Next meeting in Duluth, Sept 17at 6:30 p.m.

MSPS Arrowhead Chapter Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2008

Members present: Fletcher Koos, Paul Voge, Duane Kyrola, Paul Tocarczyk, Anthony Lueck, David Szyszkoski, Rod Gunderson, Jon Bunkowske, Charlie Chernak, Paul Vogel, Dale Berntsen, Bob Busche, Tom O’Malley, Ken Martin, Maureen Hayes

Guests present: MSPS President David Landecker

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. at The Lodge at Giant’s Ridge, in Biwabik.

Treasurer’s Report and May Minutes

The minutes of theMarch 19th, 2008meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve byRod Gunderson, seconded by Bob Busche. Approved.

Maureen reported a balance of 3637.35 with no expenses since the prior report and $40 dues deposited . We will be giving $750 in Trig Star prizes. Motion to approve byFletcher Koos, second by Jon Bunkowske. Approved

Old Business

Charlie reported that the St. CloudState survey club appreciated our donation and sent a thank you note.

Paul Voge and Paul Vogel reported on the April 3rd workshop which covered access issues such as cartways, adverse possession and easements. The SuperiorNational Forest will not grant access across forest lands if there is a possibility of accessing across private land, even if a cartway is required. The cost of the cartway will include damages for partition of the property crossed, as well as roadway costs.

Duane, Rod, and Fletch reported on the Trig Star test. Six high schools were represented with 20 students taking the test despite a major snow storm. David L. reported on Chapter 1’s Trig Star program which attracts 200 contestants.

Martin Engineering of Superior continues to be the low bidder on various engineering projects in MN. David L reported that Chapters 2 and 3 are discussing the pros and cons of providing digital files for staking by non-licensed companies. A general discussion of the licensing statute ensued.

New Business

Charlie reported that the DNR is revamping their shoreline ordinance, making it more restrictive. David L. said he will send around a message if he sees issues where surveyors need to be pro-active.

David L. spoke briefly: He’ll take our concerns back to the Board. The Summer Meeting brochure will be around. It will be in Alexandria, July 31st and August 1st. Chapters 5 and 6 met jointly with the Capitol Area Land Surveyors and had a speaker on land surveying in Europe. 1 Professional Development Hour was awarded. The next Board meeting is June 5th. David encourages participation in MSPS activities.

Duane brought up the Past Presidents monument for Carl Berg. Rod and David L. will work on getting the monument up here.

Bob reported that past President Don Schmidt died of lung cancer.

Rod reported that the MNDOT VRS stations are being upgraded with GLONASS. Tom says that St. Louis Cty. Personnel have been getting very good results in recent tests. Paul Vogel asked if the VRS has been updated to the 2007 adjustment. Rod said no. Tom said that MN HARN stations have mostly moved less than a cm from the 1996 adjust

Next meeting in Duluth on September 17, probably at the Timber Lodge in CanalPark. .

Rod Gundersonmoved to adjourn, seconded by Duane Kyrola. Approved.

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