Beer Parish Council
The Parish Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 4 April 2017 after the Annual Parish Meeting at the Mariners’ Hall. Copies of minutes and reports are available on request.
Present: Cllr. D Clinch Cllr. F Gage Cllr. M Green Cllr. L Harrison
Cllr. G Hirons Cllr. U Makepeace Cllr. G Pook Cllr. M Richards
Cllr. L Vine Cllr. M Westlake
In attendance: A Dallaway (Clerk); J Knight (DCC); two members of the public; one member of the press
1. Apologies accepted by the Council: Cllr. M Graham
2. Declarations of Interest: There were none declared.
3. Items to be dealt with after the public, including the press have been excluded: Council agreed that there were none.
4. Public participation: There were two members of public in attendance who wished to observe the meeting.
5. Police report: The annual police report was presented at the Annual Parish Meeting by PCSO McGauley. There were 28 recorded crimes in Beer in 2016/17 compared to 30 recorded crimes in 2015/16.
6. Approval of minutes: The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 7 March 2017 were approved and signed as a true record. Action points from the meeting:
7/03/2017/7 The Clerk has written to DCC Highways regarding proposals for revised road signage to ensure that as far as possible, heavy traffic is directed away from the village centre. No feedback has been received as yet.
7/03/2017/7 The bench has now been purchased for Ash Hill play area. Cllr Richards will organise the installation of the bench. ACTION: CLLR RICHARDS
7/3/2017/15 The Clerk has written to Cllr Knight with a formal request for a new traffic order for Beer. This matter will be addressed following the DCC elections in May.
7. Reports – Chairman, Clerk
Chairman’s Report:
· The Chairman reported that he had attended the retirement party for local Coastguard, Paul Driver.
Clerk’s Report:
· The end of year accounts will be presented at the Annual Meeting on 2 May. The external audit is in hand and the internal audit has been organised for 20 April 2017, to be carried out by Hilary Cozens.
· Correspondence has been received from the RNLI Visitor Manager, expressing concern regarding the parking difficulties now experienced by the kiosk volunteers. The Clerk will reply with the suggestion that the RNLI negotiate a parking permit with EDDC for one of the village car parks.
· EDDC has issued a fixed penalty notice to a local resident of Beer, for dog fouling in Pig’s Path. EDDC has also sent letters to local residents in the vicinity of Pig’s Path, encouraging responsible dog ownership and asking for information regarding any incidents of dog fouling.
8. Financial report:
i) The Council approved the bank reconciliation to the end of March 2017
ii) Cheques required:
001767 £79.61 Annie Dallaway (reimb stat/post/resources)
001768 £100 Tower Services Ltd (fuel)
001769 £150 Beer Horticultural Society (donation)
001770 £311.98 DALC (annual subscription)
001771 £846.72 HMRC (PAYE/NI)
001772 £38 R&H Signs (footpath signs)
Additional cheque requested for 001773 £199 for Martin Richards (to reimburse purchase of bench for Ash Hill play area)
The Council resolved to approve the cheques listed above and the additional cheque. RESOLVED
9. Risk assessments – to receive an update
The Clerk will re-circulate the risk assessment template for Councillors to carry out a risk assessment for their nominated asset. A draft Health & Safety policy has been produced but may need revision following the anticipated transfer of assets from EDDC.
10. Parish Council surgery – to receive report
A Parish Council surgery took place on 11 March – the only issue raised was dog fouling. The next Parish Council surgery is scheduled for 15 April 2017.
11. Environment Report – to receive an update and discuss community engagement initiatives
Cllr Westlake provided a report including the following items:
· There is a dead tree on the Jubilee which needs to be removed. Cllr Pook will alert EDDC and also chase the outstanding maintenance jobs.
· The current review of risk assessments will include activities undertaken by the volunteer group. The Parish Council Road Warden will always be present to oversee any work undertaken near the highway.
12. BBC Radio 4 ‘Any Questions’ – to consider application to host programme in Beer
The Parish Council expressed support for the proposal to submit an application to host BBC Radio 4 ‘Any Questions’ in Beer. Cllr Makepeace will establish an independent committee to make the application and any ensuing arrangements.
13. Devon Air Ambulance Night Flight – to consider designated emergency landing area for Beer
A local resident has raised this matter and the Parish Council expressed support for the idea in principle. The Parish Council will await further information regarding the procedure involved.
14. EDDC asset transfer – to receive an update
The Asset Transfer Plan for Beer has been submitted to EDDC and is awaiting final approval. Cllr Pook and Cllr Green will be meeting with EDDC officers on 25 April to provide additional information as necessary and to clarify arrangements for the transfer process.
15. Beer Coastal Community Team – to receive an update:
A review of village signage has been carried out by Steering Group members, in response to the findings of the Beer Tourism Survey. A new sign has been installed at Charlie’s Yard.
Cllr Pook is due to attend the Great British Coast National Conference in Hull on 21 April.
16. Neighbourhood Plan – to receive an update and reports from the Steering Group
The Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Habitats Regulations Assessment (for the Short Furlong development site) have now been commissioned. Once these assessments have been carried out and the final draft confirmed the Neighbourhood Plan will go to statutory consultees prior to submission to EDDC for inspection. Ultimately, a public referendum will be necessary to adopt the Plan.
17. Planning: Minutes from the Planning Committee meetings held on 7 and 21 March 2017 are available on the website.
The Council resolved to accept the recommendations of the Planning Committee. RESOLVED
18. Reports of EDDC and DCC Cllrs including matters for attention
Cllr Pook, EDDC raised the following items:
· There are faulty lights on the Jubilee and in the Central car park – Cllr Pook will inform EDDC.
· Refuse collections in Higher Meadows are causing a problem as the refuse truck blocks the road while the two operatives empty the bins. The Parish Council Workman has been helping out. Cllr Pook will look into this. ACTION: CLLR POOK
Cllr Knight, DCC raised the following items:
· Devon County Council elections are due to take place 4 May 2017. Cllr Knight will be standing as an independent candidate.
· Cllr Knight thanked the residents of Beer for allowing him to represent them over the last 8 years.
· The Parish Council thanked Cllr Knight for his services as County Councillor over the years and for engaging so well with local residents and the Parish Council. Cllr Green paid particular tribute to Cllr Knight’s proactive approach regarding highway matters in the parish.
· Loose paving stones have been reported outside Bay View in Fore Street and outside Jean Bartlett’s in Fore Street. ACTION: CLERK to report.
19. Reports of Parish Council representatives on other bodies:
· Cllr Makepeace reported that South West Britain in Bloom has nominated Beer as a ‘Champion’.
· Cllr Green reported that he had repainted the silhouette figures in Barline, indicating the presence of footpaths.
20. Correspondence/Literature: As on Appendix A.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
Date of next Parish Council meetings:
Parish Council Annual Meeting Tuesday 2 May 2017
Date: ………………………………….. Chairman: ………………………….