August8, 2016@ 6:00 p.m.
The Regular Meeting of the Central Cass School Board was held Monday, August 8, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Room A. The meeting was called to order by President Jack Haines with all members present. Others in attendance at the meeting were Nikki Wixo, Chris Bastian, Angela Kolden, Megan Conroy, Cassie Bastian, Steve Link, and Lowell Gunderson.
The Board received a communication from the Elden Theurer family.
Brent Everson moved to accept the agenda as presented. Mike Lee seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Mike Lee moved to approve the consent agenda for the following: July 11th special meeting and annual meeting minutes, July 14th special meeting, financial statement, list of bills (attached), food service report, student activity report, incidental fund report, and replenish the incidental fund by $446.50. Brent Everson seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Chad Priewemoved to accept the following 2016-2017 school board committees: Buildings & Grounds and Transportation-Brent Everson and Chad Priewe; Finance-Mike Lee, Jack Haines and Ann Ueland; Negotiations-Mike Lee, Jack Haines, and Brandy Sprunk;Policy & Procedure-Ann Ueland and Stefanie Meyer; Evaluation-Stefanie Meyer and Brandy Sprunk; Technology- Mike Lee; School Improvement-Brandy Sprunk; F of FA-Jack Haines; ALT, CCCTECSEEC REA-Ann Ueland; FFA-Brandy Sprunk; Dollars for Scholars-Jack Haines; Booster Club-Chad PrieweBrent Everson; PTA-Stefanie Meyer. Brandy Sprunk seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Ann Ueland moved to approve a proposed purchase agreement to Martin’s Lutheran Church, as presented. Mike Lee seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Stefanie Meyer completed her Oath of Office.
Chad Priewe moved to approve the 2016-2017 Consolidated Application for Title I and Title IIA, as presented. Brandy Sprunk seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Brent Everson moved to approve the 2016-2017 LEA Annual Compliance Report. Chad Priewe seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Brent Everson moved to approve an open enrollment application for a 2016-2017 12th grade student of the Wanner family who has moved into the West Fargo School District. Mike Lee seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Brent Everson moved to approve a zero tuition agreement for a 2016-201710thd grade student of the Anderson family from the West Fargo School District. Ann Ueland seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Ann Ueland moved to accept the MOU with the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, as presented. Chad Priewe seconded. Assuming a roll call vote, all members voted “Yes”. Motion carried.
Superintendent Forness reported on the following: HVAC update, master planning update, back to school mailing, Lowell Gunderson request to address the board, Ian Saum request, and staffing update.
Academic Dean Wixo reported on the following: MS and HS enrollment, 16-17 bell schedule, and MS and HS class schedules.
Elementary Principal Bastian reported on the following: enrollment, new curriculum and strategies, back to school night and registration, classroom layout, new hires, music and phy ed schedules.
The following reported on their committees:
Finance – Mike Lee
CCCTEC – Ann Ueland
The September regular meeting will be Monday, September 12th, at 7:00 a.m. in Conf. Room A.
Chad Priewe moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m.
President Business Manager