Shao H. Yang et al.
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Severe hepatocellular disease in mice lacking one or both protein prenyltransferases in the liver
Shao H. Yang et al.
Fig. I. Phenotypes of Fntbmice. (A) Body weight curves of male Fntb, Fntb, and Fntbmice (n = 12/genotype). (B) Body weight curves of female Fntb (n = 12), Fntb(n = 12), and Fntbmice (n = 14). Body weights in Fntbmice were lower than those of Fntbor Fntb mice (P < 0.0001 for both sexes by repeated-measures ANOVA). (C) Liver/body weight ratio of male and female Fntb and Fntbmice (n = 6 males and 6 females/genotype). Error bars indicate SEM.
Fig. II. Reduced frequency of binuclear hepatocytes in Fntb mice.(A, B) Primary hepatocytes from 3-month-old Fntb and Fntb mice, revealing fewer binuclear cells and increased numbers of cells with an enlarged nucleus in Fntb hepatocytes (black arrows). (C, D) Primary hepatocytes stained with DAPI, revealing an increased frequency of enlarged nuclei and misshapen nuclei in Fntb hepatocytes (red arrowheads). (E) Percentage of binuclear hepatocytes in 3-month-old Fntb and Fntb mice (n = 4 mice/group).Error bars indicate SEM.
Fig. III.Flow cytometry studies of primary hepatocytes from Fntb and Fntb mice. (A–C) Cell cycle acquisition analysis with FL2-W and FL2-A dot plots, revealing two populations(I and II) in Fntb hepatocytes (A, B) but only one population in Fntb hepatocytes (C). (D, E) DNA histogram of the two cell populations of Fntb hepatocytes (I and II). (F) DNA histogram of the main population of Fntb hepatocytes. The percentages of cells in G1, G2, and S phases are indicated.
Fig. IV. Phenotypes of Pggt1bmice. (A, B) Body weight curves for male (A) and female (B) Pggt1bandPggt1bmice (n = 8/genotype for males and 10/genotype for females). Body weights in Pggt1b and Pggt1bmice were not significantly different (repeated-measures ANOVA). (C) Enlarged liver and jaundice in a 3-month-old Pggt1bmouse and a littermate control mouse. (D) Liver/body weight ratio in Pggt1bandPggt1bmice (P < 0.0001; n = 6 males and 6 females mice/genotype). Error bars indicate SEM. (E) Kaplan-Meier survival plots for wild-type mice (n = 12), Fntb(n = 16),Pggt1b(n = 20), andFntbPggt1bmice (n = 8).
Fig.V. Morphological abnormalities in Pggt1bhepatocytes. (A, B) Primary hepatocytes isolated from 3-month-old Pggt1b (A) andPggt1b (B) mice, revealing that Pggt1b hepatocytes were smaller and rounder in shape (red arrows). (C, D) DAPI-stained hepatocyte nuclei, showing that nuclei of Pggt1bhepatocytes tended to be smaller. (E, F) Histochemical staining of primary hepatocytes from Pggt1bandPggt1bmice with palloidin (green), revealing loss of actin stress fibers in Pggt1b hepatocytes. (G, H) Immunohistochemical staining of primary hepatocytes for -tubulin (green), revealing an abnormal distribution of microtubules in Pggt1b hepatocytes. DNA was visualized with DAPI (blue).
Fig. VI. Body weight curves of wild-type and FntbPggt1bmice (n = 8 mice/genotype). Body weights in FntbPggt1bmice were lower than in wild-type mice (P < 0.0001 by repeated-measures ANOVA). Error bars indicate SEM.
Fig. VII. Reduced numbers of binuclear hepatocytes in FntbPggt1b mice.(A, B) Primary hepatocytes from 3-month-old wild-type and FntbPggt1b mice, revealing a reduced frequency of binuclearFntbPggt1b hepatocytes. (C, D) DAPI-stained primary hepatocytes, revealing that FntbPggt1b hepatocytes have more single enlarged nuclei and fewer cells containing two nuclei. (E) Percentage of binuclear hepatocytes in freshly isolated hepatocytes from 3-month-old wild-type and FntbPggt1b mice (n = 3 mice/group). Error bars indicate SEM.