Chairman …………………………….

Horam Parish Council

The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings


TN21 0EH

07900 576236


Minutes of the Horam Parish Council Planning Committee

Meeting held on Monday 7th March 2016 at 7.30 pm in The Horam Centre

Janet Fairweather

Janet Fairweather – Clerk

In Attendance: Cllr Michael Cousins (Chair), Cllr Graham Knight, Cllr Andrew Lee, Cllr Virginia Roberts, Cllr Jonathan Webb

Recording, including filming, audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.

Public Session – The applicant of the application WD/2015/2786/F (below) attended the meeting and spoke of the proposal to demolish a dilapidated barn and replace with a new dwelling. He considered that the new dwelling would fit in well with the rest of the Tubwell development. Access would be unaffected by the proposal. The footprint of the proposed dwelling would be less than the existing barn with parking provision for several vehicles. The house was of a basic design, timber framed, and to be rendered to fit in with the neighbouring properties. Drainage concerns would be met by the inclusion of a large soakaway and the provision of water storage facilities. He thanked the members for the opportunity of speaking to the committee and said that he would stay and observe the rest of the meeting.


P/393/03/16. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were recived from District Cllr Susan Stedman and accepted by those present.

1.  DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – To receive any disclosure by members of personal interests in matters on the Agenda, the nature of the interest and whether the member regards the interest as personal or pecuniary under the terms of the Code of Members Conduct.

2.  MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15th February 2016 (previously distributed) were confirmed and signed as a true record.


WD/2015/2786/F TUBWELL BARN, TUBWELL LANE, MAYNARDS GREEN, HORAM, TN21 0BY. To demolish a B8 Class Agricultural barn in poor condition and replace with a new dwelling. Application unanimously recommended for approval. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:

·  The property is within the High Weald ANOB.

·  The proposal appears to be covered by WDC ‘s Saved Policies.

·  There were some concerns that the proposed dwelling was close to the boundary, but accepted that it was within the original footprint.

·  It was noted that following the demolition of the barn there would be a decrease in the size of the footprint of the building from 250 m2 to 144 m2.

·  Comments made in the Ecological report were noted, and it was considered that appropriate landscaping and gardening could offer more opportunities for local habitat.

·  It was felt that the proposed dwelling would provide a family home on a site, currently consisting of two dilapidated agricultural barns.

WD/2016/0330/F HORAM INN, HIGH STREET, HORAM TN21 0EL. External alterations in connection to the proposed ground floor extension to existing convenience store. Application recommended for approval by three votes in favour and two against. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:

·  HPC considered that the boundary to the north side of the property was incorrectly shown on the plan, as there is a public right of way between the Horam Inn and the neighbouring Whatley’s Garage.

·  There were concerns regarding the bulk and massing of the proposed ground floor extension. Should WDC be minded to approve the application HPC would be grateful if consideration could be given to ensuring that the allocated parking for the proposed flats (WD/2015/1214/F) is not impinged upon as a result of the size of the new extension.

·  HPC felt that the height of the proposed wood fence panels to the rear of the property may have a detrimental impact on the flats.

WD/2016/0153/F 16 PAYNSBRIDGE ROAD, HORAM, TN21 0HQ. Removal of existing double glazed conservatory and erection of new single storey flat roof extension and lowering of kerb stones to allow access to a new drive formed on existing front garden. Application unanimously recommended for approval. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:

·  It was considered that the proposed single storey dwelling would provide a more family friendly environment.

·  It was noted that ESCC Highways had not commented on the proposed new access drive.

WD/2015/2080/FR MAY GARLAND INN, HAILSHAM ROAD, HORAM TN21 0LJ. Retrospective application for variation to part implemented approval WD/2011/2660/F by way of retention of function room and reconfiguration of rooms 5-7 inclusive, together with new entrance lobby, canopy and screen (all in north block fronting Chiddingly Road), timber barrier and retrospective emergency gates. Application recommended for approval by three votes in favour and two against. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision.

·  Should WDC be minded to approve the application HPC would appreciate that the 5 bar gate at the north/east corner is conditioned to remain as an emergency gate, that remains shut and securely locked with a pedestrian pass gate fitted with an emergency mechanism from the site side, wired up to an internal emergency alarm system.

·  There are concerns that the timber barrier encroaches onto land owned by ESCC Highways and HPC would be grateful if this issue could be clarified (WD/2015/2080/FR).

WD/2016/0282/F CALSIDE HOUSE,6 LITTLE LONDON ROAD, HORAM, TN21 0BN. Extension to side and rear extending both the sub-basement and ground floor of existing to create new living room with balcony at ground floor level and kitchen dining room in sub-basement. Application unanimously recommended for approval. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:

·  HPC considered that the proposed extension would improve the living accommodation of the existing dwelling.

·  There appeared to be no neighbour concerns.

·  The proposals were considered to be compliant with WDC’s saved policies and in keeping with the neighbouring properties.


·  WD/2015/2780/F 13 KINGSTON VILLAS, CHIDDINGLY ROAD, HORAM, TN21 0JL. UPVC conservatory to rear elevation: noted

·  WD/2015/2655/F HORAM PARK GOLF CLUB, CHIDDINGLY ROAD, HORAM, TN21 0JJ. Landfill to redevelop existing driving range with provision of perimeter netting attached to 7m high poles:noted


·  WD/2015/2876/F DORCHESTER HOUSE, LITTLE LONDON ROAD, HORAM, TN21 0BJ. Proposed double storey rear extension, first floor side extension, single storey extension, loft conversion, and erection of a 3 standing garage: noted


·  WD/2015/2356/LDE LAKESIDE CAFÉ, HORAM MANOR FARM, HORAM, TN21 0JB. Barn used as café: noted




10.  INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas)

·  TM/2016/0036/TPO 25% crown reduction and remove lateral boughs on one oak tree within Tree Preservation Order (Horam) No 33, 1981 – Wingsfold, Stream Bridge, Horam TN21 0HA

·  Planning Application WD/2016/0492/MAO to be dealt with at an extra-ordinary meeting – 22nd March to be suggested to Rydon Homes.

11.  DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday March 29th 2016, 7.30pm in The Horam Centre

EXTRA-ORDINARY MEETING – Tuesday 22nd March, 7pm in the Horam Centre

There being no further business Cllr Cousins thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.