Minutes of the Faculty Senate Plenary
December 18, 2008
Shepard Hall 250
The CityCollege
Present: Provost Z. Dagan, VP. Butler, VP. Lloyd, VP. Metz, VP Santos
Deans: J. Barba, P. Gillespie, D. Lemons, J. Mercado, G. Ranalli, B. Silverstein, P. Occhiogrosso;
I. Rinard, Ombudsman; Faculty: M.T. Chang, W. Crain, J. Gallagher, J. Gersten, S. Goyert, D. Greenberger,
M. Gutman, J. Hamilton, B. Hanning, L. Hoffman, C. Huang, R. Kalia, E. Keller, G. Kranc, R. Laurich,
M. Lutz, D. McLurkin, S. Pittson, S. Rings, D. Sank, S. Simms, K. Thompson, C. Watkins,
D. Weissman, J. Wilner.
Excused: Birman, R. Raj
Student Representatives: A. Shraibman
Guests: L. Callahan, M. Rogovin
The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.
1. The minutes of the November 20, 2008 meeting were approved.
2. Report of the Ombudsman—Professor Rinard
So far, there have been no formal complaints, just a few questions.
Professor Rinard stated that he needs to publicize who he is and what he does.
He met with the undergraduate ombudsperson to discuss how they can work together.
3. Report from the Chair—Professor Crain
Professor Crain presided over the meeting because Professor Raj had a family emergency and was in India.
The Executive Committee met recently
Spring 2009 enrollment at senior colleges is up 14%
Discussed the possible impact of budget cuts on CCNY. The Governor’s proposed budget includes a $600/yr. tuition increase. Twenty percent of the tuition money will come back to CUNY, an increase over the past.
Professor Crain also called attention to two CUNY-wide items:
Discussed the new graduate program in public health
SUNY and CUNY Research Foundations will now be required to contribute 10% from federal research.
4. Report from Provost—Professor Dagan
Searches to fill open positions for next fall will be conservative; will focus on filling necessary positions.
CCNY now has 575 faculty members—the largest number of faculty in quite some time.
CCNY is not ready to absorb the enrollment numbers of Hunter and Baruch.
5. Report from the Campus-wide Resources Committee--Professor Gallagher
Need to increase membership
Professor Wilner nominated Professor Gordon Thompson
6. New Business
Professor Greenberger expressed concern about card access between the ScienceBuilding and NAC.
Vice President Santos stated that the old card reader broke down and five new readers have been installed in various campus buildings
There was some discussion of the need to better communicate changes to faculty members.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherri Rings