26 - 28 July, 2016doc.: 15-16/0551r00
Minutes-of 802.15.4v EUBat the Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA in July 2016
IEEE 802.15.4v
Regional Sub-GHz Bands, EUBDate: 26 - 28 July, 2016
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Kunal Shah,
Vice Chair / Silver Spring Networks / Redwood City, CA / 650-839-4528 /
Jay Holcomb / Itron, Inc. / Liberty Lake, WA / 509-891-3281 /
Officer presiding:
Phil Beecher,
Chair / Wi-SUN Alliance / Brighton, UK / +44 7765 400948 /
Minutes of the IEEE 802.15.4v EUBInterim meeting in Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA
These are the Minutes of the IEEE 15-4v EUBInterim meeting atManchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA
Tuesday, 26 July, 2016, PM2
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 16:10.
- 10attendees
- Reviewed the opening/closing report, 15-16/0512r00.
- The scope of this amendment is to add new frequency ranges in select countries that regulations have changes and to clean up others.
- The current agenda is document 15-16/0447r00:
- Meeting goals,
- Patents and meeting guidelines,
- And called for essential patents, nothing heard.
- The following motion was made:
Motion: To approve the 802.15.4v EUB agenda for the July 2016 meeting, 15-16/0447r00.
- Moved by: Kunal Shah
- SecondAmarjeet Kumar
- Discussion: None
- Motion passes by unanimous consent
- The following motion was made:
Motion: To approve the 802.15.4v EUB/RSGB minutes for the May 2016 meeting, 15-16/0406r00.
- Moved by: Bob Heile.
- Second Amarjeet Kumar
- Discussion: None
- Motion passes by unanimous consent
- A draft of the amendment was sent out 10 days back to get initial comments.
- The proposal for this session was to walk through the draft, IEEE P802.15.4v/D0 and update for the next revision.
- First point was the lead-in summary from the PAR needs to be updated.
- Then realized did not have the source file from what was sent out. So will turn on track changes on the copy being updated so if the original source file is found all can be merged.
- We stepped through the draft and made several updates, and added clarity.
- One question is how to identify a new table that will be in the middle of the text in the standard.
- The chair will ask the format expert on the EC.
- One thought is to add an ‘a’ to the table number.
- Then a discussion on how to keep up with changes from the multitude of different regulators and we settled to add a reference section at the end of the standard that lists all the regulatory bodies for future reference.
- Did discussed about adding more detail, but with many changing that would be difficult to keep the standard up to date.
- Discussed the common FSK channel numbering scheme.
- For example, in the 902-928MHz band will number the channels across the entire band, then for countries allowing only part of the spectrum the channel numbers will be just the channels allowed, that is not necessarily starting at #1.
- Also discussed specifically about FSK operating mode #3, 150 kbps, from 400 kHz to 200 kHz increments. This will allow for more channels if needed.
- For those that want to stay at 400kHz, steps, then can mask out every other channel.
- There were a couple of points of clarity with the O-QPSK that could have been made, though decided to leave the draft as is, and see what comments we get.
- Table 20-7 turned out very nice and clear and this format will be taken to the 15.4u Indiaamendment for use there also.
- Also cleaned up table 20-7.
- Need to review the LECIM and TVWS PHYs as mentioned in the PAR, and will get what we can this week. Goal is to go for letter ballot at the end of the week and what doesn’t get done can be done with comments.
- The Chair recessed the meeting at 17:35 until Wednesday AM1.
Wednesday, 27 July, 2016, AM1
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 08:03
- 8attendees.
- The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- Yesterday we were able to go through the draft and with the comments gathered, the editors need some time to integrate them into the next draft revision.
- With that, we will give the editors time for this update.
- The Chair recessed the meeting at 08:06 until Wednesday PM2.
Wednesday, 27 July, 2016, PM2
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 16:06 local.
- The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- Kunal Shah goes through the changed text as part of the draft specification.
- Chair asks the group to review the draft for any further comments.
- Chair asks the group to go through the ballot motions.
- The following motion was made, for a Letter Ballot:
Move that TG4v formally request that the 802.15 WG start a WG Letter Ballot requesting approval to forward document P802.15.4v-D1 to Sponsor Ballot
Moved by: Kunal Shah
Seconded by: Amarjeet Kumar
Hearing no objections, motions passes by unanimous consent.
- The following motion was made, for a BRC:
Move that Task Group Tg4v requests 802.15 WG approve the formation of a Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) for the Sponsor ballot recirculation of the P802.15.4v-D1 with the following membership: Phil Beecher (Chair), Kunal Shah, Amarjeet Kumar, Chris Calvert, Clint Powell, Jay Holcomb and Gary Stuebing. The 802.15.4v BRC is authorized to approve comment resolutions and to approve the start of recirculation ballots of the revised draft on behalf of the 802.15 WG. Comment resolution on recirculation ballots between sessions will be conducted via reflector email and via teleconferences announced to the reflector as per the LMSC 802 WG P&P
Moved by: Amarjeet Kumar
Seconded by: Kunal Shah
Hearing no objections, motions passes by unanimous consent.
- Editors will update the draft to make editorial changes and will upload the draft to the 802.15 private area for review.
- The Chair recessed the meeting until Thursday PM2.
Thursday, 28 May, 2016, PM2
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 16:02.
- 8 attendees.
- The Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- The 15.4v email reflector is up and running now with only 2 people. This is the reflector that will be used moving forward for 15.4v correspondence and if you want to be included please register on it.
- Question wasasked is a co-existence document needed? The answer is no, and the CSD does state that no co-existence document is needed.
- The current draft going to ballot is P802.15.4v-D1 and it is uploaded. A PDF will be made per the process.
- The motions for the WG are ready for the WG closing tonight, they were reviewed.
- The BRC time has been set for 10am PDT Mondays, but will only be used if needed, e.g. if a recirculation can be done prior to the September Interim meeting.
- See the overall TG schedule in 15-16/0512r01.
- Question was asked what is the timing expectation for the latest CEPT 70-03 approval? The answer is in September so will hold the re-circulation for that. This is what has been planned for.
- Chair asked if there was any other business?
- Hearing no other business Chair asks is there any objections to adjourning?
- Hearing none, we are adjourned at 16:13 local Thursday 28 July, 2016.
- The next IEEE 802.15.4v face-to-face meeting will be the interim 13-15 September 2016 at the Marriott Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
15_TG4v minutes May 2016page 1 of 5