Minutes of the Hitterdal City Council
September 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM
Present: Mayor - Gayle Holte
Council Members: Dave Nelson, Jeff Schultz, Loren Teske & Val Johnson
Employees: Jen Ames
Others: Troy Jepson
Mayor Holte called meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Delinquents – same as usual. 24 hour notices will go out today.
Troy Jepson would like to purchase a lot in the North Addition to build mini storage units. He brought specs and would like to put 40x80 buildings on the lot like the ones in Ulen. They will run north and south. Would like to work with the City to do snow removal. He would like to purchase the far northeast lot for $10,000.
Jen will check with David Drown to see if lot can be commercial since it’s in the TIF district. If okay, Jen will proceed with sale of lot by contacting Charles Ramstad.
Dave motions to approve an increase in the amount of the authorized interfund loan from the general fund to TIF district, 2nd by Loren.
Carried 4 – 1 (Jeff)
There are 2 CD’s to renew – Jeff motions to renew both CD’s with SBLP, 2nd by Gayle.
Carried 4 – 1 (Dave)
Marco quote for leasing new copy/scan/fax machine along with all maintenance and toner supplies. They will also service HP on Jen’s desk.
Loren motions to accept lease agreement with Marco, 2nd by Val
Carried 5 – 0
Dave motions to accept the minutes of the August 12, 2013 meeting, 2nd by Jeff.
Carried 5 – 0
Committee Reports:
Finance & Grants:
-Levy last year was $60,000.
Dave motions to set preliminary levy at $50,000, 2nd by Val.
Carried 4 – 1 (Jeff)
-Jen will call Lori and see if we can get a delinquent list from her.
Public Works & Safety:
-Storm sewer by Val and Jeff’s is backing up. Between Jeff and Steve’s is bad. Jetting between them needs to be done.
-Seal coating of the streets should be done this week.
-Cardboard at the recycle center needs to be flattened – Jen will put reminder in newsletter.
-Talk to Tim Magnussen about condemning homes – they are a safety hazard.
-MN Revenue will be here this week to do a Solid Waste Tax audit.
Liquor Store:
- Sales are up.
-Employees are good.
-Wino’s will start next week.
-Lions gave raises to pull tab worker.
Community Center/Gym:
- Roof is done.
-Kent Schultz got a key for their meetings.
-Gayle will deliver letter to school about being in default tomorrow. Jeff also talked with a board member. Dave talked with Gary and hasn’t heard any more.
Jeff motions to pay the bills as presented, 2nd by Loren.
Carried 5 - 0
Dave motions to adjourn at 8:45, 2nd by Loren.
Carried 5 – 0
Gayle Holte - Mayor Jen Ames - Clerk/Treasurer