by Joel Pittenger, Chairman of the Board
Present were members: President John Klunk Jr., Vice President Jerome Simon, Treasurer, Robert Richardson, Secretary Carl Briggs, Corey Adams, Dave Blackwood, Ax Kramer, Marie Kramer, John Graser, Ray Griesedieck, Henry Laughlin, Denis Neidrauer, Ben Outlaw, Joel Pittenger, Chris Plank, Ginny Richardson, Richard Rahn, Von Richards, Matthew Schuette, and Bill Webster .
Represented by proxy were: None
A quorum of 11 was present.
Joel introduced the current officers and board members.
Joel offered the slate of board members to be voted for the 2017 season. The slate of nominees included:
Joel Pittenger, (chairman), Richard Rahn, John Graser, Ray Griesedieck and David Blackwood.
No further nominees were offered. The vote was unanimous in favor of the nominees.
The club officers members remained the same:
President; John Klunk Jr. Vice President; Jerome Simon Secretary; Carl Briggs Treasurer; Robert Richardson
SLLS Treasurer Bob Richardson provided a detailed Treasurer’s report. The Current Assets total of $36,171 includes $15,372 in the checking account and $20,799 in the brokerage account at LPL Financial Advisors LLC. Total Fixed Assets were $45,031, consisting of structures ($5,965), locomotives and cars ($11,379), equipment ($3,709), track ($37,274) and accumulated depreciation ($-25,758) plus land improvements (rock and concrete $12,462). Total Assets of $84,202 includes all the above plus the green display locomotive ($3,000) listed as educational. Matthew Schuette is renovating it.
Since the last year end treasurer’s report in November, 2015 , the SLLS had total income of $ 10,690 for the fiscal year from dues ($2,873, up $500 due to increase in the annual dues amount to $75) and donations by the public ($1,862 from run dates), by members ($5,953) and interest ($2). Expenses totaled $ 10,428 for utilities, and advertising, plus the big items; insurance ($5,086), depreciation ($2,083) and flood recovery ($2,368) for a net income of $262 for the year. Insurance could be less if written in another state.
Our insurance rate is very much affected by our other clubs failure to operate in safe manner.
The financial statements were accepted upon a motion by Ray Griesedieck, seconded by Henry Laughlin.
The treasurer’s report was accepted by acclamation and signed by two non–officers; Matt Schuette and Denis Neidrauer.
Copies of bank statements and broker statements are available. Robert posts each run date report on the same Saturday.
Robert had John Klunk Jr. and other officers and board members sign the conflict of interest form which stated an arms length distance between the club and its officers for any transactions between the two.
The following run dates were proposed and voted unanimously approved.
.Run Dates for 2017: Steam up/ Boiler Testing April 8
Public Run Day April 22 ( Invite Eureka park board members)
Public Run DayMay 13
Public Run DayJune 10
Club Only Fun RunJuly 1
Public Run DayJuly 15
Public Run DayAugust 12
Public Run DaySeptember 9 Eureka Days
Public Run DayOctober 7
Club Only Blow-DownOctober 14
We will again have 7 public run days to cover any rain-outs.
Projects Planned:
Our primary goal is the completion of the raised section of the new main line. Richard Rahn has welded the seven steel supports and the center section, now 40 feet long which is nearly ready for installation. Joel Pittenger and Henry Laughlin primed and painted the supports. We will need a tractor with an auger and a posthole digger and a pallet of ready mix cement to install the supports. Two bags of cement are required for each support. Steel needs to be ordered and received by Corey Adams for the rails. A front-end loader is needed to build the gravel road bed ramp from the road crossing to the elevated support section (1 percent grade). Abutments will be built using 8 inch x 18 inch stone blocks to protect the gravel ramp from flooding.
To improve the safety of the passenger loading zone Corey Adams had suggested moving the passenger loading track to a third passing track and replacing the current loading area on the gravel incline with a 5-degree, 30 foot long sloped loading ramp located where the current rail exists. The ramp would be built of concrete blocks and use a removable metal pole and rope fence to control crowd movement. There will be separate loading and unloading zones with signs. The landscape blocks will need to be drilled for the ½ inch rebar posts. Robert Richardson has a fast drill. A backhoe will be needed to place the gravel and the landscape blocks. Ax Kramer will build the required switches. One switch stand will be required on the north end but a spring-loaded, manual switch throw can be preset for the south end. We already have the 30 tons of one inch minus rock for the new track base. The new and old track bed will need to be tamped. Safety is the prime concern. This project must be completed before April. Robert Richardson. was concerned over water freezing in the fence post hole, causing cracks. The holes could be capped with plastic plugs.
Another proposed improvement for locomotive owner safety is to replace the gravel ramp from the turntable to the main line switch. Corey Adams. suggested using steel posts rather than wood for increased longevity. We will need a backhoe to break up the old gravel. Also, the there is a need for a better lock/alignment system for the turntable. Denis Neidrauer will look into a solution. Bill Webster suggested building the lock onto the first post assembly.
Unfinished Business by John Klunk Jr.:
Dave Blackwood will take on the project to add roll bars to both ends of each rider car for safety.
Jerome Simon will take on the project to construct safety plates to protect children’s feet from falling between the rider cars.
Richard Rahn will implement a list of duties or jobs for junior members that Robert Richardson created.
Robert Richardson will develop crowd loading procedures and training of the instructions in time for the first run date in April.
Richard Rahn reminded us to revarnish the rider cars seats.
New Business:
Training is needed for conductors, engineers and station workers to help with the new loading and unloading operation, since there will be two locations and the train will move up to the loading location after unloading passengers. It will be more important for the conductor to say “All Aboard” and the whistle communication between the conductor and the engineer before departing. Matthew Schuette volunteered to execute this.
Engineer training needs to be implemented including track familiarization and instructions on what to do in emergency situations, like a runaway train.
Robert Richardson suggested that the abbreviated safety instructions be printed on the back of the member name tags. He will make everyone a new badge.
Corey Adams will design safety ramps to keep passenger feet from hitting the ends of the bridge. This idea is insurance driven. Riders also need to be warned to keep their feet inside the train cars.
A new policy was presented in a motion by Ginny Richardson and seconded by Matthew Schuette that no photos or videos be shot while riding a train. This is to prevent a rollover or having someone fall off the train by leaning to the side of the train or turning around to film their family. This needs to be posted on the rules sign and added to the safety briefing. The motion was accepted unanimously.
Al Ware is working on updating the website to make it look more professional. Also an email would be sent to new members including a roster, By-laws and ride safety rules/training.
Ginny Richardson suggested that the remaining run date flyers be updated for 2017 by applying stickers with the new run dates. This would save the $200 spent for 2016 flyers. Ax Kramer suggested sending emails to club members to remind them of the run dates as they occur to increase assistance.
The possibility of a dues increase or seeking corporate sponsorship of our operations was discussed. Bob R stated that our long term goal should be to cover our insurance cost. Joel Pittenger moved that we hold the annual dues at $75. Ax Kramer seconded the motion. Corporate sponsorship may not be acceptable to the city of Eureka.
Robert Richardson stated that we need a financial investment committee to decide where to best invest our $25,000 investment funds. He felt that 3 persons would be sufficient. He made a motion to chose 3 and John Graser seconded the motion. Ax Kramer, Matthew Schuette and Robert Richardson, as Chairperson, were chosen.
It was suggested that the meeting minutes be posted on the website.
John Klunk Jr., President wants to hold informal monthly meetings on the first Saturday of each month and use email to notify members of these. Only two members do not have email ( 2 visitors).
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM by Joel Pittenger, Chairman of the Board on a motion made by Von Richards.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary, Carl Briggs