Present -:
Cllrs. B Blackford (Chairman), B Clark (BC), Mrs A Thomas (AT), R Vodnik (RV), Mrs D Dumpleton (DD), I Inskip (IS), D Crawley (DC) & S Robinson (SR)
Mrs K Rees (Clerk) & 8 Members of the Public
14/205 / Apologies:Cllr. E Seward-Adams, Cllr. Mrs L Gorman & PCSO Murray
14/206 / Recordable/Non-Recordable Interests & Dispenations:
14/207 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: The minutes of the Meeting held on 12th November 2014, as circulated, were approved & signed.
14/208 / Public Participation:
It was commented that the centre of the village would benefit from a more varied display of Christmas lights. It was discussed that a working party could be set up to fundraise for next year’s display.
14/209 / Police Report:
No report. However, local residents are reminded that there has been a spate of burglaries in Newquay recently and they must remain vigilant.
14/210 / Urgent Matters:
14/211 / Planning:
· PA14/10372 (Trevella Caravan Park) – No objections
Decisions: None.
There is no news regarding the Pre-Application for a housing development on land off Winstowe Terrace.
The development at 43 Carneton Close will be approved but there will be a condition tying the development to the house and stating that it can be used for domestic purposes only.
14/212 / Cornwall Councillor Report:
No report. The Clerk read out a Christmas Card from Cllr. Gorman which thanked Councillors for their support over the last year and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
14/213 / North Coast Cluster/Community Network Report:
(a) North Coast Cluster Report: BB attended the recent meeting. Topics discussed included (a) Several Parish/Town Councils paying the wrong South West Water bills for their public toilets owing to Cornwall Council giving the wrong meter numbers to SWW. (b) The Trevenson Tip staying in its current location. However, the proposal to close the level crossing is still being place. (c) Cubert Parish having a street cleaner for which they get a grant from Cornwall Council. RESOLVED: Clerk to investigate potential grants for street cleaners.
(b) Community Network Meeting: David Edwards (Cornwall Council Bus Tsar) attended the recent meeting. He could not provide any news on whether the Parish bus service will be affected by the sale of Western Greyhound.
14/214 / Memorial Hall Report:
The recent Christmas Coffee Morning was a success and the Committee are working in conjunction with the SLCC to organise the Carol Concert on 21st December. Book sales are continuing weekly on a Wednesday and the Women’s Institute and Art Club have made bookings for the New Year. New committee members are most welcome.
14/215 / Matters Arising:
(a) Update - Neighbourhood Plan: 20% of questionnaires were returned and all data has been entered into a spreadsheet. BB gave a brief overview of the results. The questionnaire has failed to engage young people so options for websites, facebook pages, twitter etc. are being investigated which will be funded by the remaining grant. A public meeting will be organised in January. BB thanked Ben Dobson for all his hard work and it was RESOLVED to purchase him a token of thanks.
(b) To Discuss the Location of the Dog Fouling Cameras: Following discussions it was with regret that the Parish Council is unable to install the cameras as the present time. NOTED.
(c) Update – Sale of the Magazine Photocopier: It was confirmed that the copier is a Parish Asset. Following discussions it was RESOLVED to offer the copier to the Village Hall Committee.
14/216 / Other Matters:
(a) Funding for Christmas Carol Concert: Following discussions it was RESOLVED to offer £100 as a one-off enabling grant this year which should allow the concert to become self-funding in future years.
(b) Defibrillator: It has been suggested that the purchase of a defibrillator would be a good use of Parish funds. The Clerk provided some information on the different types available and a potential location was discussed. RESOLVED: Clerk to circulate information, agenda item for January.
(c) Flooding – Public Toilets: Following the recent flooding, BB will be carrying out a clean-up operation on Saturday 13th December at 10am. All help would be appreciated. NOTED.
(d) Display of Village Diary on Noticeboard: RESOLVED: Permission granted for a quarterly diary to be displayed on the Parish Noticeboard.
(e) Round Garden Christmas Lights: BB read out the correspondence from a local resident who wished to see improvements to the lights around the Round Garden. They offered a donation towards these improvements which BB thanked them for. See minute ref 14/208.
(f) Neighbourhood Watch/StreetNet: Many local residents have not returned their surveys so IS will be carrying out house to house calls. StreetNet is providing more general information rather than information particularly relevant to Crantock. The cascade system is still in operation while the remainder of the surveys are completed. NOTED.
14/217 / Highways/Footpaths Report:
(a) Weed Spraying Contract: Following Cornwall Council’s decision to cut weed spraying, the Clerk is waiting for the revised quote following the discussions at the precept meeting.
(b) Footpaths Report: No report available. Agenda item for January.
(c) Speed Cameras: Potential locations were discussed. Clerk to chase.
14/218 / Village Hall Report:
.The Committee has organised for the hedge to be cut on the lefthand roadside. The Christmas Fayre was very successful and the Committee has donated the use of the marquees to the Carol Concert. The Section 106 money has been received and the deposit paid on the play equipment. A meeting will be held next week to discuss an increase in room hire charges. NOTED.
14/219 / Finance:
Council: Lloyds - £37288.96 / Santander - £33799.87
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £2165.47 were approved for payment.
Memorial Hall: Lloyds - £654.51 / Santander - £5483.10
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £22.00 were approved for payment.
(a) Precept 2015/2016: The Finance Committee met recently to discuss the precept. This year, money for the Neighbourhood Plan must be included as well as a sum for maintenance of the playground equipment. RESOLVED: Budget for 2015/16 £48,775, precept £24,500.
(b) To Award the Parish Council Grants: No information has been received from the Magazine regarding the funds required. RESOLVED: £300 awarded to Memorial Hall, Magazine grant deferred until next month.
(c) NALC Salary Pay Awards: RESOLVED: Clerk’s salary to be increased in line with the National pay awards.
14/220 / Correspondence:
Correspondence noted included Cornwall Council (consultation on Community Ancillary Sellars’ Notices & new funding for community minibuses), Devon & Cornwall Police (acknowledgement of letter), Cornwall Blind Association (request for grant), Cornwall Council (Green Lane Scheduling – full survey is being carried out), and National Trust (Trees in the Round Garden).
It has been suggested that a Crantock Good Show Award should be introduced for those who do things out of the kindness of their heart for the benefit of the community. It was RESOLVED to award this on an adhoc basis. Alan Jones was nominated for picking up dog mess and litter daily and it was unanimously agreed to award him the first Crantock Good Show Award.
14/221 / Public Particpation:
14/222 / Business not requiring a decision at this meeting:
14/223 / Date of Next Meeting:
The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 14th January at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Crantock. The meeting closed at 20.55pm.