Cllrs / John Salt (Chair) / Krissie Myler
Barney Bartley / Rose Price
Tom Bateman / Graham Proctor
Peter Bulmer / Keith Scargill
Nigel Haslock
An apology for absence was received from Cllr David Vickers.
Declarations of non-pecuniary interest were reported by John Salt (association ref allotment colony Boughton Heath), and Nigel Haslock (as a governor of Oldfield Primary School).
PCSO Karen Dennis and Sgt John Tinn attended the meeting and updated councillors on the February performance report. PCSO Dennis reported several thefts from unlocked motor vehicles and also from sheds, and that proactive units were patrolling the area, primarily during the evenings and at weekends. Victims of crime had received Smartwater kits to identify their possessions and shed alarms has been allocated to those in high risk areas. Several sets of cycle lights and general safety advice had been given out to young people – all of these initiatives had been funded through a partnership of the parish council and the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire.
Graffiti was becoming a problem with several sites targeted in the parish including the Vaughans Lane play area.
The Chairman asked that the Inspector for the Chester area take account of the forthcoming boundary changes affecting Great Boughton and the PCSO’s area of work.
Trevor Jones spoke on behalf of the Centurion Action Group and asked why the parish council had not yet posted its comments onto the CW&C planning portal with reference to the application for a care home, despite the closing date having passed.
The clerk reported that she was waiting for a final form of words from a member of the Planning & Events subgroup, but it seemed that he did not have the clerk’s correct email address and so she had not been copied in. It was agreed that the draft response be emailed to all councillors for their observations before it was submitted to CW&C later that week. It was understood that the application may not be heard by CW&C’s planning committee until late May.
Mark Hodgkinson spoke on behalf of many local residents who wished to object to the proposal for an 81 bed care home at 87/89 Heath Lane. They had expressed concerns about the suitability of the location, the whole scale of the proposed development and the extra strain on traffic, parking and drainage. Also of concern was that the CW&C website kept crashing which might put people off trying to post their comments.
Cllr Hall promised to log a complaint on that issue and urged local residents to write individual responses instead of signing a petition.
It was agreed to hold a meeting of the Planning & Events sub group as soon as possible, to which representatives of the local residents were welcome to attend.
Mr King reported that although work had been carried out to pavements in the Norley Drive, Marbury Rd and Richmond Crescent area, he did not feel that a satisfactory job had been done. Cllr Hall promised to raise this issue with CW&C Council, and also to request information about a rumour that the Council were planning to remove the barrier on Bachelors Lane and open the road to through traffic.
Brian Turner explained that he had, on behalf of the Communications sub group, investigated several alternative ways of hosting the parish council’s website, and had come to the conclusion that the best way forward was to stay with Cosocius. At present, the service was free, although a charge may be made in the future, and the current format could be adapted to mirror Christleton’s, which was more appropriate. The new website would be fully compliant and would meet the parish council’s legal obligations. It would contain a gallery of photographs, maps and guides, details of local clubs and societies and links to them, as well as a Contact Us page which would provide a secure link to the parish clerk. It was intended to leaflet residents of the parish to let them all know.
The Chairman thanked Brian for his work on the project and looked forward to the launch of the new look website.
The clerk highlighted aspects of the Centre Manager’s report, previously circulated, on activities and bookings at the Vicars Cross Community Centre. There was a steady rise in bookings for children’s parties and an after school club was due to start after Easter. There were also several sessions booked in by Age Uk.
RESOLVED: that the following minutes be signed as correct records:
Parish Council meeting held on 16th February 2015
Planning & Events, Finance and Square One group meetings held on 11th March 2015
Communications group meeting held on 13th March 2015
Cllr Bulmer reported that a meeting had been held on 25th February to progress issues relating
to Queens Road Community Park. A long-term improvement plan was envisaged including the
setting up of a volunteer group, and the clerk had requested quotations for several options for
the circular path around the field as well as additional signage. Cllr Price was supportive of the
volunteer base which she felt would give local people a sense of ownership.
138. ALLOTMENT RENTS FOR 2015/2016
The clerk reported that, finally, the transfer documents had been received from Land Registry relating to both allotment colonies. The Planning & Events sub group had proposed small increases for allotment rents for 2015/2016 suggesting that a half plot cost £27.57 and a full plot £55.14. Anyone in receipt of a reduced concession at the point the parish council took over responsibility – 1st April 2013 – would be entitled to continue to receive this benefit for the foreseeable future.
RESOLVED: that the proposed rents for 2015/16 be agreed
The clerk reported the timetable for the forthcoming parish council elections, with nominations closing at 4pm on Thursday 9th April. Those wishing to stand were invited to take home a nomination pack to be returned to CW&C or via the clerk for checking.
Councillors discussed the suggestion put forward of postponing the Annual Assembly meeting until after the May elections but it was agreed that as the date had been set in January, it stay at 20th April and to precede the usual monthly parish council meeting.
Cllr Haslock felt that recent Annual Assembly meetings had been poorly attended and that future councillors might consider a better organised event such as that put on by Huntington Parish Council.
The Chairman had recommended that a new high speed printer and i-pad be purchased for the clerk’s use. The latter would enable her to be contacted via email en route to parish council meetings or working at VXCC for example.
Cllr Salt also recommended the purchase of Apple TV for use at the VXCC.
RESOLVED: that approval be given to the purchases
The following attendance at meetings was reported:
Clerk:18/2 – mtg KS ref allotments; 23/2 – mtg Centre Manager VXCC; 24/2 – mtg KS ref allotments; 25/2 – mtg VXCC re Queens Rd Community Pk; 3/3 – mtg Countrywide ref contract; 6/3 – mtg with KS & CW&C re new signage; 11/3 – sub group mtgs at VX URC; 13/3 – Comms sub group mtg at CVNCC;
KS:18/2 – mtg clerk ref allotments; 6/3 – mtg with clerk & CW&C re new signage;11/3 – sub-group mtgs; 13/3 – Comms sub-group mtg at CVNCC; 19/3 – notice board review with BT;
KM: 11/3 – Healthy Living event VXCC; 11/3 – VXCC sub-group mtg VX URC
TB: 11/3 – sub-group mtgs VX URC NH: 11/3 - sub-group mtgs VX URC
JS: 11/3 - sub-group mtgs VX URC; 13/3 – Comms sub-group mtg CVNCC
AP: 11/3 - sub-group mtgs VX URC PB: 11/3 - sub-group mtgs VX URC
GP: 11/3 – VXCC sub-group mtg VX URC JT: 13/3 – Comms sub-group mtg CVNCC
BF: 11/3 – VXCC sub-group mtg VX URC
BT: 13/3 – Comms sub-group mtg CVNCC; 19/3 – notice board review with KS
142a Balances
Nat West Bank / 42752.61National Savings / 49799.32
Josh’s Project / 14541.99
Parish Plan / 1295.01
142b The following income had been received:
Lettings income VXCC / 1382.36142c The following accounts had been received and were due for payment:
Countrywide / Hedge cutting Caldy Valley Centre / 144.00Dee Valley Water / Initial bill VXCC / 25.01
Countrywide / Hedge VXCC / 1008.00
Jolliffe & Co / Fees relating to Sport England Grant (searches) / 541.63
Morral Play / Play inspections / 204.00
Peter Powell / Gatelocking / 48.00
Cheshire Community Council / Subscription / 100.00
Jane Fortune / Gatelocking / 54.00
Sarah Tyson / Gatelocking / 63.00
HMRC / Tax & NI due to 5th April 2015 / 953.69
Carol Clark / Salary & mileage / 1169.80
Caroline Lloyd / Salary & mileage / 822.89
Information Commissioner / Renewal of data protection registration / 35.00
Nigel Haslock / Travel expenses 2014 / 104.00
Signs by J Carswell / Sign Thackeray Drive / 384.00
Countrywide / Tree planting Thackeray Drive / 153.60
Devaprint / Leaflets – Parish Plan / 255.00
C Ankers / Internal improvements at VXCC / 919.00
CW&C Council / Cleaning VXCC February and March 15 / 751.51
Mid Cheshire Footpath Society / Subscription / 8.00
Jolliffes / Legal paperwork relating to allotments transfers / 363.00
142d The following accounts had been paid via business debit card:
999 Inks / Printer Inks VXCC Manager / 13.99BuyCatering / Mugs & teaspoons (VXCC) / 207.30
Land Registry / Copy title deeds and map / 9.00
CW&C Council - decision that the parish council had not been successful in their application for funding from the Enabling Community Empowerment FundLocal Council Bulletin February
Request to provide analysis of New Homes Bonus payment 2013/14
Elections briefings and updates ref process to be followed
Details of proposed temporary closure of Green Lane & Vicars Cross Road
Letter regarding Local Plan – Part 2 – land allocations and detailed policies – response required
Costings for the new and improved roadside signage in the parish - £1511
A41 50mph speed reduction - a signing scheme has been prepared for checking before it is passed to CW&C’s contractor. Once the contractor has received the signs and posts from the supplier, arrangements will be made for the traffic order to be brought into operation to coincide with the signs being erected
Invitations to Local Council Excellence Awards 2015
Nomination packs for May elections and information for clerks
Email from local resident regarding loss of small open space Adder Hill/Robinsons Croft
Several emails from Vicars Cross residents regarding the Centurion planning application
Letter from The Pensions Regulator regarding legal changes to employer provided pensions
Thank you card from Maureen Scargill for the GBIB voucher which she had now spent.
Pierre Bartlett – title documents and overage agreement relating to VXCC
H Mayer – request for replacement road name plates for Tudor way & Delves Walk
Information on new Plant Monitoring Scheme – suggested article for newsletter
ChALC – 2015 training programme
March newsletter
Local Council Review
Opportunity to purchase copies of Good Councillors’ Guide (4th edition)
BT - Details of green energy community project
Huntington PC – request to join forces re ‘pink poo’ campaign
Brian Turner – report of Healthy Living Day
Report of attendance at ICO meeting
Details of SLA for cleaning at VXCC 2016.16
Mr & Mrs Evans – request that fixed term post of Manager at VXCC be extended to two years
Sport England – confirmation of additional 10,000 grant to add to 50,000 already agreed for Thackeray Drive
VXCC Manager – March report
Appreciative comments from VX local residents ref the new planters
Quotes relating to Queens Road
New mounting for barrier quote VXCC - £125
Joliffes – land registry documents relating to two allotment colonies
144a Applications received:15/00137 – 13 Boughton Hall Drive – single storey rear extensions including re-roofing of car port, utility and front porch
15/00740 – 116 Queens Rd – existing single storey rear extension
15/00934 – 15 Becketts Lane – single storey and rear replacement extension
15/00887 – 2 Hartford Mews – brick infill of garage doors and installation of window
15/01001 – Premier Inn CV Road – new windows
15/00096 – 21 Maytree Ave – demolition of existing single storey rear extension and a replacement single storey rear extension on same footprint
RESOLVED: that no objections be made providing that neighbours and all other interested parties have been included in the consultation process.
15/000625 – 65 Belgrave Rd – single storey rear and 2-storey extension
RESOLVED: that objections be raised on the basis that the application is over-intensive and out of character with neighbouring houses
15/00967 – 87 Heath Lane - 81 Room Care Home with associated access, parking and landscape.
Councillors discussed the proposal taking into accounts comments made earlier in Open Forum. It was agreed that objections be raised on the basis of suitability of location, access, parking concerns, over-intensive use and reduction in visual amenity for some residents. The forthcoming P&E sub-group meeting would develop a response based on these concerns when they met next during the next week or so.
144b Approval notices received:
14/04434 – 10 Boughton Hall Drive – proposed front porch and rear veranda
15/00060 – 72 Queens Rd – 2-storey side and rear extension
15/00223 – 15 Richmond Crescent – erection of single storey side and rear extension and two-storey rear extension and loft conversion with dormer
145a / Councillors asked for clarification that the Vicars Cross Community Centre was definitely not being used for polling this year. The clerk advised that despite objections from the governors of Oldfield Primary School, the Returning Officer had made the decision to continue to use the school for election purposes for the foreseeable future.
145b / The Chairman reported that nominations had been sent into CW&C Council under four categories in the brand new Local Council Awards, and that the parish council would be sending along several representatives to the Awards Evening at Eaton Hall on 25th March.
145c / Mr King thanked CW&C ward councillors for the planters which had been put in place in several locations throughout the parish, which he felt were a real improvement.
RESOLVED: that no objections be made to these applications provided neighbours and all other interested parties had been included in the consultation process
The next meeting is to be held on Monday 20th April 2015Vicars Cross Community Centre, Thackeray Drive, Vicars Cross at 8pm, preceded by the Annual Assembly meeting at 7.15pm.