September 15, 2011
Re:Do NOT Pass Obama's "Jobs Bill"
DO Pass this REAL Jobs Bill
Dear Congressman or Senator:
We watched in utter disbelief as Obama unfolded his so-called jobs bill and managed to do it with a straight face. Anyone who can do that is a sociopath. Do not pass that bill! The anticipated $300,000 Million spending bill, which within hours had been sugarcoatedwith another $150,000 Million in candy for the States, will not rescue the tumbling economy nor will it remedy the continuing increase in unemployment, which, government number crunching notwithstanding, actually stands at 22.8%, the highest since 1933. Nor will it pay for itself.
Do not pass that bill! Tax credits to employers for hiring long-term unemployed will not induce businesses to hire anyone unless they have work for those new employees. Spending thousands in training, benefits and salaries or wages will certainly exceed any $4,000 tax credit, generating a loss, not an incentive.
Do not pass that bill! Offering up tax credits totaling $8,000 Million to employers while at the same time extending $50,000 Million in "benefits" (incentives) to the unemployed to remain unemployed does not weigh in favor of creating jobs nor does it weigh in favor of the unemployed accepting them.
Do not pass that bill! Although cuts in payroll taxes may have the benefit of accelerating the inevitable collapse of your Social Security and Medicare Ponzi schemes, now is not the time to have that happen unless you want to go ahead and deliver the economy a coup de grace, putting it out of its misery. Facing that reality must come, but not now, while the American economy is struggling to survive. Payroll tax cuts may reduce the disincentive to hiring that comes from taxing employment, but a reduction in disincentive is not an incentive any more than a reduction in increased spending is a cut. Employers hire employees to work, and payroll tax cuts will not create any work for Americans.
Do not pass that bill! Going deeper in debt to provide crumbs for the States has nothing to do with creating jobs, but is merely a payoff for States to urge their delegations to pass this faux "jobs" bill solely to obtain some short-term relief from their fiscal woes.
Do not pass that bill! It will not pay for itself, and will only increase our already bloated government debt, taxing still more generations to pay for your failures and poor judgment. Your DOE has done an excellent job in dumbing down America, but even the dumbest among us are not so stupid that we believe a reduction in increased spending is a spending cut. An increase in spending, whether more or less, is not an offsetting cut.
The pitiful state of our economy has not resulted from a lack of government action, but rather due entirely to government interference with free enterprise. You have placed an array of tourniquets on the natural flow of commerce, placing barriers and obstacles to competitive capitalist dynamics of supply and demand, rescuing the uneconomic and impractical at the expense of injury or demise of the otherwise viable and plausible.
The continued loss of jobs, again, has not resulted from a lack of government action, but rather from the continued dilution of our scrip-based monetary system, which has sucked 97.5% of the buying power out of the American Dollar's pretender, the Federal Reserve Note. Helicopter Bernanke's dumping of still another $16 Million Million of water into the soup with the Fed's under the table handouts in the form of zero interest "loans" with no repayment provisions (translation: dividends to partners) has only exacerbated America's economic anemia.
People, not government, drive the economy. We, not you, fuel free and open enterprise and, when allowed to function freely, that system has proven itself time after time. America's so-called "dollars" (FRN's) are shrinking (real dollars do not shrink and will still buy as much as they did twenty, fifty or one hundred years ago). Consequently, although people are spending the same amount of "money", that "money" buys less and less as the Fed continues to dilute it with your multi-trillion dollar "bailouts" and "stimulation" simulations.
When people buy less those who produce must make less, a pure and simple scenario for reductions in force. When that happens people lose their jobs they have even less to spend, further reducing goods and services being purchased and, therefore, further reducing goods and services being produced, thus, still further lay-offs. We are in an economic death spiral, and the only way to recover from it is to remove those tourniquets and barriers and to cease the continued weakening of our "currency's" ability to pay for more goods and more services.
With the $19 "Trillion" you and the Fed have gifted tax exempt GE and your other friends and partners you could have given every man, woman and child $60,000, at least in FRN's. As it is, however, every man, woman, child and children yet to be born in the foreseeable future will be burdened with the repayment of that money, with interest to your master, the Fed, of course.
So, don't just sit there while we continue to spiral down to impact. We've already lost 97.5% of our altitude, so there is no time to waste. Act now to pass this REAL jobs bill:
First, suspend the collection and withholding of personal income tax. This singular action would only cost 1/20th of what you have already put us in debt to repay your gifts to partners and friends and, unlike Obama's so-called jobs bill, it would pay for itself in increased revenues in your 80-something other federal taxes.
Although our FRN's would still be watered down allowing those dollars to stay in the homes that earned them would not further dilute our currency's buying power. And people would have more of them to spend, INCREASING what they can buy. That increase translates immediately into an increase in demand for more, not less, goods and services and an increase in jobs to meet that demand.
The elimination of income tax withholding will eliminate the 30-40% penalty for employing Americans. Americans work for what they bring home. The rest of their pay, withholding, is a penalty tacked onto that for having hired an American. Stop penalizing employment and employment will rise. Stop rewarding unemployment and unemployment will decline. This isn't rocket science, boys and girls.
There can be no fraud, no pretenders in line for handouts, because not one penny could possibly go to anyone other than those who earned it, the earners—owners—of that money in the first place.
Second, repeal the minimum wage, allowing supply and demand to fix the price of labor. Doing so would cost absolutely nothing and would allow both employers and employees a free hand ("free" as in "freedom" . . . can you remember freedom?) in fixing pay rates. Without the withholding penalty for hiring Americans, employees can go to work for much less, yet receive as much as or even more than before, increasing incentive to hire them without reducing what they take home on payday.
Third, remove the tourniquets you've placed on our economy by abolishing the Department of Labor and all related agencies, such as the NLRB, OSHA, EEOC, etc., for which you have absolutely no Constitutional authority in the first place. You constantly expect us to trust your judgment, so show some trust in ours. Collective bargaining is grown up, now, and doesn't need your nurturing, and liability risk is more than sufficient to provide business with an incentive to provide a safe work place. Allow people from all ethnic backgrounds to compete on an even playing field, because so long as each of us is measured by separate standards none of us will ever enjoy social equality or be allowed by true competition to rise to enjoy the best life our personal ability and industry permit.
Pass this REAL jobs bill! You need no candy to sweeten the deal for the States because by stopping the weekly and monthly skimming of 20-25% of every State's GDP out of their economies that capital would remain and continue to circulate, nourishing and stimulating them. State coffers would receive an instantaneous boost, easing their current budgetary strain as well as eliminating the necessity for having to beg hijacked money back from you, always with more tourniquets attached.
Pass this REAL jobs bill! Americans better able to pay their house notes, the foreclosure crisis will be ameliorated, and although that would not necessarily serve your buddies' interests, it would serve your country's interests, and, after all, that is why you went to DC . . .isn't it? Isn't it?!
Pass this REAL jobs bill! Free enterprise, meaning set enterprise free, the way it was meant to be conducted and by We, the People, not you, the kibitzers, busybodies and obstructers. Get out of the way and let us do what we do best and allow free enterprise and capitalism to serve us as it has so well over the last two hundred thirty years.
Pass this REAL jobs bill! This jobs bill WILL pay for itself. Not in reductions in increased spending, but in real, hard, cold 2.5-cent FRN's. President Kennedy and President Reagan both proved that every dollar in income tax reductions is offset by even greater revenues from your scores of other taxes hidden in the price of virtually everything we purchase.
Those increased revenues, together with the savings from abolition of the tourniquet gang alone and the reduction of "grants" to States would repay the revenues lost from suspending the personal income tax and then some.
Pass this REAL jobs bill! Stop the death spiral caused by this and past administrations' poor judgment and inaction, together with your intrusions and interference. Save our economy by turning loose of it and freeing We the People and our free enterprise system to work and we and free enterprise will put America back to work.
Truth Attack is an organization of concerned citizens and patriotic organizations dedicated to putting the federal government back in its Constitutional box . . . one tentacle at a time. We number over 8,000, live in all fifty States and every Congressional district and have assembled a coalition of like-minded organizations with a combined membership of over 150,000, and we are growing every day.
We are watching and we are expecting you to put your Demublican, Republicrat and Federal Reserve allegiances aside long enough to remember your oath to support the Constitution and laws of the United States and to represent the will of those who elected you. Maybe that isn't why you sought that office, but that IS why we put you in it. Do your duty . . . your REAL one, just this once.
Reject Obama's pseudo jobs bill. Pass this REAL jobs bill. Put America back to work and get out of our way.
Conditionally yours,
Tom Cryer, Founder and Director