October 20, 2008
The Haven Town Board met at the Haven Town Hall on Monday, October 20, 2008. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Eric Meyer. Members present: Eric Meyer, Jeff Schlingmann, Mark Knowles, Kathi Sims-Kosloski, Randy Linn, Mike Zniewski, David Meyers and Tammy Schefers.
Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made a motion to approve the agenda. Supervisor Mark Knowles seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Supervisor Mark Knowles made a motion to approve the minutes Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski seconded the motion. The motion carried.
There were eight building permits.
The Deputy Sheriff gave the Board the 2007 Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Annual Report. Chairman Eric Meyer asked the Deputy if a Supervisor could do a ride along with a Sheriff on duty. The Deputy Sheriff will check into this question and report back to the Board next month.
Mike Zniewski $ 635.00
Mike Zniewski $ 105.90
Tammy Schefers $ 395.00
Jeff Schlingmann $ 58.38
Jeff Schlingmann $ 880.00
David Meyers $ 450.00
William Meyers $ 120.00
Penny Weihrauch $ 106.47
Penny Weihrauch $ 690.00
Curt Thering $ 15.00
Curt Thering $ 30.00
Jane Korte $ 75.00
U.S. Postal Service $ 378.00
B & G Excavating $ 464.50
B & G Excavating $ 11,064.00
Rinke Noonan Attorneys at Law $ 601.00
PERA $ 167.38
Bogart, Pederson & Associates Inc. $ 3,015.00
Citescape Wireless Internet $ 29.99
Jeff Rhodes $ 9,127.00
Cloudnet $ 36.30
Frontier $ 116.90
Connexus Energy $ 128.22
Xcel Energy $ 50.21
Election Systems & Software $ 173.25
Knife River / MDU Resources $ 89,782.62
The Board members discussed the bill from Knife River/MDU Resources. Then Supervisor Mark Knowles made a motion to pay the outstanding bills including the Knife River/MDU Resources bill after Jon Bogart approves it (Still pending from last month). Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Vesterra, LLC – No new updates.
No Mow Ditch Policy – Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski is still working on the “No Mow”.
54th Street Bridge - The Board talked about having the bridge open for the neighbors as a walk / bike / snowmobile & 4 wheeler bridge. They also discussed having the Eagle Scouts for community work project paint the Bridge. Supervisor Mark Knowles and Supervisor Randy Linn will work on this issue and get back to the Board next month with more suggestions.
Elk River Estates 10th Street Reconstruction – Chairman Eric Meyer, Supervisor Mark Knowles and Jon Bogart will look at this Street. After discussion at the September Meeting, Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made a motion to move further on this project and get bids. Supervisor Mark Knowles seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Fire Petition - Supervisor Mark Knowles talked about the Fire petition. Gary Kiffmeyer has a petition signed by approximately 60 households on the SE side of St. Cloud to form a 1st responder coverage area in SE Haven Township for the purpose of contracting with Clear Lake Fire Department. Supervisor Mark Knowles met with the Clear Lake Fire Department and the cost was pretty high. It costs approximately $175.00 to run the 1st responder truck out on each call. The fire chief will do more figuring. Supervisor Mark Knowles will keep in contact with the Clear Lake Fire Chief and report back next month on this issue.
MD Mechanical Inc. (Michael Brum) - Application for IUP – Home Business in Accessory Building – (Plumbing & Heating Contracting). The Board talked about the Brum’s and the current Application they have. After discussion on this issue the Board decided that they would ask Felix Schmeising, Lynn Waytashek and the Brum’s to attend the November meeting for a public hearing to discuss more on this issue.
APO – Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann talked about how the APO is in the process of updating the 2035 Plan. APO also purchased an office building. The Board talked about having a third representative present at the meetings. After discussion on this issue Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made a motion to appoint Supervisor Randy Linn as the third representative for the APO meetings. Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meetings are the 4th Thursday of every month and they do not meet in June, July, November or December.
Zoning –Western Products IUP was approved at the County Level.
Airport Update – The Blackhawks will not be here until later in 2009. Some Chinooks could be here in early 2009. The Airport Board will be meeting with the Guard next month regarding flight options.
Roads – 54th Street is complete except for the striping and this will be considered for the spring. 32nd Street will be graded and have recycled tar put on it. 52nd Street and 50th Avenue are completed. There is a little bit of crack sealing left to be done on some roads and that will be completed in the spring. Alvin Ayers did widen his farm field approach on 45th Avenue. The ditches will be mowed by the end of October. There is some gravel patching needed for pot holes on the service road off of Hwy 10. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Street)
Snow Fence Agreement – The Board discussed a Snow Fence Agreement to be signed by property owners on 35th Avenue, 36th Avenue and 45th Avenue. After discussion on this issue Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made a motion to approve the Snow Fence Agreement. Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann also made a motion to pay the property owner up to $100.00 to sign the agreement and get permission to put the fencing up in the designated area. Supervisor Randy Linn seconded the motion. The motion carried. Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski will talk with Alvin Ayers – 36th Avenue. Supervisor Mark Knowles will talk with Cyrilla Valley – 35th Avenue. Chairman Eric Meyer will talk with the property owner about 45th Avenue.
Fire & Emergency Service Cost Recovery Ordinance – After discussion on this issue Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann made a motion to approve this ordinance and authorized a summary to be published in the newspaper. Supervisor Mark Knowles seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Dick Martinson – Questioned if you can have storage on a residential property. The Board directed him to call the County Zoning Office.
61st Avenue street sign is missing in Elk River Estates.
NorthStar Corridor – None
Supervisor Mark Knowles will follow-up on how much exhaust fans will be for the bathrooms and insulation in the attic for the Town Hall.
Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann talked about a volunteer senior student at SCSU who wants to do a water study research project on mining in the water table. He will contact her and keep the Board posted on what she researches. He also stated that there will be a Public Input Meeting on Saturday October 25, 2008 at the St. Cloud Civic Center on Making St. Cloud a Vibrant River City.
Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski reported on her meetings she attended. She also reported on the Reflectivity of Signs on Township Roads. She will not be able to attend the Haven Township November Regular Monthly Meeting.
The Board also talked about the Green Acre changes for the 2009 Assessment. There is a packet on this at the Town Hall if anyone would like to read it.
Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski made a motion to approve the County 2008 Township Road Certification of Haven Township having 28.01 Miles for 2009. Supervisor Jeff Schlingmann seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The Board discussed Insurance and the evaluation of the Township Building. Clerk Mike Zniewski will have someone from MATT come to evaluate the Haven Township Property and Building.
Sherburne County Planning & Zoning:
- Notice of Public Hearings
Sherburne County Auditor/Treasurer
- Preliminary 2008 Tax Value (for proposed 2009 Tax Notices)
It was moved by Supervisor Mark Knowles, seconded by Supervisor Kathi Sims-Kosloski to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m.