/ Republic of Serbia
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia / ISSN 0353-9555
Statistical release / RS10
Number 282 - Year LXV, 23.10.2015
Labour Force Survey / SERB282 RS10 231015

– Revised edition –

Labour Force Survey, IV quarter 2014

– Revised results –

Labour Force Survey represents a survey that ensures the most comprehensive analysis of the labour force status and fluctuations in the labour market.

In conducting this survey, applied were the methodological solutions harmonized with the recommendations and definitions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the requirements of Eurostat (European Statistical Office) and thereby provided is the most important source for international comparisons of data in the area of labour statistics among the Republic of Serbia and other countries. The frame for the sample selection is based on 2011 Census of population, households and dwellings.

The survey covered 8660 households. The survey data relate to the Republic of Serbia and its regions according to the Regulation on nomenclature of statistical territorial units. The data were collected for the demographic features of the whole population, for the population aged 15 and over and the data on their working status/activity. The total of 24700 persons were interviewed and for 21466 persons the data regarding their working status/activity were obtained, which equals to 0.4% of the total number of persons aged 15 and over.

The Labour Force Survey was carried out in November 2014 and the period of observation extended from October 27 to November 2, 2014.

Structure of active population aged 15 and over, IV quarter 2014

– Republic of Serbia –


SRB282 RS10 231015

1.  Population aged 15 and over, by region, type of settlement, age groups, education, sex and activity, IV quarter 2014

Total / Total / Sex
male / female
active / employed / un- employed / inactive / all / active / employed / un- employed / inactive / all / active / employed / un- employed / inactive
Population aged 15 and over – total / 6088622 / 3125510 / 2584538 / 540972 / 2963112 / 2935922 / 1768576 / 1472891 / 295686 / 1167346 / 3152700 / 1356933 / 1111648 / 245286 / 1795767
Beogradski region / 1431776 / 744785 / 623981 / 120804 / 686991 / 666838 / 388974 / 328219 / 60755 / 277864 / 764938 / 355811 / 295762 / 60049 / 409127
Region Vojvodine / 1632745 / 844700 / 682747 / 161953 / 788045 / 787426 / 485532 / 391452 / 94080 / 301894 / 845319 / 359168 / 291295 / 67873 / 486151
Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije / 1705138 / 894090 / 755833 / 138257 / 811048 / 833817 / 515185 / 440056 / 75129 / 318632 / 871321 / 378906 / 315778 / 63128 / 492415
Region Južne i Istočne Srbije / 1318963 / 641935 / 521977 / 119958 / 677028 / 647841 / 378886 / 313164 / 65722 / 268955 / 671122 / 263049 / 208813 / 54236 / 408073
Region Kosovo i Metohija / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / … / …
Type of settlement
Urban / 3641362 / 1849385 / 1485743 / 363641 / 1791978 / 1724561 / 1000739 / 803726 / 197013 / 723822 / 1916802 / 848646 / 682017 / 166628 / 1068156
Other / 2447260 / 1276125 / 1098795 / 177331 / 1171134 / 1211361 / 767838 / 669165 / 98673 / 443524 / 1235898 / 508288 / 429630 / 78658 / 727611
Age groups
15–24 / 796530 / 217431 / 126705 / 90727 / 579099 / 408972 / 139703 / 85684 / 54019 / 269269 / 387558 / 77729 / 41021 / 36707 / 309829
25–34 / 955053 / 747927 / 564348 / 183579 / 207126 / 486993 / 415780 / 314366 / 101414 / 71213 / 468060 / 332147 / 249982 / 82165 / 135913
35–44 / 975363 / 821419 / 703428 / 117991 / 153944 / 491110 / 448296 / 393921 / 54375 / 42814 / 484253 / 373123 / 309507 / 63616 / 111130
45–54 / 971426 / 752922 / 649864 / 103058 / 218504 / 476433 / 397298 / 343896 / 53401 / 79135 / 494993 / 355624 / 305967 / 49657 / 139369
55–64 / 1105513 / 465436 / 420197 / 45239 / 640077 / 529449 / 289886 / 257622 / 32264 / 239563 / 576064 / 175550 / 162575 / 12975 / 400514
65+ / 1284737 / 120375 / 119997 / * / 1164362 / 542965 / 77614 / 77402 / * / 465351 / 741772 / 42761 / 42595 / * / 699011
No education / 146154 / (16008) / 11961 / * / 130146 / 32324 / * / (4481) / * / 24933 / 113829 / (8617) / (7480) / * / 105212
Low / 1759598 / 552611 / 478024 / 74587 / 1206987 / 727869 / 311978 / 273467 / 38511 / 415890 / 1031730 / 240633 / 204556 / 36076 / 791097
Medium / 3123355 / 1811349 / 1464154 / 347195 / 1312006 / 1683820 / 1111143 / 905779 / 205364 / 572677 / 1439535 / 700206 / 558376 / 141830 / 739329
High / 1059515 / 745541 / 630399 / 115142 / 313974 / 491909 / 338064 / 289164 / 48900 / 153845 / 567606 / 407478 / 341236 / 66242 / 160128

Without data on Kosovo and Metohija.

- No occurrence

* Too imprecise estimate to be published

( ) Less precise estimate - use with caution

Structure of population aged 15 and over, by status and age groups, IV quarter 2014

– Republic of Serbia –

2. Rates of activity, employment, unemployment and inactivity, by age classes, sex and type of settlement, 2014

Total / Sex / Type of settlement
male / female / urban / other
I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014 / I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014 / I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014 / I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014 / I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014
Population aged 15+
Activity rate / 51.0 / 52.4 / 52.3 / 51.3 / 60.0 / 60.8 / 60.5 / 60.2 / 42.6 / 44.6 / 44.6 / 43.0 / 50.4 / 51.6 / 51.1 / 50.8 / 51.9 / 53.7 / 54.1 / 52.1
Employment rate / 40.2 / 41.5 / 42.8 / 42.4 / 47.7 / 48.7 / 50.1 / 50.2 / 33.2 / 34.8 / 36.0 / 35.3 / 39.0 / 39.9 / 40.6 / 40.8 / 41.8 / 43.9 / 46.1 / 44.9
Unemployment rate / 21.3 / 20.9 / 18.1 / 17.3 / 20.6 / 20.0 / 17.3 / 16.7 / 22.2 / 22.0 / 19.2 / 18.1 / 22.6 / 22.7 / 20.5 / 19.7 / 19.4 / 18.3 / 14.8 / 13.9
Inactivity rate / 49.0 / 47.6 / 47.7 / 48.7 / 40.0 / 39.2 / 39.5 / 39.8 / 57.4 / 55.4 / 55.4 / 57.0 / 49.6 / 48.4 / 48.9 / 49.2 / 48.1 / 46.3 / 45.9 / 47.9
Young population (15–24)
Activity rate / 27.5 / 28.9 / 29.2 / 27.3 / 33.6 / 35.6 / 36.3 / 34.2 / 21.1 / 21.8 / 21.8 / 20.1 / 22.7 / 24.1 / 24.5 / 24.0 / 35.4 / 36.1 / 35.8 / 32.0
Employment rate / 13.2 / 13.5 / 17.0 / 15.9 / 16.3 / 16.8 / 21.8 / 21.0 / 9.9 / 10.0 / 11.9 / 10.6 / 9.9 / 9.8 / 12.8 / 12.6 / 18.4 / 19.0 / 22.9 / 20.5
Unemployment rate / 52.1 / 53.4 / 41.9 / 41.7 / 51.4 / 52.9 / 40.1 / 38.7 / 53.3 / 54.1 / 45.1 / 47.2 / 56.2 / 59.5 / 47.9 / 47.4 / 47.9 / 47.4 / 36.2 / 35.8
Inactivity rate / 72.5 / 71.1 / 70.8 / 72.7 / 66.4 / 64.4 / 63.7 / 65.8 / 78.9 / 78.2 / 78.2 / 79.9 / 77.3 / 75.9 / 75.5 / 76.0 / 64.6 / 63.9 / 64.2 / 68.0
Working age population (15–64)
Activity rate / 62.3 / 63.9 / 63.6 / 62.6 / 70.7 / 71.6 / 71.1 / 70.7 / 53.9 / 56.2 / 56.2 / 54.5 / 62.0 / 63.4 / 62.9 / 62.6 / 62.7 / 64.5 / 64.8 / 62.5
Employment rate / 48.6 / 50.0 / 51.6 / 51.3 / 55.6 / 56.7 / 58.3 / 58.3 / 41.6 / 43.5 / 45.1 / 44.3 / 47.9 / 48.9 / 49.8 / 50.2 / 49.7 / 51.8 / 54.4 / 53.1
Unemployment rate / 22.0 / 21.7 / 18.8 / 18.0 / 21.3 / 20.8 / 18.0 / 17.5 / 22.9 / 22.7 / 19.9 / 18.7 / 22.7 / 22.9 / 20.7 / 19.9 / 20.8 / 19.7 / 16.0 / 15.1
Inactivity rate / 37.7 / 36.1 / 36.4 / 37.4 / 29.3 / 28.4 / 28.9 / 29.3 / 46.1 / 43.8 / 43.8 / 45.5 / 38.0 / 36.6 / 37.1 / 37.4 / 37.3 / 35.5 / 35.2 / 37.5

Rates of activity, employment, unemployment and inactivity for the population aged 15 and over, by sex, IV quarter 2014

- Republic of Serbia -

3. Rates of activity, employment, unemployment and inactivity, by age groups and regions, 2014

Republic of Serbia
Beogradski region / Region Vojvodine / Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije / Region Južne i Istočne Srbije / Region Kosovo i Metohija
I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014 / I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014 / I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014 / I quarter 2014 / II quarter 2014 / III quarter 2014 / IV quarter 2014
Population aged 15+
Activity rate / 51.4 / 52.3 / 51.8 / 52.0 / 50.1 / 52.1 / 51.3 / 51.7 / 53.3 / 54.7 / 55.3 / 52.4 / 48.8 / 50.0 / 50.0 / 48.7 / …
Employment rate / 41.9 / 42.5 / 42.7 / 43.6 / 39.1 / 40.4 / 41.9 / 41.8 / 42.1 / 44.3 / 46.3 / 44.3 / 37.0 / 38.0 / 39.6 / 39.6 / ...
Unemployment rate / 18.6 / 18.7 / 17.6 / 16.2 / 21.8 / 22.4 / 18.4 / 19.2 / 21.1 / 19.1 / 16.4 / 15.5 / 24.1 / 24.0 / 20.9 / 18.7 / ...
Inactivity rate / 48.6 / 47.7 / 48.2 / 48.0 / 49.9 / 47.9 / 48.7 / 48.3 / 46.7 / 45.3 / 44.7 / 47.6 / 51.2 / 50.0 / 50.0 / 51.3 / ...
Young population (15–24)
Activity rate / 20.2 / 23.4 / 24.6 / 23.1 / 31.6 / 31.7 / 33.1 / 31.9 / 28.5 / 29.7 / 29.0 / 25.7 / 28.4 / 29.8 / 29.3 / 27.9 / …
Employment rate / 11.3 / 9.2 / 12.5 / 12.2 / 16.1 / 16.4 / 21.3 / 19.5 / 13.0 / 15.2 / 17.7 / 16.0 / 11.5 / 11.8 / 15.2 / 15.0 / …
Unemployment rate / 43.9 / 60.6 / 49.4 / 47.2 / 48.9 / 48.3 / 35.7 / 39.0 / 54.4 / 48.9 / 39.2 / 37.6 / 59.3 / 60.4 / 48.0 / 46.1 / ...
Inactivity rate / 79.8 / 76.6 / 75.4 / 76.9 / 68.4 / 68.3 / 66.9 / 68.1 / 71.5 / 70.3 / 71.0 / 74.3 / 71.6 / 70.2 / 70.7 / 72.1 / ...
Working age population (15–64)
Activity rate / 63.2 / 64.4 / 64.0 / 64.2 / 61.3 / 63.5 / 62.9 / 63.3 / 63.8 / 65.4 / 65.4 / 62.2 / 60.5 / 61.7 / 61.7 / 60.2 / ...
Employment rate / 51.4 / 52.2 / 52.7 / 53.7 / 47.7 / 49.0 / 51.1 / 50.9 / 49.6 / 52.1 / 53.9 / 51.9 / 45.2 / 46.1 / 48.2 / 48.3 / …
Unemployment rate / 18.7 / 18.9 / 17.7 / 16.4 / 22.2 / 22.8 / 18.7 / 19.6 / 22.3 / 20.3 / 17.6 / 16.5 / 25.2 / 25.3 / 22.0 / 19.7 / …
Inactivity rate / 36.8 / 35.6 / 36.0 / 35.8 / 38.7 / 36.5 / 37.1 / 36.7 / 36.2 / 34.6 / 34.6 / 37.8 / 39.5 / 38.3 / 38.3 / 39.8 / ...

Without data on Kosovo and Metohija.

4. Employed by age groups, education, sex, region and type of settlement, IV quarter 2014

Total / Sex / Serbia – North / Serbia – South / Type of settlement
male / female / Beogradski region / Region Vojvodine / Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije / Region Južne i Istočne Srbije / Region Kosovo i Metohija / urban / other
Employed – total / 2584538 / 1472891 / 1111648 / 623981 / 682747 / 755833 / 521977 / … / 1485743 / 1098795
Age groups
15–24 / 126705 / 85684 / 41021 / 21175 / 42293 / 36938 / 26298 / … / 58782 / 67922
25-34 / 564348 / 314366 / 249982 / 160584 / 152241 / 148477 / 103046 / … / 354956 / 209392
35–44 / 703428 / 393921 / 309507 / 186600 / 189749 / 187753 / 139326 / … / 442267 / 261160
45–54 / 649864 / 343896 / 305967 / 151612 / 180547 / 184577 / 133128 / … / 390916 / 258947
55–64 / 420197 / 257622 / 162575 / 94629 / 99823 / 138533 / 87211 / … / 219786 / 200411
65+ / 119997 / 77402 / 42595 / (9381) / (18094) / 59555 / 32967 / … / 19035 / 100962
No education / 11961 / (4481) / (7480) / * / * / (7368) / * / … / * / (10821)
Low / 478024 / 273467 / 204556 / 36964 / 107665 / 210697 / 122697 / … / 103912 / 374112
Medium / 1464154 / 905779 / 558376 / 341401 / 413984 / 407559 / 301210 / … / 846682 / 617473
High / 630399 / 289164 / 341236 / 245319 / 158389 / 130209 / 96482 / … / 534010 / 96389

Without data on Kosovo and Metohija.

- No occurrence

* Too imprecise estimate to be published

( ) Less precise estimate - use with caution

5. Employed by employment status, ownership, working hours, sex, region and type of settlement, IV quarter 2014

Total / Sex / Serbia – North / Serbia – South / Type of settlement
male / female / Beogradski region / Region Vojvodine / Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije / Region Južne i Istočne Srbije / Region Kosovo i Metohija / urban / other
Employed – total / 2584538 / 1472891 / 1111648 / 623981 / 682747 / 755833 / 521977 / … / 1485743 / 1098795
Employment status
Employees / 1768792 / 948302 / 820490 / 520998 / 491413 / 412925 / 343456 / … / 1228499 / 540293
Self-employed with employees / 96367 / 70111 / 26256 / 27432 / 26998 / 22733 / 19203 / … / 69235 / 27132
Self-employed without employees / 492302 / 382545 / 109757 / 67469 / 127272 / 189801 / 107760 / … / 165835 / 326467
Unpaid family workers / 227078 / 71933 / 155145 / (8082) / 37063 / 130375 / 51558 / … / 22175 / 204903
Private ownership – registered / 1429499 / 837721 / 591778 / 328798 / 420738 / 427371 / 252592 / … / 820968 / 608532
Private ownership – unregistered / 343908 / 221599 / 122309 / (34194) / 73874 / 136471 / 99369 / … / 84467 / 259441
State ownership / 751225 / 378078 / 373147 / 241028 / 171912 / 176915 / 161370 / … / 542102 / 209123
Other types of ownership / 59906 / 35492 / 24414 / (19961) / (16223) / (15076) / (8646) / … / 38207 / 21699
Working hours
Full-time / 2234598 / 1282711 / 951887 / 566483 / 581025 / 644635 / 442455 / … / 1349517 / 885081
Less than full-time / 349940 / 190179 / 159761 / 57497 / 101722 / 111198 / 79522 / … / 136226 / 213714