


Purpose: Tues MDSD1 Class



  1. Functional Decomposition Exercise
  2. Discuss Findings from over the weekend.
  3. Discuss budget
  4. Meet with Dr Slack to discuss routers.
  5. Go to the Robotics lab and observe their router.


  1. Monitor
  2. 2 Single Pivot Screen($25)
  3. 1 Single Mount $50-60
  4. Better than flat mount
  5. Can wait to order this
  6. Extra PCBs
  7. Single side $3-5
  8. Double side $5-15
  9. Cheap due to RadioShack going out of business
  10. Buy 10-12 soon
  11. Limit Switches
  12. Prefer contact switch
  13. Currently have breadboard grid
  14. Can put display on box of what switch went off
  15. Switch out all limit switches due to poor quality
  16. Wires can easily pull out
  17. Homemade
  18. Vacuum System
  19. Found new 210 CFM $150 smaller vacuum
  20. Vacuum pump attached to building not likely feasible
  21. Liquid coolant
  22. Possible, not exactly water
  23. No damage to board
  24. Extends drill bit life, calms airborne debris
  25. Need to contain coolant splash
  26. Not likely compatible to vacuum table
  27. Shop vac likely dry only
  28. High pressure air coolant?
  29. Low specific heat compared to water
  30. Hard to contain around electronics
  31. Fine mist? Collects debris more than coolant
  32. PCB sizes
  33. No standard sizes
  34. 18x24 most common
  35. These are often cut into smaller boards
  36. Feature in Eagle that gives std sizes based on project box sizes
  37. Budget
  38. Only $500
  39. Currently coming up with budgeted needs
  40. Likely have an A and B plan
  41. Yev emailed CAST System Admin to get equipment permissions set up
  42. Dr Slack
  43. Has no interest and has never routed PCBs
  44. Gave a list of students who may be interested
  45. Told to check out Robotics Lab
  46. Robotics Lab
  47. Router non functional
  48. What was on whiteboard last week is posted on edge

Action Items

Action Item / Date Added / Assigned To / Date Due / Status
Route Boards / 2/17/2015 / Group / 2/22/2015 / Open
Student Interviews / 2/12/2015 / Group / 2//2015 / Open
Team Pic / 2/12/2015 / Group / 2/7/2015 / Open
Bit Use Spreadsheet / 2/12/2015 / Emily / 2/20/2015 / Open
Monitor/Camera Integration / 2/12/2015 / Joe / Open / Open
Budget / 2/12/2015 / Nate/Tom / 02/20/2015 / Open
CAST Interest / 2/12/2015 / Joe / Open / Open
Base PCB Template Layout / 2/12/2015 / Joe / Open / Open
Wiring Schematics/Wire Cleanup / 2/12/2015 / Tom,Nate / Open / Open
5S and Label Machine / 2/12/2015 / Emily / Open / Open
Limit Switch Research / 2/12/2015 / Tom / Open / Open
Vac Table Substrate Research / 2/12/2015 / Yev / Open / Open
Update PC and Mach 3 / 2/12/2015 / Group / Open / Open
PCB Pinholes / 2/12/2015 / Vince / Open / Open
Contact RIT Saftey / 2/12/2015 / Emily / 2/20/2015 / Open