PCM 17th June 2015





Present: Councillors: Mrs Barnshaw,Barnshaw, Mrs Cooke, Cooke, Cosker,

Edwards, Gallagher, Mrs Garner,Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Mason,


Clerk: Mrs Smith,


  1. Before the official business of the Council started, Councillor Gallagher, asked the Council to consider the following;
Code of Conduct, Section 3b
  1. Gifts and Hospitality
(b) Do not accept significant gifts or hospitality from persons seeking to acquire, develop or do business with the Council or from persons who may apply to the Council for any permission, licence or other significant advantage.
Code of Conduct, Section 6b

6. Decision-making and Predetermination

(b)However, do not place yourself under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence you in the performance of your official duties.
Standing Orders, Paragraph 1F
Subject to standing order 1(e) above, each member of the public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
Standing Orders, Paragraph 1H
In accordance with standing order 1(g) above, the Chairman may direct that a response to a question posed by a member of the public be referred to a Councillor for a oral response or to an employee for a written or oral response.
Standing Orders, Paragragh 11
Rescission of previous resolutions
(a) A resolution (whether affirmative or negative) of the Council shall not be reversed within 6 months except either by a special motion, the written notice whereof bears the names of at least two councillors of the Council, or by a motion moved in pursuance of the report or recommendation of a committee.
(b) When a special motion or any other motion moved pursuant to standing order 11(a) above has been disposed of, no similar motion may be moved within a further 6 months.
  1. 1. Apologies for absence.(Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
  2. None.
  1. 2. Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
3. ‘In Camera’ item.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Cooke thatin view of the special /confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
All agreed. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Cooke and seconded by Cllr Cosker that they offer the band a one year lease, as follows:
In view of the fact that the relationship between Mr and Mrs Oates and Waddington Parish Council has completely broken down we would suggest that an intermediary be appointed to represent the Foss Dyke Band in any future discussions with the Parish Council.
We are prepared to extend the lease for a one year period to see if a working relationship with the band can be established. This lease is subject to various conditions being met.
The outside of the building and the grounds are properly maintained ie. overgrown bushes/ ivy etc be removed, broken pipework / fencing repaired.
The new lease is to cover the area within the fencing only. Ie. not to include the gated entrance or parking – band members are to use the Village Hall car park.
The lease will run from 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2016. The rent will be £600 per annum and is to be paid strictly on time in two payments of £300 on the 1 September 2015 and 1 March 2016.
10 Agreed. 2 Abstentions. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Cosker that they have an impartial person as a mediator between the Parish Council and Foss Dyke Band.
4 Agreed. 8 Against. Denied.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Garner and seconded by Cllr Mrs Barnshaw that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council have a meeting with the Chairman and Treasurer of the Foss Dyke Band.
11 Agreed. 1 Against. Carried. / Action

1 Chairman:
